

    You, of course, know that you will never add vcry rapidly to your vocabulary by merely coming  across
 words, or by reading or by  talking. You must have a plan.
    Here is one way to get ahead with words in everyday  life.  It's the simplest thing in the world.
    Buy a small pocket notebook. When you read a newspaper, a magazine, or a book, or listen to TV or
 radio, and come upon a strange word, enter it in your notebook. Then look it up in the dictionary. If you
find that it's a word too difficult to understand or a highly technical mterm, just pass it by.  But if it sounds
like a word that will be helpful to you. take possession of it, make it your own personal possession.  Say
it aloud many times. Study its exact meaning, and note its root. Be sure, also, to copy from the dictionary
the example sentence in which it is used, if such is given.  Then write your own sentence in line with the
example in the dictionary. 

    All this will take only a few minutes or so, but it is necessary to make the practice a daily habit. Then
the list in your notebook will grow gradually, as will your command of English.
1. This passage is mainly about_________.
A. adding vocabulary by keeping notes
B. a rapid way to add vocabulary
C. a simplest wav to add daily vocabulary
D. a plan to add technical vocabulary
2. According to the passage, when you come across a new word, _____________.         
A. you just forget it
B.you must look it up in the dictionary and possess it if it will be useful
C. just enter it in your notebook and remember it
D. first look it up, then only the one which is helpful needs to be possessed
3. In the passage the phrase "in line with" in the third paragraph means "_________".           
A. according to            
B. beside
C. under the line of          
D. between the line of
4. From this passage it can be inferred that the most effective way to add vocabulary is ___.       
A. to look up any word you meet
B. to list useful words in your notebook
C. to keep on practicing helpful words in your notebook every day
D. to write down example sentences from the dictionary
     I've celebrated Christmas many times, but this is the first time with family and relatives. My cousins
from my mum's side invited us for Christmas celebration at their house this year. I don't see them often,
as generally we're not that close to them.
     A bit history of them here. They were the children of my second uncle. He had two wives. The
cousins I met there were from both. Four daughters and a son from the first, and two sons from the
second. The rest were not around. The house we went to is in Tropicana, which was extremely large.
     I enjoyed the celebration we had yesterday. It's the usual stuff  I've seen on TV, and heard from
friends who celebrate  them. Caroling (圣颂歌), having dinner, social talks, introduction of who is
whose children etc., and not to miss, the food, delicious. I like the turkey sandwich.
      As usual, I looked and walked around after dinner, and to my surprise, two of my nephews, aged
22 and 25, look really beautiful, just like movie stars. The nieces were not bad at all. Some are very
pretty, and the rest are all above average.
      We left about 11:30 pm. I sure hope to meet them again in the near future. Hopeful]y when rny
cousin that I meet quite regularly, had her open house, also in Tropicana.
Last Christmas , I
celebrated for the first time with family and relatives of __1__ people.
had quite a lot of cousins, nieces, nephews, but we didn't often __2__ one another.
enjoyed not only the celebration but also the __3__ as well as so many relatives.
was ___4__ to find that most of my relatives were quite pretty and smart.
did hope to meet those relatives in the near future     5    
     John lived with her mother when he was young.  He didn't know who his father was. The woman did
some washing for the 'rich and could buy onl'y some bread for her son. So the boy was short and thin.
     One cold morning there was much snow in the streets. A car knocked the woman down and the
policemen took her to the hospital.  She didn't tell John that his father deserted (遗弃) her before he was
born until she died.  She left her son the name and address of his father.
     John found his father, Mr.  Brown, in another city.  He was one of the richest shopkeers and he had
to receive his son.  From then on the boy lived a rich life.  He ate all kinds of delicious food and wore
beautiful clothes.  But he didn't go to school and could not read or write.
     Once his father took him to a party.  He saw a newspaper lying on the floor and picked it up while
others were talking about a film.  He had a look at it and found a car's wheels (轮子) were upward
(向上). He called out,  "Oh, dear! An accident.
     All the people were surprised and began to read the newspaper.  But soon they all began to laugh.  
Do you know why?
1. John didn't know his father because___________.
A.  the man was rich            
B.  the man deserted his mother
C.  his mother left the man      
D.  the man didn't like him
2.  John was short and thin because___________.
A.  he didn't like sports
B. his parents were short, too
C.  he was often hungry when he was young
D. his mother never gave him food
3.   The woman told John who his father was___________.
A.  after she was knocked down by a car    
B.  before her son left
C.  before she was in hospital                
D.  before she died
4.  After John found his father, ___________.
A.  he was angry with the man  
B.  he started a rich life
C.  he wouldn't live with him    
D.  the man was bad to him
5.  The people at the party laughed at him because                        .
A. he held the newspaper upside down  
B. he wasn't polite
C. the newspaper was yesterday's        
D. he wasn't clever
     People have sailed (航行) around the world in quite small boats.  It is not an easy thing to do.
Sometimes the weather gets bad.  That can be the end of a boat, and the end of everyone in it.  
Accidents can happen easily and quickly.
     One family once had an accident with some big fish.  The fish swam under their boat and bit (咬) holes
in it.   The sea water came in,  of course,  and the boat soon sank (沉没).  Hr,  these people had another
small boat-a lifeboat,  and they all got into that.  They lived and hoped for many days.  They ate and
slept, and they always hoped.  At last a ship found them.
     How do people live in a very small lifeboat? Perhaps for weeks or months? They must be strong in
every way. They must have hope-they want to live. But you cannot cat and drink hope.
     You cannot drink sea water. Drink a lot of sea water and you will quickly die. Sailors (海员)  can
drink rain water. They must catch rain water in their boat. They must also catch fish and birds for food.  
Lifeboats do not carry a cooker (炊具), and so the sailors cannot cook their food.  Raw fish (生鱼) and
bird meat is not very nice. But there is no other choice in a lifeboatl The sailors must eat
raw food, or they will die.
     What do people think about in a life boat'l They think about land, a warm bed,dry clothes, fresh water and food, food, food.
1. When sailors' boat sinks, their lifeboat gives them _________.
A. food  
B. beds    
C. rainwater  
D. hope
2. One famil'y once had an accident at sea,  because _________.
A. their boat was caught in bad weather
B. the boat knocked against (对着) a rock and sea water came in
C. some fish bit through the bottom of their boat
D. one of them knew how to sail in the sea
3. Sailors can catch _________ for food and drink at sea in a lifeboat.
A. rain water                        
B. fish and birds
C. both sea water and rain water      
D. both A and B
4. Lifeboats do not often carry a cooker, which is _________.
A. something used for cooking  
B. food for cooking
C. a large box                
D. a person who cooks food
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Sailing around the world in quite small boats is not easy.
B. All the food sailors have in a lifeboat is cooked fish and bird meat.
C. Anyone who drinks a lot of sea water will die.
D. No one can live for weeks in a lifeboat unless (除非) hc is strong and wants to live.
     Have you ever noticed background music? You can listen to it everywhere, restaurants, airports,
supermarkets, department stores… Background music is supposed to influence (影响) your attitudes
(态度) and mood (心情).
     Companies pay millions of dollars every year for background music. It's supposed to make you feel
better about yourself and the people around you. Factories use it a lot. It makes the workers happy and
work better. It is said (据说) that in a factory, music can increase the production by 4.5 percent.
Workers do not easily get tired if they listen to music all day. A worker in San Francisco said:" If the
music stops, somebody always runs to the telephone to complain about it. "Background music was
started during World War II when some factories had their own orchestras to keep workers happy and
calm . Now, of course, the music is piped in (以电讯设备传送) by a machine and different kinds of
music are played at different time in a day. For example, the music they play are faster at 10 than 8,
because workers are usually slower then.
     It's also very interesting that fast music is played in restaurants where hamburger is sold. Before
playing fast music, customers spent 22 minutes eating hamburgers. When they started playing fast music,
they found that a customer spent only 17 minutes eating! So they have more people coming in and out to
buy hamburgers. It's good for business. You can see why music has become so popular. In Los Angeles
(洛杉矶), for example, 30 different companies are selling background music services.
     The Xerox Corporation (静电复印公司) in Rochester, N.Y.(纽约州的罗切斯特市), spends
more than $80,000 a year for background music. Prison warders (狱警) use it. Farmers also use it to
keep their cattle calm. It's said that background music even influence plants.
1. According to the passage, background music _____.
A. can possibly make people feel better and influence their attitudes
B. increases the production by 4.5 percent in every factory
C. is sometimes very boring to the workers

