
Mr Smith was hanging some family pictures on the wall of his new house.While he was using a hammer (锤子)to knock nails (钉子)into the hard(26)A,some of them fell on the floor.
Mr Smith's 4-ycar-old daughter,Kate was standing nearby.She wanted to(27)C with her dad and called out to him.However,Mr Smith didn't finish his work then,so he asked her to go outside and play with her (28)C.Kate saw the nails lying on the floor.She(29)B a nail and went out.
After a while,the son rushed(30)A.He told his dad that Kate was scratching (划损)the newly bought(31)Dwith a nail.
Mr Smith ran outside and became very(32)B as soon as he saw it.He took his child's hand and(33)Ait.He didn't realize he was using the hammer that was in his(34)D.With blood (血) all over her hand,Kate was taken to a hospital and had an operation at once.
(35)Dthe operation was done,Kate lay on her bed.Sadly,she said to her father,"Dad,I felt very(36)Bthat I have scratched your car."She looked at her hand and asked,"Dad,when will(37)A hand get well?I promise that I will never do that again."
At the doctor's office,the father was told that his daughter would(38)C lose one finger.He was so hurt and speechless that he couldn't stop crying for hours.(39)C his mad action,his daughter might have one finger less.
Mr Smith went back to the car and kicked it many times.Sitting in front of the car,he(40)Bthe scratches.To his surprise,he found what his daughter had written:"LOVE YOU DAD".
29.A.put downB.picked upC.threw awayD.gave back
39.A.As forB.Instead ofC.Because ofD.According to
40.A.looked likeB.looked atC.looked afterD.looked into

分析 本文讲述了发生在Mr.Smith和他女儿之间的一个故事.Mr.Smith正忙着在墙上挂一些家庭照片,没有时间和四岁的女儿玩耍.年幼的女儿用钉子划损了他新买的汽车,他生气地打女儿的手时,却忘记了手里还拿着锤子.由于这个疯狂的举动,他的女儿可能会失去一根手指.Mr.Smith自责不已,后来他才发现车上的划痕是"爱你,爸爸".

解答 26.A【解析】结合上文中的"Mr.Smith was hanging some family pictures on the wall of his new house."可知,他要把钉子钉进坚硬的"墙"里,故wall符合题意.故选A.
27.C【解析】结合下文的关键描述so he asked her to go outside and play with her…可知,他的四岁的女儿很想和他一起玩.根据play with sb.的固定搭配可知答案为C.
28.C【解析】结合下文第三段中的"the son"可知,他要Kate出去和她的"哥哥"一起玩,故brother符合题意.故选C.
29.B【解析】put down放下;pick up捡起;throw away扔掉;give back归还.结合上下文的描述Kate saw the nails lying on the floor.和She…a nail and went out.可知,Kate应是"捡起"一个钉子出去了.故答案为B.
30.A【解析】结合上下文的描述,并根据关键句子so he asked her to go outside…和Mr Smith ran outside…可知,他的儿子从外面跑进了屋内,故in符合题意.故选A.
31.D【解析】下文中提到了"…scratched your car",由此可知答案为D.
34.D【解析】根据这句话He didn't realize he was using the hammer that was in his..应理解为一个定语从句,他没有意识到他正在用他…里的锤子,我们联系上文可知,他应该是在手里拿着锤子在钉钉子,故hand符合题意.故选D.
35.D【解析】结合上下文并根据关键句Kate lay on her bed可知,Kate做完手术之后,躺在床上.故此处所缺的连词是After.故选D.
36.B【解析】根据I have scratched your car,可以推断Kate因为划损了她爸爸的汽车而向他道歉,故符合题意的词是sorry.故选B.
37.A【解析】结合上文的描述She looked at her hand and asked可知,Kate看着自己的手,问"我的手什么时候会好",故所缺的是形容词性物主代词my.故选A.
38.C【解析】根据下文的描述his daughter might have one finger less中的关键词might可知,Mr.Smith的女儿"可能"会失去一根手指.故possibly和might相呼应,符合题意.故选C.
39.C【解析】as for至于;instead of代替,而不是;because of因为,由于;according to,根据his daughter might have one finger less.可推测前半句说的是导致这种结果的原因,"因为他疯狂的举动,他的女儿可能会失去一根手指."故答案为C.
40.B【解析】look like看上去像;look at看着;look after照料;look into调查.结合语境,并根据下面的句子he found what his daughter had written:"LOVE YOU DAD".中的关键词found可知,应是"看着"上面的划痕,发现了他的女儿写的是:"LOVE YOU DAD",故looked at符合题意.故选B.

点评 这是一篇记叙文的完型填空题.做题时先不带答案快速把文章读一遍,了解其大意.然后再结合题目去个个击破,在做每一道题时一定要结合上下文,找到关键词或前后呼应的词,句和句之间,题和题之间绝对不能相脱离.每选一个答案都要有理有据.做完后根据答案再复读短文,看是否连贯,进行校正.


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