
For thousands of years, people have used plants to make medicines. They used different parts of the plants —the roots, the leaves, the flowers, and the bark (树皮). Today, doctors have rediscovered more medicinal (药用) values of some plants. Let’s look at some examples.

Foxglove is a common plant. People have used it to make the heart slow down. Recently scientists have developed another drug from it. This new drug helps prevent other heart problems.

In some areas, malaria has been a problem. Scientists have learned that the bark of a South American tree, the cinchona, can be made into a drug to prevent malaria. For a long time, the Chinese have known that a special plant, wormwood, can also fight malaria. Scientists have been working with it to develop new drugs against malaria.

In Germany, some scientists studied garlic (大蒜) for four years. They found that it helps prevent the build-up of plaque (血小板) because too much plaque is bad for health. This very common plant continues to be studied.

As we know, there are about 250,000 kinds of flowering plants in the world. Scientists have only studied little more than one percent of plants for their medicinal value. Maybe medicines for AIDS and cancer will be made from the other 99 percent.

1.What can foxglove be used for?

A.Studying plants.

B.Building up the plaque.

C.Treating AIDS and cancer.

D.Preventing heart problems.

2.What does the underlined word “malaria” in Paragraph 3 refer to (指的是)?

A.A drug.                               B.A plant.

C.An illness.                             D.An animal.

3.How many plants are mentioned in the passage?

A.3.               B.4.                C.5.               D.6

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Past and future

B.Plants and medicine

C.Health and illness

D.Scientists and doctors










2.联系下文the cinchona, can be made into a drug to prevent malaria. 可知这是一种疾病,故选C.







Entering a university is an important part of a person’s life. Today, many people go to study and train for a future job in subjects like law (法律), medicine or education. But the university is not a modern invention. It has a history that is over a thousand years.

The world’s oldest university, AL-Azhar, is in Cario, Egypt. It was first built as a mosque for religion (宗教寺院) in A.D.972. A few years later, learners and teachers began meeting in the mosque. They read and talked about the subject of law. Around 988, leaders in the city of Cario decided to open up a school for higher learning and the University of AL-Azhar was founded.
At AL-Azhar, there were many university ‘firsts’. Different subjects were set up. The earliest ones taught at AL-Azhar were in law and religion. In a course, students read and studied with the teacher, but there was also free discussion. Often, students and teachers talked about a topic (题目), and there was no ‘right’ answer. Finally, famous teachers from around the world came to AL-Azhar to teach and do deep studies on the subjects they were interested in. At the university, people studied the past, but it was also a place for exchanging new ideas.

Over a thousand years later, AL-Azhar is still an important university in the world. Its library keeps more than 250,000 of the world’s oldest and most valuable (有价值的) books. Today, many of the world’s most important universities such as Oxford and Harvard still follow the traditions started at AL-Azhar.
【小题1】From the first paragraph(段落) we know that _________.

A.universities are important to the city life
B.the university is a quite new invention
C.university education may help a person find law。
D.the university has a history of more than a thousand years
【小题2】AL-Azhar was first built for _______.
A.educationB.religionC.a meetingD.law
【小题3】Which of the following are the earliest subjects taught in the University of AL-Azhar?
A.Education and medicine.B.Religion and law.
C.Free discussion.D.History and tradition.
【小题4】Which of the following is not true about the University of AL-Azhar?
A.AL-Azhar was built in the city of Cario in Egypt.
B.AL-Azhar didn’t become a university until the years around 988.
C.The University of AL-Azhar was a place to read books.
D.Now AL-Azhar is still one of the famous universities in the world.


  Are people less happy or happier when they get older? If your answer is “happier”, then you are right, based on a study published five years ago. It found that people generally become happier and experience less worry after age fifty. In fact, it found that by the age of eighty-five, people are happier with their life than they were at eighteen.

    The findings came from a Gallup survey of more than three hundred and forty thousand adults in the United States in 2008. At that time, the people were between the ages of eighteen and eighty-five.

    Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were the highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five. Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties.

    Levels of happiness were the highest among the kids and those in their early seventies.

The survey also found that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men did.

So why would happiness increase with age? One theory is that, as people get older, they become more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.

Title: Relationship Between Age and     1.      

     The elements of the survey

Time: 2008

Place: in the United States

Researcher: Arthur Stone and his    2. 

Targets: 340,000 adults

The    3.   of the survey

Generally people become happier and feel

  4.   worried after age 50. By the age of 85, people are happier with their life than they were at 18.

Adults between the ages of 22 and 25 have the          5.    stress.

The kids and those in their early    6.   feel the happiest.

Men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women feel sadder, more    7.   and worried than men do.


Happiness    8.    with age. That’s because people become more thankful for what they have and control their emotions   9.  as they get older. It also   10.   them less time to think about bad experiences.


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