
My uncle Ted is a science teacher. He always makes some _________about the future. He says that in less than 100 years some things will be ___________than now. _________, people won’t do the dishes or make the bed because they will have robots in their homes. Also, they won’t need to_________paper money. They’ll all use credit cards to buy things. They’ll have more___________time, and traveling will be faster and cheaper than it is now. Maybe some people will spend___________vacations in space stations.

However, Uncle Ted thinks that more things will get worse in the next century(世纪). What will happen _______more people use cars? There will be more___________. Also, the air will become dirtier. If pollution gets bad, maybe people will have to live on_________planets. Uncle Ted says everyone ________ do something to save the earth.

1.A.resolutions B.predictions C.programs D.activities

2.A.less B.more C.better D.worse

3.A.Such as B.Of course C.In half D.For example

4.A.use B.refuse C.accept D.choose

5.A.rich B.simple C.busy D.free

6.A.his B.our C.their D.your

7.A.unless B.if C.until D.through

8.A.pollution B.invitation C.television D.discussion

9.A.another B.other C.the other D.others

10.A.could B.need C.must D.should


Each year on Feb 21, UNESCO ( 联合国教科文组织) holds an International Mother Language Day (IMLD ). The event is to help people to pay attention to the disappearance of the world's languages; many of them are disappearing each year. UNESCO sees this as a terrible fact.

What happens when a language dies out? Something great is lost-not just sounds and marks but the way that people understand the world and communicate with each other. We keep different cultures and traditions through languages. Kill a language and all these are killed too.

Through IMLD, more and more people come to realize he terrible situation and try to stop it.

Google's 2018 Endangered (濒临灭绝的) Languages Project is a good example. Many speakers and protectors of endangered languages upload (上传) texts, audios and videos to the project website. They want to introduce the way that people communicate and express themselves around the world.

The Myaamia Project is the same kind of effort to revive the language spoken by the Miami tribes (部落) of the United States. Project members work to encourage people to study and communicate with this language , which died out in the 1960s.

These activities give life to those endangered languages. People who work to keep Languages

alive are not limited to the past. Many young people design apps and use social media to support their activities. They "spread the word " to save the world.

So, while the problem of disappearing languages remains a very serious one, there is hope. We all have a special feeling of our mother language. This is why we should remember the wise words of late president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela: "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his own language,that goes to his heart."

1.UNESCO holds IMLD every year in order to help people to _______________.

A. learn and use endangered languages

B. show their talents in learning languages

C. practice reading skills of mother languages

D. realize the situation of endangered languages

2.What did people do in Google's 2018 Endangered Languages Project?

A. Discuss how to make good use of Google.

B. Offer online courses on endangered languages.

C. Share materials about endangered languages online.

D. Translate endangered languages into mother languages.

3.What does the underlined word "revive" mean in Paragraph ( 段落) 4?

A. 创造 B. 学习 C. 复活 D. 清除

4.What can we infer ( 推断) from Paragraph 5?

A. It is more difficult to protect endangered languages.

B. The disappearance of languages has already stopped.

C. Young people don't care about endangered languages.

D. Young people have creative ways to protect languages.

5.The writer mentions Nelson Mandela's words in order to __________________.

A. tell the importance of one's mother language

B. show his contributions to language protection

C. tell the trouble in learning endangered languages

D. show the possibility of protecting mother languages

What is bullying (霸凌), exactly? A bully is more than just a bad kid. A bully likes to give you a ______ time for no reason at all.

A bully calls you names, takes your things and makes you ______ afraid over and over again for a long time.

Bullying can happen on the schoolyard, in your neighborhood or even ______ . Is there a bully at your school?

He corners you every morning, ______ your lunch money, and then ______ on your shoelaces (鞋带) as you walk away. Or maybe it's a girl who calls you "ugly" and makes up bad stories about you on WeChat.

If bullying happens to you, you are not ______. Surveys show that one-fourth of the middle school students have experienced ( 经历) bullying.

Bullying can make you feel terrible. Maybe you are afraid to go to school, or can't eat or sleep. What can you do? First of all, remember to be proud of ______ you are. Don't take the bully's bad words to heart. Also, keep in mind that it's not ______ fault (错误)—it's the bully who has the ______. If you can, ignore (无视) the bully. Maybe he or she will get bored and ______. If these things don't work, tell your favourite teacher and your parents about the bullying.

And, of course, never be a bully. If you don't like someone, don't bully him or her and the world will be a much happier place.

1.A.happy B.surprised C.pleasant D.hard

2.A.feel B.grow C.keep D.turn

3.A.street B.journey C.online D.store

4.A.fights B.mops C.takes D.shows

5.A.puts B.steps C.brings D.works

6.A.asleep B.awake C.alive D.alone

7.A.where B.who C.which D.why

8.A.your B.his C.their D.our

9.A.question B.problem C.mistake D.miss

10.A.return B.accept C.stop D.support

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