
【题目】The students hurried to the classroom the bell rang.

A. until B. as soon as C. if D. so that



试题分析:结合句意,上课铃声一响,孩子们就快速地走到教室去。until直到;as soon as 一;if如果;so that 目的是。故选B。


【题目】While I was waiting to enter university, I saw an advertisement in a newspaper. It said that a teacher at a school. The school was about ten miles from where I lived. I was in great need of money and wanted to do useful, so I applied (申请).

Three days later, a letter . It asked me the principal(校长) of the school at Croydon. It was really a(n) journey-- a train to Croydon station, a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of a quarter of a mile. At last, I arrived there, feeling very hot and nervous. When I at the door, a man opened it. He was short and round.

“The school,” he said, has a group of twenty-four boys the age of seven and thirteen.” According to the man, I should have to teach all the subjects art, which the man himself taught the class art. I should have to the class into three groups and teach them in turn at three different levels, and I was quiet disappointed at the of teaching math --a subject which I wasn't very good at. It was that I had to teach them on Saturday afternoon because most of my friends would be themselves at that time.

I had time to ask about my salary (薪水), the man got up to his feet. “Now,” he said, “you'd better my wife. She is the one who really runs this school.”

1A. wants B. wanted C. was wanted D. was wanting

【/span>2A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

3A. improved B. arrived C. dropped D. developed

4A. catch B. to catch C. see D. to see

5A. comfortable B. wonderful C. unimportant D. unpleasant

6A. at least B. at first C. at last D. at most

7A. looked B. knocked C. shut D. turned

8A. among B. from C. between D. both

9A. as well as B. besides C. including D. except

10A. connect B. divide C. join D. tear

11A. idea B. news C. service D. agreement

12A. better B. harder C. worse D. nicer

13A. helping B. enjoying C. studying D. cleaning

14A. Though B. Because C. Unless D. Before

15A. meet B. to meet C. met D. will meet

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