
     The new school term is coming. Now the school clerks are planning a new timetable for Class 7 ,
Grade 9.    
     There are six classes every day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. The students have a
math class every day. And they have seven English classes in a week. Two of them are given by a foreign
teacher and should be arranged together on Thursday morning.    
     There are five Chinese classes in a week. Two of them should also be arranged one after the other
for the students to write their corupositions.      
     They have two physics classes in a week but on different days. Besides these, there is an art class
every Wednesday afternoon.      
     It's necessary and important for students to take enough exercise. So they have two PE elsses every
week. And they can do outdoor activities after school every afternoon.
1. Math    2. Chinese   3. English  4. Physics   5. Art
Imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home alone. Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you?
'”I can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but that's all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldn't know what to do, or how to look after ourselves," said Zheng Chenyu. "And I'd forget something important. I'd probably watch television and burn the soup. "
“As soon as I leave home, I'll learn to cook. But now parents do almost everything for us. We’re very lazy, "she said.
Most teenagers have only time for their homework. They don't learn any life skills until they go to college.
However, Sima Yige doesn't think so.
"I think I'd be all right. I wouldn't just eat sandwiches or fruit. I know how to cook, some sim­ple dishes because my mum showed me," the 13 - year - old boy said. In his opinion, many teen­agers depend too much on their parents, and there is much more to learn than cooking, like "tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly."
For most teenagers it wouldn't be a holiday at all.
【小题1】Why would Zheng Chenyu probably burn the soup?
【小题2】 When will Zheng Chenyu learn to cook?
【小题3】Translate the underlined sentence "They don't learn any life skills until they go to college. " in this passage.   ________________________________________
【小题4】The underlined phrase "depend too much" on in the passage means __________ in Chinese.
【小题5】 Would life be as easy for teenagers living alone as when their parents are around?

阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。

What must you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you note. The words “thank you” are very important. We have to use them on many occasions. We say them when someone gives us a drink, help us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book or gives us lift.

(1)______ important word is “please”, _____ many people forget to use it. (2)It is impolite to ask someone to do something without saying “please”. We have to use it when we ask for something , too. It may be a book or a pen, more rice or more milk, help or advice. It may be in the classroom, at home, at the bus stop or over the counter. We have to use “please” to make request pleasant.

We have to learn to say “sorry” too. When we have hurt someone’s feeling, we will have to go up and say we’re sorry. When we have told a lie and feel sorry, we will have to use the same word. When we have forgotten something or broken a promise, we will have to explain with that word, too. “Sorry” is a healing word. We can make people forget wrongs by using it sincerely.

“Thank you! Please! Sorry!”—these words are simple but important. Man had to use them long ago. We have to use them now. Our children will have to use them again.


____________ 、____________


3.回答问题:What will you say if your friends help you?



When we haven’t told the truth, we must use the word “sorry”.





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