Dick was a college student. He was studying history. But at the end of the first school year he did not pass the exam. A month later he sat for the makeup exam, but he was down again. Dick was very afraid because he knew he might have to leave the college.

When Dick’s father knew this, he went to see the professor(教授). “Dick is a good boy,” said the father. “If you let him pass it this time, I’m sure he will study harder next year and pass all the exams with very good marks.”

“No, that’s quite impossible,” answered the professor. “He almost knows nothing about history. Last month I asked him when Napoleon(拿破仑) died, and he said he didn’t know.”

“Please, sir, give him another chance.” said the father. “ Sometimes we were too busy to read the evening papers carefully, so we even don’t know Mr. Napoleon was ill.”

1.Dick had been in college for .

A.four years B.about one year

C.more than three years D.more than two years

2.Napoleon was .

A.a famous professor B.the name of a student

C.the name of a teacher D.the name of a famous Frenchman

3.“Sat for the makeup exam” in the passage means.

A.参加补考 B.下决心 C.期末考试 D.不及格

4.The father went to the college because .

A.he wanted to give the teacher some presents

B.he missed his son very much

C.the professor asked him to do so

D.he hoped the professor would let his son pass the exam

5.From the passage, we get to know that .

A.the professor hated Dick very much

B.the father didn’t know Napoleon at all

C.Dick worked very hard in the college

D.the father often read the evening papers carefully

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