
If yesterday had been Wednesday's tomorrow and tomorrow is Sunday's yesterday, what day would today be?

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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
I really only meant it as a joke.  I wasn't trying to steal anything honestly.
My friend Matthew started bringing his new cell phone to class last week. He was walking around bragging (吹嘘) about it to everyone. He was saying, "My cell phone can download (下载) the newest 41 off the internet."Then he 42everyone by downloading a game and starting to play it. The pictures and sound were really 43 .
44 class, he would use his cell phone to watch TV. The rest of us didn't have a phone like 45 , so we had to crowd around him. I was just trying to see the screen, 46 there were so many other kids that I could not see it clearly. I was getting really jealous (嫉妒).
But then yesterday, he forgot his cell phone at the end of class. He left it right on his desk. 47 noticed it was there except me. I decided to teach him a lesson. I took his phone quietly off the desk, and put it in my own bag. My 48 was to give it back to him the next day. I 49 wanted to see his reaction (反应). Maybe he would stop being such a show-off.
But this morning he rushed into class, screaming and yelling (吼叫). He was very 50 and almost mad. He started accusing (指责) different people of 51 his phone, but I had it in my 52 the whole time. He even started fighting with another classmate 53 Matthew was sure that person had taken it. The teacher sent them to the headmaster's office. They 54 got in a lot of trouble. Now I don't know what to 55 ! If I tell him that I took the cell phone, he'll think I stole it. If I don't tell him, then I really did steal it. How did I get into such a trouble?


Imagine there is a bank that puts $ 86, 400 in your account ( 账户)each morning. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank writes off( 注销)the balance that you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Take out every cent,  of course \
Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning,  it puts in 86, 400 seconds. Every evening it writes off,  as it is lost. There is no balance or overdraft 透支) . If you fail to use the day’s savings,  the lost is yours. There is no going back. There is no taking from " tomorrow". You must make good use of it so as to get more in health,  happiness and success!
The clock is running. Make the most of today. To realize the value of ONE YEAR,  ask a student who failed a grade; To realize the value of ONE MONTH,  ask a mother who gave birth to a premature( 早产)baby; To realize the value of ONE WEEK,  ask the editor of a weekly newspaper; To realize the value of ONE HOUR,  ask the lovers who are waiting to meet; To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,  ask a person who missed the train; To realize the value of ONE SECOND,  ask a person who just avoided(避免)an accident.
Make good use of every moment that you have. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called "The Present".
【小题1】The underlined word "balance" in paragraph 1 means_________.

【小题2】 What is special about the TIME bank we each have?
A.We can store time in it whenever we like.
B.Someone puts $ 86, 400 in it every day.
C.The time in it will surely get lost if you don’t use it.
D.Someone helps you spend your time every night.
【小题3】What can be the best title of the passage?
A.The Bank of MoneyB.The Bank of Time
C.The value of one hourD.The clock is running
【小题4】 In this passage,  the writer tries to tell us_________.
A.what a bank isB.how to save money
C.the difference of time unitsD.to make good use of time

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