
Don’t _________ the bus until it has stopped.Safety is first.

  1. A.
    get along
  2. B.
    get go
  3. C.
    get off
  4. D.
    get up
动词短语辨析。get along进展,和睦相处get off下车get up起床。语境:要直到车停下来才下车,安全第一。故选C。
What a cold winter! How wonderful it would be if there were a fire! Fire keeps us warm. But fire is very dangerous, and can kill us. November 9 is National Fire Safety Day. It's a time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire.
Call 119
Never try to put out a fire by yourself, even if it is a very small one. Get help from your parents or call 119. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire. Listen to 119's instructions.
Keep down close to the floor
If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it's easier to breathe(呼吸) and see where you are going. If you don't, the smoke may kill you before the fire does.
Don't use the elevator
Never use the elevator(电梯) during a fire. Always use the stairs. An elevator may stop at the floor where the fire is burning. It may also go wrong and keep you inside.
Don't go back
Never go back into a burning building. Even if you have left your pet or favorite toy inside, do not go back for it. Don't worry about your pets. Animals have a very good sense of smell(嗅觉). They often get out of the building before people.
(   ) 11. National Fire Safety Day is on November 9.
(   ) 12. If you smell smoke or see a fire, you should call 120 first.
(   ) 13. If there is a lot of smoke or a fire, the fire may kill you before the smoke.
(   ) 14.You mustn't use stairs during a fire because it may catch fire as well.
(   ) 15.Animals have a good sense of smell.

Each nation has many good people who help take care of others. For example, some high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages(孤儿院) or homes for the aged(老人). They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them or listen to their problems. Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair houses, do shopping and mow(割草) their lawns(草坪). For boys who no longer have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.

Some cities have a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts(手艺). Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls.

Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help bring happiness to others.


1.From the short passage we can see that      are often helped by the volunteers.

A、workers in the factory        

B、students in school

C、people in the home for the elderly(老人)

2.Young volunteers often go and work in the homes when people are        .

A、very busy                                B、hungry                                     C、in trouble

3.Big Brothers is an organization      .

A、to play basketball with the boys who no longer have fathers

B、to help the boys who no longer have fathers

C、to teach the boys who no longer have fathers how to fish

4.Which of the following don’t the clubs do for the boys and girls?

A、Show movies.

B、Organize short trips.

C、Make new clothes for them.

5.The clubs use many students as volunteers because       .

A、they believe that the happiest people are those who help bring happiness to others

B、they are so young that they can remember the problems of younger boys and girls

C、they can work very long a day without having a rest


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