

Computers can injure (伤害) you .Most other injures happen suddenly .___1___. Now learn to use a computer safely .

Too much light can be bad for you eyes , so never sit too close to a computer screen .___2___ . This gives your eyes a rest .

When we use a computer , the window should be on your left or your right . If it is behind you , the light will reflect ( 反射 )on the screen .That may hurt your eyes .

Hand and wrist ( 手腕 ) injures can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times .__ 3___,stop sometimes and exercise your hands ,wrists and fingers in a different way .

If you sit in wrong way ,you can injure your back or your neck . ___4___. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes .

A. Remember to look away from it sometimes

B .But computer injures happen slowly .

C. So you should sit with your back straight..

D. If you use a keyboard for a long time .

Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage ?(     )

A. When you use a computer , the window should be in front of you .

B. Computers ’injures happen slowly .

C. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes .

D. After using a computer for a long time ,you should exercise your hands ,wrists and so on.










 根据上文Computers can injure (伤害) you .的提示可知,其他伤害是快速的,而电脑对人体的伤害是缓慢的,故选B。

 根据下文This gives your eyes a rest的提示可知,怎样才能让眼睛得以休息,就是向远处观看,故选A。

 根据上文Hand and wrist ( 手腕 ) injures can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times的提示可知此句说明的怎样使用键盘更有利于手和手腕,故选D。

 根据上文If you sit in wrong way ,you can injure your back or your neck .的理解可知此句介绍的是怎样 保护脊背,故选C。

 细节理解题,根据文中语句“stop sometimes and exercise your hands ,wrists and fingers in a different way .”理解可知。故选D。





     A lot of people keep asking, "How do I improve my English?" There are many possible answers, but
    here are just a few pieces of advice.
 1. _______________________________________________
     Sure you have teachers, reading materials, and websites to help you with your English, but who is
    really responsible for making sure that you learn English well? Nobody but you.
 2. ______________________________________________    
     If you are interested in English, remember that it is all around you. You can do many things that will
     help you learn English. Find things to do where you need to use English.
     Listen to the radio in English. Watch TV and movies in English. You can also speak in English with
     your friends. Get a language partner and speak in English as much as possible. Finding friends whose
    native language is English is even better.
     Other ideas: Take an English class, join an English group, find a tutor, and read English magazines.
     Do whatever you can to keep using the language.
3. ________________________________________________   
    This means that you should pay attention to how you use English. Think (a little) about how you are
    going to say something before it comes out of your mouth. But don't think about all of the problems you
    have in English at the same time. Just choose something that you know you are having difficulty with and
    work on using it correctly. 4. _______________________________________________

   A. Just keep trying little by little, and your English will get better every day.
   B. Do things in English as much as possible.
   C. Be responsible for your own learning.
   D. Monitor (监督) yourself.

5. What does the passage mainly tell us?
    A. English is easy to learn.
    B. English is very important.
    C. How to improve English.
    D. Who is responsible for our learning.

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