3£®If you want to see a thing well£¬touching can help you to"see"it better£®
Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round£®But by holding it in your hands£¬you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is£®You can feel how heavy the glass ball is£®When you learn all these about the ball£¬you really see it well£® 
  With your skin£¬you can feel better£®For example£¬your fingers can tell the difference between two different coins in your pockets£®You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand£¬too£®You can even feel sounds against your skin£®Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music£¿They must like to feel the sounds of music£®
All children soon learn what"Don't touch!"means£®They hear it often£®Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up£®In shops£¬we touch things that we might buy£®To see something well£¬we have to touch it£®The bottoms of our feet can feel things£¬too£®You know this when you walk on warm sand£¬cool grass or a hard floor£®All feel different under your feet£®
Most museums are just for  looking£®But today some museums have some things to touch£®Their signs say£¬"Do touch!"There you can feel everything on show£®
There are ways of learning to see well by feeling£®One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin£®Feel the shoes on your feet£¬the clothes on your body£¬the air on your skip£®
If you want to see better£¬reach out and touch it£®Then you will really see!

51£®The underlined word"these"in Paragraph 2refers to£¨Ö¸´ú£©D£®
A£®a glass ball is round
B£®a glass ball is smooth and cool
C£®a glass ball is smooth£¬cool and heavy
D£®a glass ball is round£¬smooth£¬cool and heavy
52£®From Paragraphs£¨¶ÎÂ䣩4and 5£¬we can know thatA£®
A£®we have to touch something in order to see it well
B£®we never touch things that we might buy in shops
C£®the bottoms of our feet can't feel cool grass
D£®we can see"Do touch!"in all museums
53£®By touching things£¬you canC£®
A£®have a strange feeling        B£®know how to reach our your hand
C£®learn more about them         D£®tell what colors they really are
54£®Which of the following is NOT true£¿C
A£®Touching is helping us to see better£®
B£®Our skin may help us enjoy music£®
C£®People don't have to learn to feel£®
D£®Most people touch things to see them well£®
55£®Dcan be the best title of the passage£®
A£®Feeling by Seeing                   B£®To See or to Feel
C£®Ways of Touching                   D£®To See Better-Touch£®

·ÖÎö ¶ÌÎÄ´óÒ⣺

½â´ð 51£®D£®ÅжÏÍÆÀíÌ⣮¸ù¾Ý"Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round£®But by holding it in your hands£¬you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is£®You can feel how heavy the glass ball is£®!"¿É֪ͨ¹ý¿´ºÍ´¥Ãþ¾ÍÖªµÀ²£Á§ÇòÊÇÔ²µÄ£¬Ëü¶àôµÄ¹â»¬ºÍÁ¹Ë¬£¬ËüÓжàôÖØ£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®
52£ºA£®Ï¸½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝTo see something well£¬we have to touch it£®¿É֪ΪÁË¿´¶«Î÷ºÃһЩ£¬ÎÒÃDZØÐë½Ó´¥Ëü£®¹ÊÑ¡A£®
53£ºC£®Ï¸½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝIf you want to see a thing well£¬touching can help you to"see"it better£®Í¨¹ý´¥Ãþ£¬Äã¿ÉÒÔ¸üºÃµÄÁ˽âËü£®¹ÊÑ¡C£®
54£ºC£®Ï¸½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝThere are ways of learning to see well by feeling£®£®¿ÉÖªÈËÃÇûÓбØҪѧ×ÅÈ¥¸ÐÊÜÊÇ´íÎóµÄ£®¹ÊÑ¡C£®
55£ºD£®Ö÷Ö¼´óÒâÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝIf you want to see better£¬reach out and touch£®Then you will really see£®¼°È«ÎÄÃèÊö£¬¿ÉÖªÈç¹ûÄãÏë¿´µÃ¸üºÃ£¬Éì³öÊÖÈ¥´¥ÃþËü£¬È»ºóÄã¾Í»á¿´µ½£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®

µãÆÀ ÕâƪÎÄÕ·dz£¼òµ¥£¬ÏÈ¿´ÎÊÌ⣬ÔÙ´ø×ÅÎÊÌâ×ÐϸÔĶÁ¶ÌÎÄ£¬Àí½âÁËÈ«ÎÄÄÚÈÝ£¬ºÜÈÝÒ×Ñ¡³öÕýÈ·´ð°¸£®ÔĶÁ×¢ÒâÊÂÏ1¡¢¹Ø×¢Á¬´Ê£¬·ÖÎöÎÄÕÂÂß¼­½á¹¹£®2¡¢¾Û½¹´ú´Ê£¬Ã÷±æÖ¸´ú¹Øϵ£®3¡¢×¥×¡¹Ø¼ü´ÊÓÀûÓÃƽÐнṹ¡¢ÉÏÏÂÎĽøÐÐÅжÏÓëÍÆÀí£®4¡¢Á˽âһЩ¹¹´Ê·¨£¬´Ó´Ê¸ùµÄÌØÊ⺬ÒåÈëÊÖ£®

13£®Mrs£®Smith often felt lonely when her husband went to work£®The room was small and she
always spent only half an hour tidying it£®She couldn't get up early in the morning£¬so Mr£®Smithhad to cook breakfast himself£®She usually had some bread and milk for lunch and only cookedsupper for herself and her husband£®They had no television£®Mr£®Smith always went to bed atnine£®It was a winter morning£®The sun was shining and it was warmer outside than it was in theroom£®The woman sat on the step of a shop£¬looking at the busy traffic£®At that moment£¬a manwith a map in his hand was coming towards her£®"Excuse me£¬madam£¬"said the man£®"Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital£¬
     Mrs£®Smith looked at him up and down£®"He seems a farmer£¬"the woman said to herself£®
"Let me laugh at him£®"
     Then she turned to him and said£¬"Lie down in the middle of the street£¬and you'll soon besent to a hospital£®"Please set an example to me£¬then£®"said the man£®
     She had to tell him the way and then she said£¬"I think you must be in a city for the firsttime£®It's much more beautiful than the field£®Is that right£¿""Yes£¬madam£¬"said the farmer with a smile£®"But I think it is built on the field!"

Judge the following sentences true £¨ T £© or false £¨ F £© according to the passage£®
61£®Mrs£®Smith spent much time tidying the room£®F
 62£®Mr£®Smith always went to bed at 9 because he had to cook breakfast the next morning£®F
 63£®Mrs£®Smith met a man with a map on a winter morning£®T
 64£®The woman was glad to help the man£®F
 65£®The farmer answered the woman cleverly£®T£®

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