
What’s the meaning of “dark horse”? It’s someone who wins when no one expects it. Han Xiao’peng took China’s first gold on snow. He became an Olympic “dark horse” last Thursday by winning the gold medal in men’s freestyle aerial skiing(自由式滑雪空中技巧) at Turin in Italy. He made two almost perfect jumps for the highest score. Han had never won a world gold medal before, let alone(更不用说) in the Olympics!

“I never thought this would happen,” said the 23-year-old. “I feel like I’m in a dream.” It’s China’s second gold medal at the Turin Olympics. But more important, Han’s gold was the country’s first ever in a snow sport. In 2002, China’s Yang Yang won the gold for speed skating at the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, US. Just because Han’s win was unexpected doesn’t mean that he didn’t work hard.

Han grew up in Jiangsu Province. Before he started his training on snow, he used to be an acrobat(杂技演员) at a circus. In 1995, a coach found his talent(才能). The coach, Yang Er’qi, said Han had the agility(灵活性) and courage to be a ski jumper. When Yang first took the 12-year-old to northern China, the boy couldn’t swim, skate or ski. But he wasn’t afraid of the high platform(跳台) and kept on training.

Han almost left the sport after hurting his knee months before the Salt Lake Games. In that Olympics he only got 24th. “I was hopeless at that time, but my family and the coach stood firmly(坚强地) behind me, helping me through,” he recalled.

    Han Xiaopeng worked so hard that he won the gold medal in the Olympics at last. Because of his success, more and more people in China are becoming interested in skiing. We are proud of him and we hope he will have another big success in the next winter Olympics.

56. What does ‘dark horse’ mean? It means _____________.

   A. a horse which is dark                               B. someone who is expected to win

   C. a horse which likes living in the dark                   D. someone whose win is unexpected

57. Where did Han Xiaopeng take China’s first gold on snow?

   A. In China   .    B. In Italy.      C. In America.    D. In Australia.

58. What made the coach, Yang Er’qi, choose Han Xiaopeng to be a ski jumper?

   A. He had the agility and wasn’t afraid of the high platform.

   B. He was good at skiing though he was only 12 years old.

   C. He was born in the north of China and liked sports on snow.

   D. He had the talent and he had won a world gold medal before.

59. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

   A. He was 23 when he won the gold medal at the winter Olympics.

   B. He made two almost perfect jumps and got the highest score.

   C. No one had won the gold before Han Xiaopeng at the winter Olympics.

   D. He never gave up even though he had faced many difficulties.

60. What is the best title for this passage?

   A. A Dark Horse at the Winter Olympics           B. A Wonderful Match

   C. A Hopeless Snow Game                     D. An Exciting Horse Race


Two Chinese spacecrafts successfully completed China’s first space docking early November 3, 2011, which has taken the country a step closer to building its own space station.
Nearly two days after its launch, the unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou VIII docked with the space lab module Tiangong I more than 343 km above the earth surface. Shenzhou VIII and Tiangong I took apart after flying together for 12 days. On the 14th of November, the two spacecrafts finished the second docking. Then Shenzhou VIII parted from Tiangong I again and returned to the earth safely on the 17th. Tiangong I is still traveling around the earth in the space, waiting for the arrival of Shenzhou IX and X and so on in the near future.
That marked another great leap for China’s space program and made China the third country in the world, after the United States and Russia, to master the space docking technique (空间对接技术).
The world’s first space docking was achieved in 1966, when the manned U.S, spacecraft Gemini 8 (双子星8号) docked with an unmanned Agena Target Vehicle (阿金纳目标飞行器). Space docking is necessary to explore space beyond Earth’s orbit. “The capability increases China’s ability to act independently in space, as well as its ability to work together with others,” said Gregory Kulacki, a U.S. space scientist and senior analyst.
“With the success of its first space docking, China is now equipped with the basic technology and ability required for the construction of a space station,” said Zhou Jianping, chief designer of China’s manned space program.” The country is on its way to building a permanent manned space station around 2020.”
【小题1】What did the success of the first space docking mean to China?

