
Will you tell others your QQ password(2 11)? Of course not. But if your passwords are too easy, the hacker can guess them.

These days we have too many passwords to remember.To make life easy, some people use easy passwords, like“123456”, “88888”0r “abc123”. Many people also use personal information, like a birthday, as passwords. But these easy passwords are not safe online. So please use different passwords for different things and remember to change your passwords every 90 days.

Here are some ways to make a safe password.

Upper-casing (大写) your password is a good start . Put numbers and symbols(符号) in your password. Make your passwords long. For example, make a password of nine letters, with numbers and symbols in it and upper-casing it. Then it will take hackers hundreds of years to work out!

1.The underlined word“ hacker” in this passage means________ in Chinese

A.小偷 B.邮递员 C.黑客 D.快递员

2.We should change our passwords________.

A.about a year B.about a month C.about a season D.about a week

3.According to this passage, there are________ways to make a safe password

A.four B.three C.two D.one

4.Which of the following passwords is the safest(最安全)?

A.abc123 B.20040215 C.STARWARS #520. D.good luck

5.This passage is mainly about________.

A.how to remember your password B.how to change your passwords

C.how to use your QQ numbers D.how to make a safe password


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