

A.check out B.ran away C.would rather D.a couple of E.is harmful to

F.ever since G.. took up H.without doubt I.in silence J.was responsible for

【1】He _____ football when he was 6 years old.

【2】She has lived in this house ___ she came to the village.

【3】I don’t want to go out. I ___have a quiet night in front of TV.

【4】If you go to his home tomorrow, please make a phone call to his address.

【5】Foue men sat . They were thinking over the problem.

【6】The boy from his home quickly when the earthquake happened.

【7】Police believe the same man the other traffic accident in the city.

【8】There are teachers waiting for you outside. Hurry up.

【9】Jo is one of the best swimmers in the school. He got many prizes.

【10】Dont read in the sun. It your eyes.














【1】G当他六岁时,他就开始从事足球运动。take up 开始做某事,根据when he was 6 years old故填过去式,故填G


【3】C我不想出去,我宁愿在电视前面度过一个安静的夜晚。would rather宁愿做某事。根据句意,故填C

【4】A如果你明天去他家,请打电话核查一下他的地址。check out 检验,核查。根据句意,故填A

【5】I四个男人沉默地坐着,他们在仔细思考这个问题。in silence沉默地,根据句意,故填I

【6】B当地震发生时,那个男孩很快的从他的家里跑出来。ran away逃出,跑掉。根据句意,故填B

【7】J警察认为,同一个人为城市里的另一起交通事故负责。was responsible for为……负责,故填 J

【8】D外面有几个正在等着你的老师,快点。a couple of 几个两个一对修饰可数名词复数,根据句意,故填D

【9】H毫无疑问乔是学校最好的游泳者之一他获得过许多奖励。without doubt毫无疑问,故填H

【10】E不要在太阳底下读书,它对你的眼睛有害。is harmful to ……有害处,故填E


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