A.China has caught up with the United States in the space exploration field.
B.China took a step closer to building its own space station.
C.China became the first country to master the space docking technique.
D.China has the ability to build a permanent manned space station right now.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “That” in the third paragraph refer to?
A.Shenzhou VIII.
B.Tiangong I
C.The Space Station
D.The success of China’s first space docking
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage? 
A.Tiangong I will fly in the space for 12 days.
B.The first space docking of the world was achieved in 1966, by Russians.
C.Without space docking technique people can’t explore space beyond Earth’s orbit.
D.The U.S.A helped China achieve the first space docking.
【小题4】What’s the best title of this passage?
A.The first space docking of China.
B.The history of space docking.
C.The first space docking of the world.
D.The space docking technique

As we all know, people couldn’t live without water. Some parts of our bodies are made of water. We depend on clean water to live every day.

However, we human beings are polluting water seriously. In some areas of China, people are still in great need of clean water. Dirty water is one of the world’s biggest healthy problems. It’s harmful to our health. When water from the rain and melting(融化) snow runs through roads, it picks up some dangerous chemicals and other things along the way. Many of the rivers are short of protections, so they are easy to be polluted by factories or animals’ waste.

World Water Day has grown to become one of the important dates since 1993. In 2013, World Water Day shares the topic of Water Cooperation. If everyone tries their best to save and protect the clean water, our living conditions will be much better.


1.From the first paragraph, we know that people couldn’t live without _________.

A. fire????????????? B. water????????????? C. books????????????? D. language

2.Dirty water is ________ to our heath.

A. useful????????????? B. kind????????????? C. harmful????????????? D. cruel

3.Many of the rivers are easy to be polluted by __________.

A. schools????????????? B. factories or animals’ waste

C. fish????????????? D. human beings’ waste

4.What’s the topic of 2013 World Water Day?

A. Water and Food.????????????? B. City Water Protection.

C. Water Quality.????????????? D. Water Cooperation.

5.Which of the following is TRUE(对的)?

A. The clean water is enough in China.??????

B. We needn’t any clean water.

C. World Water Day started in 2013.????????

D. We should try our best to protect the clean water.



Ayumi lived with her mother when she was a kidShe couldn't remember her father because he left the family when the girl was five and never came backAyumi's mother gave her much freedom to do whatever she likedbecause the mother was always at work

    Ayumi was a model when she was youngAfter graduating from junior high schoolshe left home to take entrance exams to an art school in Tokyo with her friendsbut to her surpriseshe was the only one that failed

    After thatwhen someone offered her a chance to be a singerAyumi refusedbecause she thought she wasn't good at singingBut latershe changed her mind — she couldn't find any other jobs

    Her first song came out in 1998 and soon attracted attentionHer first albums(唱片) A Song for ×× came out in 1999 and quickly sold over one million copiesEach of her albums has sold very well since thenShe has become "the Queen of Pop" in Japan


1.Why did Ayumi's mother give her much freedom?


2.What result did Ayumi get in her entrance exams to an art school in Tokyo?


3.At first, why did Ayumi refuse the chance to be a singer?


4.What's the name of Ayumi's first album?


5.When did her first song come out?



Four girls were at the same school. They were good friends, so they often studied and played together. They went to school every day by taxi.

One day one of the girls said, “There is a test this morning. Let’s go to school late. Then we won’t have to take the test.” “What can we tell the teacher?” One of the girls said. “He’ll be angry. We’ll need a good excuse.”

The girls thought for several moments, then one of them said, “Let’s tell him that our taxi had a flat tire(爆胎).” “That’s a good idea,” the other girls said. “We’ll tell him that.”

They arrived at school an hour later. The test was finished.

“Why are you late?” the teacher asked. “You miss the test.” “Our taxi had a flat tire,” one of the girls said.

The teacher thought for a moment, then he said, “Sit down, one of you in each corner of the room.” The four girls did this. Then the teacher said, “Write the answer to this question on a piece of paper: Which tire was flat?”

1.The four girls went to school every day by ________.

A.bus              B.taxi              C.subway           D.bike

2.One day the four girls got to school late because they ________.

A.didn’t like their teacher                 B.got up late in the morning

C.didn’t want to take the test               D.had an accident on the road

3.What’s the meaning of the word “excuse” in Chinese?

A.对不起           B.请假             C.借口             D.请示

4.The teacher asked the four girls to sit down like Picture ________.

A.                 B.                 C.                 D.

5.The passage implies(暗示) that ________.

A.the teacher was always angry with his students

B.the teacher would get the same answer to the question from the four girls

C.the four girls always have good ideas

D.the teacher was strict with his students


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