
Complete the dialogue with proper sentence
A: It’s very cold this morning. 小题1:                              ?
B: Yes, I like tea very much. It’s very kind of you.
A: 小题2:                   ?
B: Oh, no. I don’t like any sugar.
A: But you had tea with sugar last year. 小题3:                           ?
B: Yes. But the doctor told me it was bad for me to do that.
A: I see. Here’s some home cooking. 小题4:                             ?
B: It must be delicious. But I had my breakfast half an hour ago. I am full now.
A: 小题5:                                                    ?
B: OK, I’d like to have another one. Thanks.       
A: You’re welcome.

小题1:Would you like a cup of tea?
小题2:With sugar?
小题3:Don’t you remember?
小题4:Would you like some, please?
小题5:Another cup of tea, please.

小题1:句意:-今天早上太冷了。你想喝点茶吗?-好的,我很喜欢茶,你真好。根据第二人说的I like tea very much可知,这里是在问他喝不喝茶。用would like 语气客气委婉。
小题2:句意:-要加糖吗?-不,我不喜欢糖。根据下句的I don’t like any sugar 可知,这里是在问他茶里要不要加糖。这个句子还可以使用较完整的形式,即Would you like it with sugar?
小题3:句意:-但是你去年喝加糖的茶,你不记得了吗?-是的,但是医生说那样对我的健康不好。Don’t you remember? 是否定疑问句,表示惊讶。
小题4:句意:-我明白了。这里有一些家里自制的点心。你要来点吗?-它一定很好吃,但是我半小时之前刚吃过早饭,我现在很饱。Would you like some, please? 你想吃点吗?
小题5:句意:-请再喝一杯茶吧。-好的,我想再喝一杯。谢谢。根据下句话I’d like to have another one. 可知这里是在询问是否再喝一杯茶。Another cup of tea, please? 是一个省略句,还可以表达为Would you like another cup of tea, please?

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