

1.The news spread quickly throughout the world. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the news ________ quickly throughout the world?

2.The man wearing a pair of sunglasses is Tony’s cousin. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ is Tony’s cousin?

3.He spent 20 dollars buying the famous book written by Shakespeare.(同义句转换)

This famous book written by Shakespeare ________ ________20 dollars.


Be careful! ________ get off the bus ________ it stops.


When I passed by our school, I ________ some workers ________ ready for our new term.


Since the NCP (新冠肺炎) outbreak began in December, Japan has given away a lot of medical supplies (物资) to China. On the boxes of these supplies, poems are often written. Taken from ancient Chinese and Japanese poems, these powerful and inspiring lines show heartfelt wishes for Chinese people. And they let people know that ancient stars still shine in modern times. Let’s take a look at some of them.


Lands apart, sky shared.

This line comes from a Buddhist hymn (佛诗) by the Japanese Prince Nagaya (长屋亲王). This hymn reminds us of the cultural exchanges between both countries in history. At that time, the prince wrote the hymn as an invitation for Chinese Buddhist monks(僧侣) to visit Japan. Inspired by the hymn, Jianzhen, a well-known monk of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), started his travel to Japan soon after.


Fear not the want of armor(盔甲), for mine is also yours to wear.

This line is from a battle song of the Qin state, Wuyi (《无衣》), in the Book of Songs (《诗经》). The song refers to (指的是) soldiers sharing their armor, encouraging each other to win the war. The Chinese phrase “同裳” has the same meaning as “同袍” and “袍泽” which also come from this song. They all mean those who have fought together in armies.


Though separated by a mountain, we’ll share the same clouds and rain/The bright moon belongs not to a single town.

This sentence is from Tang poet Wang Changling’s Seeing Off Imperial Censor Chai (《送柴侍御》). This poem was written after the poet was demoted (贬官) and sent to a faraway place. He wanted to show that even though he had to separate with his friend, their friendship would continue.

1.“Lands apart, sky shared” is written by ________.

A.Prince Nagaya B.Jianzhen C.Wang Changling D.a Chinese monk

2.In the poems, people in different places can share the same things EXCEPT ________.

A.clothes B.the sky C.clouds and rain D.the bright moon

3.The theme of the poems written on the boxes is ________.

A.hometown feelings B.beauty of nature C.love for family D.friendship

4.We can know from the passage that ________.

A.all the sentences are taken from Chinese poems B.actions are always better than words

C.ancient poems can be used in modern times D.Japanese understand Chinese poems the best


Our grandparents seem to have magic powers sometimes. Give them a Chinese lunar calendar, and they will know what weather will be like days or even months later.

1. They are following the 24 Solar Terms(节气), which is an important part of Chinese culture. And on Nov. 30th, 2016, the United Nations (UN)added it to the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity(人类非物质文化遗产).

The 24 Solar terms came into being during the Qin (211-206BC) and Han (206BC-AD220) dynasties. 2. So, weather changes were important. But of course, they had no satellite, Internet or weather broadcast to help them.

3. They studied the sun’s movement with a sundial(日冕仪).They also paid attention to other natural changes such as temperature, water and crops growth. In the end, they worked out the 24 Solar terms to mark the changes.

4. For example, the solar terms jingzhe(惊蛰)is when insects wake up from a long sleep in the cold winter. Farmers take it as a sign of warm weather and get busy working.

The 24 Solar Terms is honored as China’s fifth great invention, after papennaking, printing, the compass and gunpowder.5. For example, people will say, “Do not show your feet after Hanlu(寒露).” Why? It’s because the solar term “Hanlu” marks the coming of the cold days.

A.Now, people still use the solar terms in daily life,

B.But people found a way.

C.The terms became their guide to farming work.

D.What’s the secret?

E.At the time, most Chinese people made their living on farms.

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