
  The president and the election of president in USA

  The president is the head of the nation and the Executive Branch in the USA and is chosen in a national election for a four year term of rice and may be reelected for a second term,but not to allow the third time.He must be a nation born citizen and at least 35 years.Many presidents in American history served two terms,but Franklin D.Roosevelt was the only president who served four terms.

  There are two stages in the election of president first,the people in each state choose the list of presidential electors for the state,and second,the electors from all the states cast their votes for presidential candidates,electing a president and a vice-president.They meet in their state capital in early January of the following year to“elect”a president and a vice-president.They vote very strictly.If there are three or more candidates,none of them receives more than half the electoral votes,the House of Representa-tives,by a majority vote,will choose for president one out of the three having the highest electoral votes.In this case the voting is by states,each state counting as one vote.

  Now in USA only the two major parties-Democratic Party and Republican Party,have the chance of winning the elections.In fact American president stands for the bourgeois behalf.


How long does the president serve for each term?

  A. Two years.  B. Four years. C. Five years.  D. Not necessarily.

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What people can't take part in the election?

  A. A twenty-year-old man. B. A black man. C. A white man. D. An American.

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In the history of America,which president served the longest?

  A. Kennedy.  B. Washington. C. Franklin.  D. Roosevelt.

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Whose behalf does American president stand for?

  A. The bourgeois.  B. Laborer. C. The proletarian.  D. The people.

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Which party is not America's?

  A. Democratic Party. B. Republican Party. C. Reactionary Party. D. Donkey Party.

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Barack Obama, the US President-elect, is busy choosing members of his cabinet. His daughters, Sasha and Malia, are busy, too. They are making difficult decisions about different dog breeds (品种).
“The girls asked when we got in this race that [whether] win or lose, we get a dog,” said Michelle Obama. “So we will be welcoming a four-legged friend to our house.”
No matter what type of puppy Sasha and Malia pick, it will be a part of a long story of White House pets. Everything from snakes to bears has lived at the White House with the president and his family.
Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president, kept a pet raccoon (浣熊). Warren Harding had turkeys. William Howard Taft parked his cow in the White House garage too.
John Quincy Adams, the sixth president, had a pet alligator (鳄鱼). But he wasn’t the only White House resident to have one. Herbert Hoover’s son had two pet alligators, and they were sometimes allowed to roam (闲逛) around the White House.
Bears have also been popular with American presidents. While Thomas Jefferson kept two grizzlies (灰熊) in a cage, Theodore Roosevelt had a black bear. Roosevelt’s interest in bears later led to the creation of the toy teddy bear.
Roosevelt and his six children loved animals, and they filled the White House with them. They had dogs, cats, squirrels (松鼠), raccoons, rabbits, guinea pigs, a badger (獾), a rat, a parrot, and a green snake.
1. ________ and ________ have difficulty in choosing different kinds of dogs.
2. The four-legged friend refers to ________ according to Michelle Obama’s ________.
3. ________ Adams, Herbert Hoover’s son liked keeping alligators ________ his pets
4. The ________ of the toy teddy bear ________ from Roosevelt’s interest in bears.
5. Roosevelt is the ________ of six ________.

After supper Mrs. Bell felt hot and came out of the hotel. She got to   1  a week ago. She liked the city and went traveling there for   2  first time. Now she was walking along a quiet street when she saw a man working in a garden. She   3   to watch him carefully. The old man worked   4   and she was sure he was an able gardener. She liked to see him.
“I have a garden, too.” The woman said to herself. “ I   5  such a gardener. Why don’t you bring one to America?”
So she went into the garden and said she would pay him much if he    6   to go to America with her.
“ I’ll pay for your fare(费用), too.” said the woman. “ You’ll be able to get   7   soon in my country, I think.”
“ Thanks a lot,” said the old man, “but it’s    8   that I already have another position(职位). I can’t give it up. I’ll have to work for you   9   they elect(选举) me next time.”
“Oh?” the woman said in surprise. “    10  are you, then?”
“The president of France.”
【小题1】A. Toronto             B. Paris                C. Moscow
【小题2】A. a                       B. /                    C. the
【小题3】A. ended                   B. went on              C. stopped
【小题4】A. slowly                  B. hard                 C. badly
【小题5】A. need                    B. hope                 C. hate
【小题6】A. disliked                B. agreed               C. believed
【小题7】A. lonely                 B. happy                C. rich
【小题8】A. glad                    B. unlucky              C. lucky
【小题9】A. until                  B. unless               C. if
【小题10】A. Whose                  B. How                  C. What

After supper Mrs. Bell felt hot and came out of the hotel. She got to   1  a week ago. She liked the city and went traveling there for   2  first time. Now she was walking along a quiet street when she saw a man working in a garden. She   3   to watch him carefully. The old man worked   4   and she was sure he was an able gardener. She liked to see him.

“I have a garden, too.” The woman said to herself. “ I   5  such a gardener. Why don’t you bring one to America?”

So she went into the garden and said she would pay him much if he    6   to go to America with her.

“ I’ll pay for your fare(费用), too.” said the woman. “ You’ll be able to get   7   soon in my country, I think.”

“ Thanks a lot,” said the old man, “but it’s    8   that I already have another position(职位). I can’t give it up. I’ll have to work for you   9   they elect(选举) me next time.”

“Oh?” the woman said in surprise. “    10  are you, then?”

“The president of France.”

1.A. Toronto             B. Paris                C. Moscow

2.A. a                       B. /                    C. the

3.A. ended                   B. went on              C. stopped

4.A. slowly                  B. hard                 C. badly

5.A. need                    B. hope                 C. hate

6.A. disliked                B. agreed               C. believed

7.A. lonely                 B. happy                C. rich

8.A. glad                    B. unlucky              C. lucky

9.A. until                  B. unless               C. if

10.A. Whose                  B. How                  C. What


    After supper Mrs. Bell felt hot and came out of the hotel. She got to  51  a week ago. She liked the city and went traveling there for  52 first time. Now she was walking along a quiet street when she saw a man working in a garden. She  53  to watch him carefully. The old man worked  54  and she was sure he was an able gardener. She liked to see him.

    “I have a garden, too.” The woman said to herself. “ I  55 such a gardener. Why don’t you bring one to America?”

   So she went into the garden and said she would pay him much if he   56  to go to America with her.

    “ I’ll pay for your fare(费用), too.” said the woman. “ You’ll be able to get  57  soon in my country, I think.”

    “ Thanks a lot,” said the old man, “but it’s   58  that I already have another position(职位). I can’t give it up. I’ll have to work for you  59  they elect(选举) me next time.”

    “Oh?” the woman said in surprise. “   60 are you, then?”

    “The president of France.”

(  ) 51. A. Toronto             B. Paris                C. Moscow

(  ) 52. A. a                  B. /                   C. the

(  ) 53. A. ended               B. went on              C. stopped

(  ) 54. A. slowly                  B. hard                C. badly

(  ) 55. A. need                B. hope                C. hate

(  ) 56. A. disliked              B. agreed               C. believed

(  ) 57. A. lonely               B. happy               C. rich

(  ) 58. A. glad                B. unlucky              C. lucky

(  ) 59. A. until                 B. unless               C. if

(  ) 60. A. Whose                  B. How                C. What

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