



(   ) 1. Thank you for your help.  

(   ) 2.Sorry, I don’t know the way to the hospital.

(   ) 3. What time does the class begin?  

(   ) 4. What’s the matter?

(   ) 5. How much water is there?


A.  Thank you all the same.

B.  You are welcome.

C.  My computer doesn’t work.

D.  Only a little.

E.  At 8:00.












Where there is a will, there is a way.

Nick Vujicic was born, without arms and legs, in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. Nick faced all kinds of problems and troubles in his life. But he never gives up. Now Nick has his own speaking company; Attitude Is Attitude. And he has traveled around the world to give speeches. He shares with his audience his audience the importance of vision and dreaming big. He says attitude (态度) is the most powerful tool in the life and failure (失败) is just a learning experience.

Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, is only 28. In only 8 years, Zuck turned his small website into a world famous network. Zuck once wrote to his workmates, "We don't build services to make money; we make money to build better services"

Jeremy Lin's excellent performances in basketball courts attracted the eyes of both Americans and Chinese this year. Then what has led this young man to such a success? The following may help us understand it.

1. Believe in yourself;

2. Catch the chance when it comes up;

3. Find the system that works for your style;

4. People will love you for being yourself;

5. Stay humble (谦逊).

1.Attitude Is Attitude is _______.

A. the title of Nick's speech            

B. Nick's company

C. an international organization         

D. a machine that can speak

2.Which of the following about Nick is wrong?

A. Nick had no arms or legs when he was born

B. He says people can learn from their failures

C. He tells his audience to dream big and have vision

D. He has never traveled around the world so far

3.Facebook is _______.

A. a world-wide network    B. Zuck's workmate    C. a popular book    D. Zuck's boss

4.From what Zuck wrote ,we can learn _______.

A. Facebook doesn't build services

B. Facebook doesn't make money

C. offering better services is more important than making money

D. building services doesn't make money

5.From Jeremy Lin's success, we can find _______.

A. one must have self-confidence          

B. catching the chance is the most important

C. one should try his best to follow others   

D. one must keep the rules all the time



Harvey was having his hair cut in a barber shop when a young boy entered the shop. The barber said to Harvey in a very low voice, "This is the silliest kid in the world. Watch while I show it to you." The barber put a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters(25美分) in the other, then called the boy over and asked, "Which do you want, son?" The boy took the quarters and left. "What did I tell you?" said the barber. "That kid never learns!"

Later, when Harvey left, he saw the same young boy coming out of an ice cream store. "Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?" The boy ate his ice cream and replied, "Because the day I take the dollar, the game's over!

1. The barber gave the boy money because he         .

A. wanted the boy to help him        B. loved the boy       C. wanted to prove(证明) his words.

2. The boy got          from the barber.

A. one dollar                      B. 50 cents(美分)               C. a quarter

3. The sentence “the game's over” here means         .

A. he can’t play the computer game any longer

B. he can never get money from the barber

C. he can never go to the barber shop

4.We can learn that          is the smartest one among the three people in this story.

A. the boy                        B. the barber                  C. Harvey

5. We can infer(推断) from the passage that         .

A. The young boy was the barber’s son       

B. Every time the boy got the money, he went to buy an ice cream.

C. The barber thought the boy wasn’t clever at all.


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