
1. Wang Hao is a famous (著名的)sports s______.
2. The boy often has b______ at 6:30 every  morning.
3. My parents play sports every day, so they are very h______. 
4. Tomatoes aren't fruit, but a kind of v______.
5. What do you e______ for dinner?
6. Bill often has ice cream for______(甜食). 
7. You'd better make a______(清单)before you  go shopping.
8. Can you play baseball______(好)?
9. I have______(许多)of good friends.
10. His brother is a______ (跑步者).
1. star 2. breakfast 3. healthy 4. vegetable 5. eat
6. dessert 7. list 8. well 9. lots 10. runner