Everyone likes to receive gifts. In many countries people give gifts for special occasions. For example, in the United States people give    63   for birthdays, weddings, and when someone graduates from high school or college. In Japan many people give gifts at special times in the summer and    64   . And in some countries people give a person a gift when they visit the person’s home. But how do you choose the   65    gift?
It's not always easy to find a great gift for everyone, especially when you are buying a gift for someone from another    66  . In many Western countries watches and    67   are nice gifts. However, Chinese people do not like clocks as gifts. The Chinese words that mean to give a clock are similar to the words for to die. So many Chinese people think that a clock as a gift is bad 68  .
Many people around the world think that flowers are always a safe gift. But even flowers can be   69  ! In Russia a gift of an odd number of flowers (1,3,5, etc. ) is okay. But a gift of an even number of flowers (2,4,6, etc. ) is not okay. It's only for funerals! People in China do not like gifts of white flowers, because white is the color for funerals. And don't  70   red roses to a stranger from Germany. They may think you love them! Red roses mean love in several cultures!
【小题1】A. money B. gifts C food
【小题2】 A. person B. place C. winter
【小题3】 A. right B. wrong C. shiny
【小题4】 A. country B. city C. village
【小题5】A. flowers B. books C. clocks
【小题6】A. luck B. lucky C. unlucky
【小题7】 A. a safe gift B. a problem C. a good tdea
【小题8】A. receive B. accept C. give

Who are you? Sure you know your name, but your name is just a label (标签); it does not describe who you are. In a world with over six billion people, there can be millions of Johns or Jennys, but there is only one YOU. So what makes you special?
There are three things that make you different from any other person on the planet: your looks, your fingerprints (指纹) and your personality. Your looks and fingerprints certainly make you special, but these are just physical characteristics(特征). It is your personality that really describes who you are.
Personality is the form of emotions, thoughts, and behavior that people show throughout their lives, which makes them different from others. It is especially shown in how they behave towards other people.
Each person’s personality is made up of different personality traits (特征) such as kindness or shyness. These traits decide how people behave in different situations. A person’s personality decides everything they say and do. The human’s brain(大脑) has a special part that gives us personality and allows us to think for ourselves. This part of the brain is called the mind. Someone’s personality can change if their brain damaged in an accident. Scientists cannot study the mind by looking inside someone’ brain! To study the mind, scientists have to study human behavior. This includes studying people and having personality tests. Scientists believe that answers to the questions tell us something about a person’s personality traits. After asking thousands of people thousand of questions, they have found that some personality traits seem to go together. For example, shy people are often quiet. They have an introverted (内向的) personality type. The opposite is an extroverted (外向的) personality type —people who are outgoing, friendly and like being around other people. Describing personality types is not easy. In fact, scientists do not all agree on how many personality types there are, or how exactly they are described.
【小题1】The underlined word “personality” in the passage means “_______” in Chinese.
A. 心理           B. 特征          C. 性格
【小题2】From this passage, you know _______ makes you different from any other person.
A. your hair, the color of skin and height
B. your name
C. your looks, fingerprints and personality
【小题3】Your personality comes from _______.
A.         B.         C. 
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. People who are introverted don’t like being around others.
B. To study the personality, scientists have to study human behavior.
C. Everyone’s personality won’t change at any time.
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?

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