
 Class, In less than two months , Junior 4 students will take the big exam and graduate.What are they doing to look back on  their past four years?

    Wang Lin,15, from Shanghai ,said that in her class students are writing good bey messages for each other. They are also exchanging each other’s photos.

     “ Even our English teacher has a project,”said Wang. “ She plans to store the photos of all the students and the English compositions we have written in a CD and give each student one copy”.

    Zhang Peng,15,from Hefei ,Anhui, said his classmates are making “Lucky stars” with colored paper as graduation gifts.

    Who does Zhang want to make a lucky star for? He said he wanted to make one for his head teacher. “I ’ll write : Dear Mr Liu ,you always look so strict and serious , but I know you have a warm heart. Smile more ! ”he said.

    In Lu Shan’s school in Taiyuan, Shanxi, each Junior 4 Student is writing a thank-you note.

    “I have written a thank-you note to thank my teachers. I thank them for having taken care of me and educated me so well in the past few years,” said Lu. And I have also written a poem.”

    She said the poem recorded the big events of the class and was in the shape of the number 9. “Nine is our class number,” said Lu, who felt very proud of the idea. “I feel lucky to study in such a class!”

   1 The underlined phrase “look back on” means “________” in Chinese?

A. 保存              B. 记载         C. 展望         D. 回顾 

2 What graduation presents does Wang Lin’s English teacher want to give her students?

A. A Japanese composition.

B. A good bye message. .

C.Some photos .

D. A CD.

3 From the passage, we can know Lu Shan is in __________ ?

A. Class Nine, Grade eight .    

B. Class Nine,Grade Nine .

C. Class One ,Grade Eight.  

D. Class One, Grade Nine.

1D      2D        3B


Do you want to know anything about ma staying in America? Well, Let me tell you the truth, it is really an eye-opening experience to study here.
In China, I had English classes five times a week since the fifth grade. However didn’t know textbook English was very different from everyday English until I came to Hotchkiss School, Connecticut.
When I first studied English, I was told to say,“I am fine” when people say “How are you?”But in the US, I found that people say,” I am good” or “I am tired.”
One day, someone greeted me with” What’s up?”It made me confused. I thought for a moment and then smiled because I didn’t know what to say.
Since then, I have discovered more and more differences between Chinese and the US cultures.
To my surprise, the US girls spend a lot of time in burning sun getting a tan (晒黑). However, in China, girls try every possible way to get their skin paler(白的).
I am also surprised by how hardworking the US students are. In China, schoolwork is almost everything, so we study hard all the time. But here, an “excellent” student gets good grades, does a lot for the public and plays sports or music .The kids here are so talented ,I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano at an early age and that I have never thought about sports.
【小题1】How often did the writer have an English class in Grade Five?
A. Four times a week.
B. Five times a week.
C. Six times a week.
【小题2】To the winter, textbook English is          everyday English.
A. quite different from B. the same as   C. easier than
【小题3】A good US student spends his/her time         .
A. only in doing homework 
B. only on sports or music
C. on studies, sports or music and public work
【小题4】Which of following is NOT true?             
A. The writer is now in the US
B. American girls love to have while skin
C. The US students are talented and hard working.
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?           
A. My own Travel in the US.
B. My Study in the US.
C. My friends in the US.

You may feel curious (好奇的) about students in other countries: Do they also have so much homework? What do they do in their free time?

    On April 8, a report came out on the lives of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 students from the four countries last year. You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report.

    Who studies hardest?

    Chinese students spend the most time studying. Nearly half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day. That’s much more than students of the US (26.4%), Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).

    Who sleeps most often in class?

    Japanese students fall asleep in class most often. About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off in class. In South Korea, it’s 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.

    South Korean students don’t like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, much fewer than in Japan (93%), China (90%) and the US (89%).

    Who is the most distracted (分心的)?

    American students are the most active in class, but also the most distracted: 64.2% said they chat with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks in class; and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated (无关的) books in class.

    What do they do after school?

    In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese students do physical exercises. Most Korean students watch TV.

1.The report is about ___________.

A. the countries    B. the subjects     C. the students’ lives     D. the high schools

2.What country isn’t mentioned in the report?

A. The US        B. South Korea     C. Japan          D. India

3. ______ of the Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework.   

A. 26.4%         B.8.2 %           C. 5.2%              D. 48.6%

4.The phrase doze off means ______.

A. be half asleep     B. get up         C. eat snacks          D. send emails

5.What of the following sentences is Not true?

A. The survey from the four countries was made last year.

B. Most Japanese students do physical exercises after school.

C. About half of the American students chat with friends in class.

D. The students in South Korean don’t like taking notes in class.


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