In today’s world we are often surrounded by technology.1.However, increasingly scientists are saying that we need to give ourselves a break -or we may put ourselves at risk of developing hundreds of health problems. Over the summer, the days are longer, sunnier and free from school. With all this free time, why not put it to good use and do something that doesn’t involve technology?

To start with, you could learn a new skill There are hundreds of possibilities: crafts, cooking, learning a musical instrument or anew sport.2.Perhaps you want to learn about how to knit(编织), so you can have a new jumper for the autumn? You could use your free time to learn something new and perhaps it’ll lead to an exciting opportunity in the future. If you just want to relax, why not head to a beach? Take along your favorite book and relax on the sand, or go for a walk along the coastline.3.Why not take a picnic, or try and see some of the local wildlife?

Little things, like challenging yourself to complete a crossword or a Sudoku, are a great place to start.4.Coloring is surprisingly therapeutic(治疗的),and it can be a nice way to escape(get out)from the stress of modern life!

Whatever you choose to do with your summer, try something new!5. .You might make new friends along the way. Next time you find yourself aimlessly changing channels on TV, have a think at what else you could spend your time doing.

A. If you don’t live near a beach, you could go to your local park.

B. As we know, the technology brings us many advantages and disadvantages.

C. You might surprise yourself and find a hidden talent with you.

D. It’s true to say that technology makes our lives easier.

E. You could even get involved in the latest craze: adult coloring books!

F. Maybe you've always wanted to try out that recipe, but haven't had time?


Every day, Vicky travelled by bus between her office and home. She noticed something special about the bus driver. Whenever the passengers(乘客)got on the bus, he would smile at them.

However, Vicky also noticed a passenger who ever smiled back at the driver. It seemed that he never had any clean clothes. He often made big noises. Every time he got on the bus, he made the other passengers give up the seat to him in a loud voice. But the driver still smiled at the passenger. Instead, the "noisy" man seemed to never see the smile.

This got Vicky more interested. Once, she asked the driver. "Sir, may l ask you a question? Why don't you throw that noisy man out of the bus?"

The driver looked at Vicky and said, "He's my guest." "He is rude. Don't be so nice to him!" "Let me tell you about my dog." the driver said patiently. "Each time the moon shines, my dog barks at it crazily." Hearing this, Vicky was confused and said, "Sorry, but I don't understand what you're trying to tell me." The driver said, "It keeps barking, but the moon still shines."

1.Vicky thinks the bus driver is special because he __________.

A.drives too fast B.shouts at every passenger hard very day D.smiles at every passenger

2.What does Vicky think of this "noisy" man?

A.He is clean and friendly. B.He is noisy and friendly.

C.He is not clean and rude. D.He is clean and impolite.

3.Which one is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Vicky went to office by bike. B.The driver is a kind man.

C.Vicky has a dog. D.The "noisy" man always smiled at the driver.

4.The underlined(画线的)word "confused" in the passage means __________.

A.困惑的 B.混乱的 C.尴尬的 D.渐愧的

5.The story mainly wants to tell us that we should __________. every day B.not be polite to everyone strict with ourselves D.always show our kindness to others

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