2. A worker in San Francisco said if the music stopped, _____.
A. someone would always go to complain about it
B. he himself would call up the background music company
C. people would go and tell the telephone operator about the accident

3. Background music was started in factories _____.
A. in the 1950's
B. because workers there all liked music very much
C. during World War II

4. The eating time for each hamburger customer is _____ minutes less than before.
A. 5
B. 7
C. 17

5. What can we learn from the passage?
A. We can only hear background music in some public places of foreign countries.
B. The Xerox Corporation in Rochester, N.Y.spend$800 thousand a year for background music.
C. Prison warders and farmers also use background music.
      Not long ago, China decided to build a bridge to link Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macao. People will finish
building it in 2016. It will be the world's longest sea-crossing bridge!
     The Y-shaped bridge is about 50 kilometers altogether. 35 kilometers of it will be over water.
     Officials say the bridge we use will last in good condition for 120 years. It can handle big earthquakes
as well as strong winds. And it will be all right even if it is hit by a 300,000-ton ship.
     With six car lanes, a car can go as fast as 100 km per hour on the bridge. It will only take 30 minutes
to drive from Zhuhai or Macao to Hong Kong.
     Some people worry that the building of the bridge will pollute the sea and hurt sea animals. Officials
say they will protect the ocean.
     China hopes that the bridge can bring the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao closer. Building the bridge
will cost about ¥73 billion. Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland will share the cost.
1. It will take China ______ years to build the bridge.
[     ]
A. 3
B. 6
C. 10
D. 14
2. The shape of the bridge is like the letter "______".
[     ]
A. "H"
B. "M"
C. "Y"
D. "V"
3. The bridge is about ______ long.
[     ]
A. 50 kilometers
B. 36 kilometers
C. 100 kilometers
D. 120 kilometers
4. What do some people worry about?
[     ]

A. The bridge is too long.
B. It will take a long time to build it.
C. Officials will protect the ocean.
D. The building of the bridge will pollute the sea and hurt sea animals.

5. Who will share the cost of the building of the bridge?
[     ]
A. Hong Kong
B. Macao
C. The mainland
D. A, B and C