
Nowadays in school life, a lot of students develop a fear of tests. It's not because tests are something to be afraid of. Most students are afraid of tests mainly because they don't always think they are well—prepared and they don't have enough self—confidence. If you follow the advice below, it's not difficult to overcome your fear of tests.

People who know that they are not well—prepared are usually those who fear tests most. However, most students don't know when they are truly prepared for a test. As long as you know that you have studied well and long enough, you have reason to believe that you are well—prepared.

Be confident about yourself. Confidence before a test can bring about two results: either you fail the test and feel as if your confidence was unfounded(毫无根据的)or you could actually do well in the test because of your confidence. Some students find that they experience the first result. However, this is only because those students might not have followed the first advice mentioned above. As long as you have studied well, you will be more confident of your chance to succeed in a test. If you feel as if you have not studied hard enough, then you will not be as confident as you should be.

Ask your teacher in advance(提前)about the material that is going to be covered in the test. In this way, you will know what you should prepare for and you can get confidence in the test. But you have to be brave enough to ask. Most students do not ask unless their teacher gives the information first, so make sure that you ask.

You should know that tests are only telling if you have got the knowledge, not how good or bad your IQ is. So, even if you do badly in one test, you should know that there are other tests to come. As long as you think that there is another tomorrow, you can overcome your fear of a test. However, make sure that you are going to prepare well for the other tests.

Fear can be a problem in the process of achieving success. However, with the right attitude(态度)and preparations, you can overcome your fear of tests by using these suggestions.


Many students1.take tests in school life.


They don't think they have prepared well.

They are not2..


Prepare well

When having studied well and long enough, you are sure to be well—prepared.

Be confident

With confidence, you may succeed easily and you may also fail because you are not well—prepared.

Confidence comes from 3.

Ask for key points

Be brave to ask your teacher what material the test will4.so that you can prepare more easily and be more confident in the test.

Be positive

IQ has 5. the result of a test.

Don't lose your heart but prepare well for the other tests.

Main idea

Right attitude and preparations are useful to overcome your fear of tests.

Do you want to have a doll that can talk with you? In the book The Ventriloquist’s Daughter, a girl named Liur gets a doll like this. But it doesn’t always make her happy.

Lin Man-Chiu, a writer from Taiwan, wrote the book. The book tells a loving story about Liur and her father.

Liur loses her mother at a young age. Her grandfather sends her father to a school in the US. Five years later, he comes back with a doll named Carola. This doll is quite special — it can speak like a person! However, Carola makes a lot of problems for the family.

After reading this book, I thought Liur and her father were unlucky. In fact, this story is about the writer’s own unhappy childhood. She had six sisters. But her grandfather wanted a grandson. Life was hard for her father, so he didn’t live with her and her sisters for a very long time. The writer didn’t like her father when she was young. But now she forgives him, because she understands her father had a hard life at that time.

After I learned this, I knew — everyone has demons (心魔) in their hearts, but we should do our best to defeat (击败) them.

1.The writer of the book The Ventriloquist’s Daughter is______ .

A.Liur B.Carola

C.Helen D.Lin Man-Chin

2.Carola is special because______ .

A.it is a doll B.it can talk

C.it can read books D.it looks like a boy

3.The third paragraph (段落) is mainly talking about______ .

A.the main story of the book B.how to write a book

C.how popular the book is D.describing a doll’s life

4.The underlined word “forgives” probably means______  in Chinese.

A.敬佩 B.超越 C.原谅 D.减轻

Here' s the situation. You' re sitting at the table listening to the conversation when your mobile phone buzzes. There is something VERY IMPORTANT that wants your attention. You may think that a quick check of your phone isn't rude. However, your companies probably disagree.

A recent study of mobile phone use found that most US adults think checking your phone is rude in social situations. The study found that only 5 percent of Americans felt that checking your mobile phone during a meeting can be accepted. Only 12 percent approval of checking your mobile phone during a family dinner.

The study said, "Americans think that when people focus on their phones instead of their companies, it hurts the group in which they are taking part. People can be hurt when they feel they are not noticed. And 82 percent of all adults (not just phone owners) say that when people use their mobile phones at social gatherings, it at times hurts the conversation and atmosphere(气氛) of the gathering." However, most people use mobile phones in social situations even though they believe it is rude. Perhaps that' s because they see others doing it. People may use their phones at social events to share something from the event. That might be a photo, information, or to separate from the group.

In the study, about three-fourths of US adults view using mobile phones in public as acceptable when using public transportation, waiting in line, and walking down the street. But most US adults disapprove of cell phone use at the dinner table, in movie theaters, meetings. Then what about you? Do you use your mobile phone when you' re around others? Did you use your mobile phone at your last social event? Were other people using their phones too? Have people ever been rude to you when they used their mobile phones?

1.The underlined word "approval" most probably means______ in Chinese.

A.同意 B.反对 C.证明

2.If you check your phone in a conversation, your company will ________.

A.disagree B.be pleased C.be hurt

3.From the passage we can know in America.

A.People agree to use mobile phones at the dinner table because they feel nothing when being paid no attention to

B.we' d better put away our mobile phones in social situations in order not to bring unhappiness to gatherings.

C.Using mobile phones in social situations are not allowed by a small number of people

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.People use mobile phones in social situations because they see others using them.

B.25 percent of US adults think it right to use mobile phones when waiting in line.

C.Most Americans are against using mobile phones in kinds of gatherings.

5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Ideas on Using Mobile Phones in Social Situations

B.The Bad Effect on Using Mobile Phones in Public

C.Whether to Use Mobile Phones during Gatherings

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