Knowing yourself is beyond(超过) figuring out your favourite colour or favorite subject in school. Knowing yourself is the process(过程) of understanding yourself on deeper levels inside yourself than the surface. You do not get to know yourself simply by growing up. So how can you get to know yourself better?

First, understand your own personality is the first key. Who are you in your private moments as well as in our public ones? Understand what makes you react a certain way in different situations. Ask yourself “Why did I do that?” and answer it. You also need to know about your personal values. What is most important to you? Which values can you never compromise(妥协)? Honesty or love? Next, get to know your body, including your abilities, limits and flexibilities(适应性). Have you ever said “I can’t do this” without even trying a physical challenge? Before you close the door to wonderful possibilities, take another look. Your dreams and hopes create the pathway into your future. Start getting to know your dreams well. If you want to become a musician, ask yourself: What instrument do you want to play? What level of proficiency (精通) do you want to learn? Make your dreams part of your daily pursuits(追求). Take them seriously. Work at them. Last but not least, you should take the time to find out your likes and dislikes. It takes courage to do so. But knowing this about yourself gives you a lot of confidence about who you are.

Overall, write down the things that really matter to you. Hopefully, you’ll get a clearer idea of the type of person you are.

1.Knowing yourself is the process of ______.

A.growing up and growing old B.figuring out your favourite things

C.asking yourself serious questions D.looking deep inside yourself

2.Which question may you ask yourself when getting to know your dream?

A.Who am I behind my name? B.Why did I do that?

C.What is important to me? D.Am I always interested in arts?

3.The steps to know yourself are to know your ______.

A.personality → body →likes and dislikes → dreams

B.personality → body →dreams →likes and dislikes

C.personality → personal values → body → dreams →likes and dislikes

D.personality →personal values →dreams → body → likes and dislikes

4.The writer mainly wants to talk about_____.

A.figuring out your favourite colour or favorite subject.

B.getting to know yourself by growing up.

C.the ways to get to know yourself better.

D.writing down the things that really matter to you

The Red Cross(红十字会)is an organization(组织)that helps people who are in need. No matter how bad the situation is, it will always be there to help. But the American Red Cross may have never been formed(形成) without the love of a woman named Clara Barton.

Clara Barton was born in North Oxford on December 25,1821. When she was eleven, her elder brother was badly hurt. Clara looked after him the whole time. Through this experience, she learned something very important about herself. She found that she became active when she took care of others.

When she was older, she became a nurse in the American Civil War(国内战)and she helped save hundreds of people. After the Civil War, Clara traveled to Europe to rest. But soon she cared for soldiers again! This time, she learned about an organization called the Red Cross. It worked together with her during the wars. Clara thought the Red Cross was badly needed in America. Over several years, she asked four different presidents to bring the Red Cross to America. They all said no. Finally, one of the presidents changed his mind in 1881.He said: “I am deeply moved by her spirit!”, and in the same year, the American Red Cross was born. Since then, she had worked as a chairman in the organization until 1904.

1.What is the Red Cross?


2.When was Clara Barton born?


3.Did Clara Barton do n lot to help people after she became a nurse?


4.Why did one of the presidents change his mind?


5.How long did Clara Barton work in the American Red Cross?


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