Imagine having an ear made out of an apple. It seems like a crazy idea. But it could happen in the near future.

Canadian biophysicist Andrew Pelling used an apple to grow a human ear. He thinks fruit and vegetables can be used to cheaply repair human body parts in the future.

Scientists have been trying to grow organs in labs to replace our old ones. But it‘s a hard job. In the past, scientists have used man-made materials, animal parts and even dead people as scaffolds(支架). But that has proved to be difficult and expensive.

Pelling and his team, however, found the apple to be a cheap and easy-to-use scaffolds.They first cut an apple into the shape of an ear. Then they used a special way to take out the apple‘s cells(细胞)and make it a scaffold. The team then added human cells to the apple, and watched it grow. “You can implant(移植)these scaffold into the body, and the body will send in cells and a blood supply and actually keep these things alive, ” Pelling said during a Ted Talk speech.

The team put the apple scaffold inside a living mouse and the mouse’s cells slowly take over the pieces of the apple.

Now Pelling is thinking of the other fruit, plants or vegetables to use.

1.Andrew Pelling is a scientist who studies

A.body and organs B.biology and organ

C.physic and body D.biology and physics

2.What did Pelling and his team use as scaffolds?

A.Fruits. B.Animals. C.dead people

3.According to Paragraph 4, the right order is________.

①Make the apple a scaffold.

②Cut an apple into the shape of an ear.

③Implant this scaffold into the human body.

④Add human cells to the apple scaffold.

A.①④②③ B.②①④③ C.②①③④ D.④①③②

4.How will the body keep the implanted scaffolds alive?

A.By repairing the scaffolds. B.By replacing the scaffolds.

C.By taking over the scaffolds. D.By sending in cells and a blood supply

5.What‘s the best title of the passage?

A.Scaffolds and cells B.Organs and cells

C.Organs Made of Apples D.Scientists and apples

Have you ever heard someone say, “You completely look like you’re a Jessica” or someone similar? People seem to think that they know what kind of person a “Jessica” or a “Michael” looks like. Why is this?

According to a research in the Journey of personality (个性) and Social Psychology, humans like to connect people’s names with their looks (长相), and can even guess someone’s name according to how they look. Researchers at the Herbrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, collected thousands of photos of people’s faces. They put a name under each photo. Then, they asked volunteers to guess which of the four names was correct. The volunteers were able to guess the right name 38 percent of the time. It seems that the faces really give them clues (线索) about someone’s name, Reader’s Digest reported. However, the volunteers were not as good at guessing the real names of people who used nicknames (昵称) more often than their real names. This may show that a person’s looks are influenced by their name only if they use it often.

This kind of face-name matching happens because we often become what other people expect us to become,” Ruth Mayo from the university told science news website Eurek Alert.

The researchers believe there are also stereotype (刻板印象) about names. For example, the volunteers usually think that men named Bob should have rounder faces because the word itself looks round. They may think that women named Rose are beautiful. They expect them to be just like the flowers that they are named for.

1.The purpose of the research is to find out________. people’s looks influence their names B.if people’s names are related to their looks

C.what the most popular English names are D.if men’s names are different from women’s

2.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refers to (指代) ________.

A.the women B.the volunteers C.the researchers D.the flowers

3.The volunteers in the research most probably match Picture with the name “Rose”.

A. B. C. D.

4.According to the text, some people look like their names because they________. to connect their names with their own looks

B.use nicknames more often than their real names

C.have become what others expect them to become

D.look forward to being seen as special persons.

5.Which of the following would most probably have this text?

A.Business Week B.New York Daily News

C.Discovery D.Science Progress

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