I started learning to play pipa at the age of four. At that time,I was really   1  of pipa because the four strings always cut my fingers. The cuts were not deep   2  they were long, and they really hurt ! So my parents bought me a roll of tape to protect the  3  of my left hand.After a few days, however, I   4   the tape! When my mother found out the reason, she said   5  and bought a new roll of tape.I had only used the second roll for a few weeks  6  I lost it again! "You should try to play pipa without tape," my father said to me. But I cried and   7 another roll. My father agree and bought me another new roll.After a few months, I lost the third roll! Then the  8  , and then the fifth  After this happened eight times, my mother got really   9 !"I won't buy you any more tape," she said to me. " Now you have to play pipa without tape

You must   10  it is carelessness that hurts your fingers!"

1.A. fond                   B. afraid                  C. proud

2.A. but                  B. and                      C. then

3.A. arms               B. ears                    C. fingers

4.A. sold                 B. lost                   C. bought

5.A. nothing            B. anything                C. something

6.A. until              B. after                   C. before

7.A. asked for          B. worried about           C. thought of

8.A. third                B. fourth                 C. fifth

9.A. happy                B. excited                C. angry

10.A. expect                B. forget                  C. remember


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