
1. A: Do you know when Teachers Day is?
    B: September the tenth.
    Question: When is Teachers' Day?
A. December the tenth.
B. November the tenth.
C. September the tenth.
2. A: How is the weather today? 
   B: It's sunny. And how about tomorrow?
   A: It's rainy.
   Question: How is the weather tomorrow?
A. It's sunny.
B. It's windy.
C. It's rainy.
3. A: When is your birthday,Lucy?
    B: June the tenth. And how about you, Tommy?
    A: My birthday is August the seventeenth.
    Question:When is Tommy's birthday?
A. June seventeenth.
B. August seventeenth.
C. June tenth.
4. A: David, do you like January?
    B: Oh, no. It's too cold in Beijing.
    A: But I like snowy days. January is my favorite month in a year. So how about you, David?
    B:My favorite month is June.
    Question:What is David's favorite month?
A. January.
B. June.
C. February.
5. A: Happy Children's Day, Sally!
    B: The same to you! What do you like to do today?
    A: I like to go swimming. Will you go with me?
    B: Oh,I'm sorry! I can't swim. But I like to go to the zoo.
    A: Great!I like it. Let's go!
    Question: What do they like to do today?
A. Go to the zoo.
B. Go swimming.
C. Go to the movie theatre.

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