
       A disappointing performance

    Tom was sick with disappointment. The piano performance was almost a success, however, he f___(76)____ in his solo (独奏). He couldn’t understand how it could have happened.

He had practiced for weeks that seemed like m____(77)_____. He had given up sports until after the performance because he wanted to make his parents p____(78)____ of him. He spent all his time with the piano.

His teacher had said he was q____(79)_____ to learn. It was true that he accepted music as another l_____(80)____ , another way to talk to people.

His grandparents, aunt, and uncle all came to hear him play, and he was anxious to s____(81)____ them that he was the best in the whole class.

But, when he stood up to go to the piano, his knees felt w____(82)____. He looked into the audience and saw his f_____(83)_____ smiling back at him.

At this time, he felt n____(84)____. His fingers began to tremble(颤抖),shaking as though he had caught a bad cold. He sat down at the piano.

He took a deep breath. He played the first part of his music, then realized with fear that he had forgotten the rest. He s____(85)____ over, thinking that would help. It didn’t. His bright musical life seemed to end.














    76:考查动词。本句意思为“然而他在独奏表演中失败了”,本题需要注意到“however”前面的“success”,“however”表示转折,所以此空应填入“success”相反意思的词。“失败”的动词形式为“fail”, 再观察时态为一般过去时,故答案为“failed”考查动词。

    77:考查名词。本句意思为“他训练了几周的时间,这几周就似乎几个月。”通过前面的 “weeks”和 “seem like”,不难想出此空填 “月份”这个单词。需要注意要用复数形式。故答案为“months”

    78:考查形容词。本句意思为“他想要使他的家长为他感到自豪”。考查固定搭配“be proud of”“对.....感到自豪”

    79:考查形容词。本句意思为“他的老师说他学得很快。” “be quick to do”表示“做某事很快”。   

    80:考查名词。本句意思为“事实上是他看待音乐如另一门语言,另一种同人们谈话的方式。”重点关注another这个词,表示 “另一...”,所以“language”用单数,当然通过句意,也可知道此处应用单数。   

    81:考查名词。本句意思为“他急于向他们展示他是全班最好的。”通过句意,得知此处填“show”,“展示,显示”的意思。另外,“be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事”,故用动词原形show。

    82: 考查形容词。首先通过felt得知此处应填入形容词。通过下一段的“tremble 颤抖”,得知此时Tom很紧张,所以他的膝盖感到虚弱,即紧张得腿发软的意思。故填“weak”。


    84: 考查形容词。首先通过felt得知此处应填入形容词, 第82题提到,他的腿发软了,同时后文有“tremble 颤抖”,都可以说明他很紧张,故此空填入nervous。

    85:考查动词。本题考查短语“start over 重新开始”。本句意思为“他重新开始,认为这样做应该会有帮助。”另外注意时态为一般过去时,故填入“started”。













You and your parents can stop worrying---Edison , Pasteur , Darwin and many others were far from being “ bright boys ’’ when they were under twenty . Some of them , in the eyes of their teachers , were day---dreamers or slow pupils . So, young men or women , if you have the same experience , don’t feel disappointed .

It is always the case that parents prefer giving more inspiring examples to encourage their children . If you take piano lessons and are not practising hard , your parents might justly complain and show you the famous picture of little Mozart in his night-shirt , playing the piano at midnight . But the fact is that he didn’t appear to have much talent for music when he was quite young . It was not until 22 that Mozart suddenly became fired with a great liking for music .

In the sciences , there have been thousands of people who showed great interest in certain subjects from their earliest years , and hundreds who had no idea of what they would do in the future . The well-known French chemist Pasteur was a disappoint to his parents because Louris did nothing but draw pictures and go fishing . Pasteur was twenty years old before he showed any interest in science . You have the Wright brothers , who showed great talents in engineering when they were quite young . And you have Thomas Edison , whose teacher tried to get him out of the class because his brain was often confused . you have the Nobel Prize Physicist Ebrico Fermi, who at 17, had read enough mathematics for a doctor’s degree. But there is also Charles Darwin, who hated to go to school when he was young. His farther was once so angry and shouted , “You care for nothing but shooting dogs and rat-catching. You will put your parents to shame.”

So who knows what might happen in the future? It is, of course, better for the young people to know what they want to do in life. But they needn’t despair if they don’t. There is still plenty of time and it’s never too later for success.

1 .Before the age of 20, Pasture, Darwin and Edison      .

A.were very interested in their future work .  

B.were far from showing their talents .

C.showed early promise

D.failed in school .

2. To encourage their children parents are likely to give them     

A. very exciting examples     B. real examples

C. some false examples        D. extremely good examples

3. At the age of 22 Mozart      

A.was accidentally wounded by a fire

B.suddenly become a great musician

C.started to play the piano at midnight

D.became greatly interested in music

   4. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. Most successful adults are failures before the age of 22.

B. Early schooling is not important for later success.

C. People who show no signs of great talent when young might turn out to be greatly successful as adults.

D. People who show signs of great success when young might turn out to be failures as adults.

5. Young people should not despair (丧失信心) if they are not successful because        .

A.Edison and Darwin were not bright when young

B.they have more years to live than adults

C.they still have a lot of time to work for it

D. no one can tell what might happen in the future

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