


1.On which floor is the cinema?

A.The fifth.

B.The first.

C.The ground floor.

2.What are they talking about?

A.What to do next Sunday.

B.Which clothes to buy.

C.What to wear for the fashion show.

3.What does the man mean?

A.He is happy to show her around the school at once.

B.He will show her around the school in half an hour.

C.It will take half an hour to show her around the school.

4.When are they going to have a party?

A.Next Tuesday.

B.Next Monday.

C.This Tuesday.

5.Who is calling Paul?


B.The woman.

C.We don't know.

6.What does Mary want to have ?.

A some water.


C.Some peanuts.

7.Whose report is this ?

A.Alice's report.

B.John's report

C.Mary's report.

8.What's the time now ?

A.Half past ten.

B.Ten twenty.

C.Ten forty

9.Where is today's newspaper ?

A.The boy threw(扔)it away.

B.On the desk.

C.It's not here.

10.How long will it take to get to the Palace Museum?

A.10 minutes.

B.30 minutes.

C.40 minutes.


11.Mike's telephone number is ________.




12.________ is Lucy's family name.




13.Lucy will dial(拨打)________ later(以后).




14.Mr.Black and John are ________.




15.John is Mike's ________.



C.We don't know.


16.Where does Mr.Smith live?

A.In a large city not far away.

B.In a big city.

C.In a small village(村庄).

17.How does Mr.Smith usually go back home?

A.On foot.

B.By train.

C.The story doesn't tell us.

18.Who comes up to Mr.Smith when he is reading the newspaper ?

A.A strange(陌生的)man.

B.A conductor(列车员).

C.A friend of his.

19.Where does Mr.Smith sit on the train ?

A.Behind the man.

B.Beside the man.

C.In front of the man.

20.How does Mr.Smith feel when he hears what the man says?

A.He feels very happy.

B.He gets a little angry with the man.

C.He feels afraid of the man.




  1.W:How many floors does that building have?

  M:It has 5 floors and the cinema is on the top floor.

  2.W:I don't know which clothes to choose for the fashion show next Sunday.

  M:Why don't you wear the black dress? It looks smart on you.

  3.W:Would you like to show us around your school?

  M:I'm sorry.I will finish my work first.It will take half an hour.

  4.M:We are going to have a party next Monday, aren't we?

  W:No, we are busy on Monday.What about next Tuesday?


  5.W:What are you doing, Beibei?

  M:I'm calling Paul.

  6.M:Would you like some oranges and peanuts , Mary ?

  W:No.I'd like to drink some water, Uncle Jack.

  7.M:Alice, is this Mary's report ?

  W:No, John.It's mine.

  8.M:What's the time by your watch, Mary ?

  W:It's ten thirty, Tom.But my watch is ten minutes fast.

  9.M:Did you see today's newspaper, Sally ?

  W:Yes, Jack.But I threw it away.

  10.W:Would you like to go to the Palace Museum tomorrow?

  M:Yes.What time shall we leave in the morning?

  W:We will leave at 8:10, and we'll get there at 8:40.


  M:Hello, 4792569.

  W:This is Lucy Green.Is Mike in?

  M:Hi, Lucy.This is Mike speaking.How are you?

  W:Fine, thanks.Mike, I want to visit your uncle, Mr.Black.But I don't have his telephone number.Can you tell me?

  M:Er, it's 5356675.Oh, sorry, it's 5356765.His house is near John's.I think you can find it.

  W:That's great.Thank you very much.See you.

  M:See you.


  Mr.Smith lives in a small village , but he works in an office in a city.He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.

  One morning ,while he is reading a newspaper on the train , a man comes to him.Mr.Smith never meets him before.The man says hello to him and then begins to talk to him.The man says , “Your life isn't interesting , is it? You get on the same train at the same station at the same time every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.”

  When Mr.Smith hears this , he puts down his newspaper , turns round and says to the man angrily, “How do you know about me ?”

  “Because I'm always sitting behind you on the train.” the man answers.




1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________



6.Who is the letter from?




7.What do you know about the pen friend?




请听第七段对话, 回答第8至10三个问题。

8.Where may the dialogue happen?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a post office.

C.In a hotel.

9.How much should the woman pay?




10.What time did the woman want to get up?

A.At 6.

B.At 7.

C.At 10.


11.The students have 4 hours to learn English every morning.

12.When they are free, the students can practice speaking English.

13.The students have to see a doctor by themselves if they’re ill.

14.The exam for the students will not be very difficult.

15.The students are studying English in Canada.


16.What kind of museum are they going to visit?

A.Science museum.

B.History museum.

C.Nature museum.

17.What does Mrs.White do?

A.She’s a teacher.

B.She’s an assistant.

C.She’s a guide.

18.How long will they spend on the first floor?

A.An hour.

B.A day.

C.A morning.

19.On which floor can they see the history of cars?

A.The 1st

B.The 2nd

C.The 3rd

20.What’s the name of the model spaceship?

A.Shenzhou 4.

B.Shenzhou 5.

C.Shenzhou 6.


21.Where did they go yesterday?

22.How did they go there?

23.How was the food in the restaurant?

24.When did the writer go to bed?

25.What are they going to do during the holiday?



1.Where are they talking?

A.At home.

B.In a fruit shop.

C.In a restaurant.

2.How is the weather?




3.What does Bob like to do in his free time?

A.Collect cards.

B.Play football.

C.Collect stamps.

4.What is the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

A.Father and son.

B.Headmaster and teacher

C.Teacher and student

5.How will the woman probably go to Xinhua Bookstore?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By taxi.

6.Why can't Lucy go to the concert?

