This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding (建立) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Oct 1, 1949.

That year, in a grand ceremony (盛大的典礼) in Beijing’s Tian’an men Square, Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly proclaimed (庄严宣布) the founding of the PRC. After that, the military parade (大阅兵) began. The parade lasted for two and a half hours, with spectacular (壮观的) scenes showing the People’s Liberation Army’s powerful and grand lineup (阵容).

On Oct 1, we had a grand military parade in Beijing’s Tian’an men Square again. Did you see it on TV? The parade was to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It attracted the world’s attention. Cool soldiers(士兵)and generals(将军), guards of honor (仪仗队) and new weapons (武器) marked the special event. Hundreds of tanks (坦克), and missiles(导弹) traveled down Chang’an Avenue, the main street that goes through the heart of Beijing into Tian''an men Square.

1.How old is the People’s Republic of China (PRC)?


2.Did Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly proclaim (庄严宣布) the founding of the PRC in 1949?


3.Why was there a grand military parade on Oct.1 this year?


4.Would you like to join the army(军队) when you grow up? Why or why not?


How fast might your mobile phone network be in the future? After 3G and 4G, 5G is on the way. 5G (from “the fifth-generation mobile networks”) is the latest generation of mobile communications, including extreme high bandwidth(宽带), low latency(低延时), and high density(高密度) connections. According to Science Daily, 5G tests are expected to start in 2019 in the US and by 2020 in the UK. China has already tested 5G in10 big cities and announced the start of 5G this year.

As a result of the increased size of networks, data transfer will be much faster and more reliable.5G is expected to be 10 to 100 times faster than the average speed of the current 4G network. It may enable many new uses that are impossible on older networks. For example, you can download a film within just 3 seconds. This used to take a few minutes with a 4G network. In addition, there will be enough capacity(容量) for everyone to chat on social media and watch movies on their phones. Scientists say 5G will help the development of self-driving cars and the “5G man-like robot”as well. Most importantly, 5G will help us build the Internet of things(IoT,物联网). loT connects everyday devices to the Internet. People can control their devices remotely. For example, on a hot summer’s day, you could tum on your air conditioning with loT before you go home. All of these things need very fast Internet speeds.5G will be the key.

Every single day, our technology seems to shift up a level. Some big companies like Huawei and Samsung have started to deliver. 5G products. 5G technology is becoming reality, It will make some unimagined changes. Let’s wait and see what it brings.

1.What does the sentence“5G is on the way” mean according to Paragraph One?

A.China, the US and the UK are expected to start 5G in 2019 and 2020.

B.3G, 4G and 5G are the newest generation of mobile communications.

C.China has already used 5G in ten big cities and will use 6G next year.

D.5G will be 10-100 times bigger than 4G network at the present time.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.5G may enable many new uses. B.The importance of 5G's company.

C.New inventions of 5G company. D.The huge capacity 5G will bring.

3.What great change will there be with 5G?

A.Man-like robots will be invented. B.Self-driving cars will be seen. ..

C.The Internet of things will be built. D.The Electronic keys will be found.

4.Where can you read the passage?

A.In a picture book. B.In a science magazine.

C.In a page of sports. D.In a book review.

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