A.Because she has to work.

B.Because she is ill.

C.Because she's visiting a friend in the hospital.

7.How long will it take to go to Beijing on the next train?

A.Less than two hours.

B.More than two hours.

C.Two and a half hours.

8.What does the man mean?

A.He's known Peter for a long time.

B.He's just got to know Peter

C.Peter has gone home.

9.What are the two persons talking about?


B.A plane trip.

C.The man's job.

10.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man and the woman are classmates.

B.The man and the woman are from different countries.

C.School is over earlier in the woman's country.


Dialogue 1

11.What are the two speakers going to do this evening?

A.Have dinner in s restaurant.

B.Go to see friends.

C.make Sichuan food.

12.Why doesn't the man feel like having Sichuan food today?

A.Because it's too expensive.

B.Because it's too hot.

C.Because the restaurant is too far.

13.What kind of food do they both like?

A.Chinese food.

B.Fast food.

C.Italian food.

Dialogue 2

14.What are they talking about?

A.Their favorite sports.

B.A sports meeting.

C.Long jump.

15.What is Amy interested in?




16.How did Steven do in the sports meeting last year?

A.He got the first place in running.

B.He did best in the high jump.

C.He did best in the long jump.


17.Who is the man?

A.Sally's teacher.

B.A policeman.

C.Sally's friend.

18.Why does the woman call the man?

A.She can't find her daughter.

B.Her daughter didn't go to school.

C.She wants to ask for a leave for her daughter.

19.How tall is Sally?

A.About 1.4 meters tall.

B.About 1.5 meters tall.

C.About 4 feet tall.

20.What color is Sally's skirt?





21.What did Sue want to know in her letter?

A.Something about Amy's town.

B.Something about food in Amy's town.

C.Something about interesting places in Amy's town.

22.How many places did Amy talk about in her letter?




23.How far is it from the park to Amy's house?

A.Quite far.

B.Very near.

C.An hour's walk.

24.Where does Amy usually do her homework?

A.At home.

B.At the school.

C.At the library.

25.How is the food in Top Food Center?

A.Cheap and nice.

B.Expensive but delicious.

C.Cheap but not so delicious.




1.A.It’s Sunday.

B.It’s mine.

C.It’s windy.

2.A.No, I don’t think so.

B.I don’t mind it.

C.Yes, I do.

3.A.Yes, it is.

B.Yes, there is.

C.Are you new here?

4.A.Sorry, I won’t do it again.

B.All right.

C.It doesn’t matter.

5.A.Sure, I’d love to.

B.Yes, please.

C.Yes, I would.

6.A.Yes, I do.

B.No, I didn’t.

C.Yes, I have been there three times.



7.A.By plane.

B.By bus.

C.By bike.

8.A.A house of noodles.

B.A fast-food restaurant.

C.A cinema.

9.A.Because the exam is coming.

B.Because she doesn’t know the culture in England.

C.Because she will give a speech in front of the public.

10.A.To go shopping.

B.To see a movie.

C.To have an evening class.

11.A.Twice a week.

B.Once a week.

C.Every day.

12.A.A thief.

B.A policeman.

C.We don’t know.




13.The news is about ________.

A.a football game

B.a pop concert

C.a school play

14.When will Zhang Xueyou come to Chongqing?

A.On May 3rd.

B.On August 3rd.

C.On April 3rd.

15.If you want to buy a ticket, you can call ________.




16.After the concert, Zhang Xueyou will ________

A.hold another concert in Chengdu.

B.give money to poor kids.

C.help the old who are homeless.


17.Why did Mr White go to London?

A.Because he went for a trip.

B.Because he had an important meeting.

C.Because he wanted to visit an English woman.

18.Which place did he want to visit?

A.A wonderful palace.

B.A famous museum.

C.A beautiful hotel.

19.How long did he learn English grammar?

A.For an hour.

B.For a week.

C.For some hours.

20.Did he learn English well by himself?

A.Yes, he did.

B.No, he didn’t.

C.We don’t know.


第一节 情景反应(每小题1.5分,共9分)


1.A.Yes, I do.

B.No, I have.

C.Yes, I have.


B.About 6 billion.

C.About 1.3 billion.

3.A.Yes, I’d like to.

B.No, thank you.

C.I don’t think so.

4.A.To the library.


C.No, I haven’t.

5.A.Last year.

B.3 years later.

C.For 3 years.

6.A.It is tall.

B.They are wide.

C.She is in the office.

第二节 对话理解(每小题1.5分,共9分)


7.A.In Yunnan.

B.At home.

C.At her uncle’s home.

8.A.play with her granny.

B.help the disabled granny.

C.travel to America.

9.A.To play basketball.

B.To watch TV.

C.To see a movie.

10.A.Two years ago.

B.Next week.

C.Last Month.

11.A.The population of some developing countries.

B.The education of China.

C.Life in the poor villages.

12.A.He gets up late today.

B.His bike is broken.

C.The traffic is bad.

第三节 短文理解(每小题1.5分,共12分)



13.John and Michael are _________.




14.John used to collect _________.

A.Stamps and toys



15.Michael is _________ boy.

A.a quiet

B.a funny

C.an honest

16.Michael is good at _________.

A.playing the guitar




17.Where do Mr.and Mrs.Brown live? They live _________.

A.in the USA

B.in a big city

C.in a small town in England

18.They have _________.

A.a son and a daughter

B.two daughters and two sons

C.no child

19.Yesterday, _________ went back home to see them.

A.their friends

B.their daughter

C.their son

20.Miss Patty bought a lot of food and clothes for _________.

A.her friend

B.her brother

C.her parents

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