

Mozart, the boy Composer

  One day in 1761, a little boy sat at a harpsichord (an instrument like a piano) and played music. The people who were listening to him couldn't believe their ears! Even though he was only five years old, he could play better than most grown-ups. This boy was Wolfgang Mozart, and he grew up to be a great composer.

  Wolfgang was born in Austria and grew up in a house where he heard music all the time. His father was a musician, and he gave Wolfgang music lessons almost as soon as the little boy could talk. Wolfgang learned to play the harpsichord when he was just three years old. Then, one day, when he was six, he picked up a violin. Even though he had never had a lesson, he began to play the violin perfectly. Wolfgang's father saw how talented his son was. So he decided to take Wolfgang on a long trip where many people could hear his boy play.

  The Mozart traveled over all the countries of Europe. Wolfgang played for kings, queens, and other important people. Other musicians couldn't believe a six-year-old boy could play the harpsichord so well. So they gave Wolfgang very hard music to play. He had never seen the music before, but he played it just right.

  Wolfgang also became a composer when he was a child. He wrote his first music when he was just five years old. By the time he was ten, he had written five long pieces of music called sym phonies. When Wolfgang grew up, he spent most of his time composing music. Today, people everywhere still love the music made by the amazing boy who grew up to be a great musician.


(1)grown-up n.成年人

(2)composer n.作曲家

(3)symphony n.交响乐


(1)Wolfgang was born in ________.

[  ]

A. America

B. France

C. Austria

D. Belgium

(2)Who was his first music teacher?

[  ]

A. the king

B. a teacher

C. his father

D. we are not told

(3)How many pieces of music had he written by the time he was ten years old?

[  ]

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15

D. 36

(4)Wolfgang's father took him on a long trip because ________.

[  ]

A. he wanted more people to hear his boy play

B. he liked traveling

C. he didn't want people to know his boy

D. he wanted his boy to learn more

(5)What is the right order of the events?

[  ]

a. Wolfgang played for kings and queens.

b. Wolfgang learned to play the harpsichord.

c. Wolfgang began to play the violin.

d. He wrote 36 symphonies.

A. a b e d

B. b c a d

C. b a c d

D. d a c b



Mozart, the boy Composer

  One day in 1761, a little boy sat at a harpsichord (an instrument like a piano) and played music. The people who were listening to him couldn't believe their ears! Even though he was only five years old, he could play better than most grown-ups. This boy was Wolfgang Mozart, and he grew up to be a great composer.

  Wolfgang was born in Austria and grew up in a house where he heard music all the time. His father was a musician, and he gave Wolfgang music lessons almost as soon as the little boy could talk. Wolfgang learned to play the harpsichord when he was just three years old. Then, one day, when he was six, he picked up a violin. Even though he had never had a lesson, he began to play the violin perfectly. Wolfgang's father saw how talented his son was. So he decided to take Wolfgang on a long trip where many people could hear his boy play.

  The Mozart traveled over all the countries of Europe. Wolfgang played for kings, queens, and other important people. Other musicians couldn't believe a six-year-old boy could play the harpsichord so well. So they gave Wolfgang very hard music to play. He had never seen the music before, but he played it just right.

  Wolfgang also became a composer when he was a child. He wrote his first music when he was just five years old. By the time he was ten, he had written five long pieces of music called sym phonies. When Wolfgang grew up, he spent most of his time composing music. Today, people everywhere still love the music made by the amazing boy who grew up to be a great musician.


(1)grown-up n.成年人

(2)composer n.作曲家

(3)symphony n.交响乐


(1)Wolfgang was born in ________.

[  ]

A. America

B. France

C. Austria

D. Belgium

(2)Who was his first music teacher?

[  ]

A. the king

B. a teacher

C. his father

D. we are not told

(3)How many pieces of music had he written by the time he was ten years old?

[  ]

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15

D. 36

(4)Wolfgang's father took him on a long trip because ________.

[  ]

A. he wanted more people to hear his boy play

B. he liked traveling

C. he didn't want people to know his boy

D. he wanted his boy to learn more

(5)What is the right order of the events?

[  ]

a. Wolfgang played for kings and queens.

b. Wolfgang learned to play the harpsichord.

c. Wolfgang began to play the violin.

d. He wrote 36 symphonies.

A. a b e d

B. b c a d

C. b a c d

D. d a c b

     One day Mozart, a great musician, saw an old man sitting in a street corner (角落) with a hat in front of
him. The old man could see __1__ because he was blind (瞎的). He was playing the violin. It was a
beautiful piece __2__ Mozart. But the hat was empty because no money was put into it.
     "Do you often __3__ Mozart's music?" Mozart asked.
     "Yes, sir," the old man answered. "Everyone knows Mozart and likes his music."
     " __4__ do you live with?" Mozart asked again.
"None," the old man said sadly. "I'm __5__ and I have to make a living by playing the violin."
     Mozart __6__ over the violin from the old man and he, himself, began to play.
     He played so well that all the people passing by stopped __7__ to the wonderful music and soon the
man's hat was full of __8__.
     The old man was __9__ and asked Mozart, "Who are you, sir?"
     "I'm a poor __10__ like you," Mozart said.
(     )1. A. something  
(     )2. A. by      
(     )3. A. write    
(     )4. A. What      
(     )5. A. alone    
(     )6. A. looked    
(     )7. A. to listen
(     )8. A. food    
(     )9. A. interested
(     )10. A. musician
B. nothing  
B. of     
B. read    
B. Which  
B. lonely  
B. got    
B. listening
B. money  
B. worried  
B. singer  
C. everything  
C. for      
C. play      
C. Who        
C. lucky    
C. took     
C. to play    
C. paper    
C. surprised  
C. teacher  
Spanish ballet (西班牙芭蕾舞)
   The Spanish National Ballet will tour our country and their classical repertoires (剧目) will be shown in Beijing.
Time: 7:30 pm, May 20~21
Place: Chaoyang Theater, 36 Dongsanhuan Beihu, Chaoyang
Tel: 6506-8116
Opera classic (经典作品)
     A new production of Kunqu Opera (a traditional Chinese opera in East China's Jiangsu Province), is now on in
Time: 8:00 pm, May 23
Place: Tianqiao Theater, 30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District
Tel: 8315-6300
                                                                              Wonderful concert
     Musicians of the Chinese National Symphony Orchestra (交响乐团) will hold a concert in Beijing. We can enjoy
Mozart's Flute Concerto (协奏曲), Haydn's Trumpet Concerto and works by the Chinese composer (作曲家) Chen
Time: 7:30 pm, May 25
Place: Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District
Tel: 6500-1188
1. If Chen Huan is free only on the evening of May 21, he can enjoy ______.     
A. opera classic                  
B. Spanish ballet
C. Haydn's Trumpet Concerto      
D. Mozart's Flute Concerto
2. Mr Johnson likes Spanish ballet very much, so he can go to ______ to see it.  
A. Tianqiao Theater              
B. National Theater  
C. Chaoyang Theater              
D. Poly Theater
3. Jane wants to buy a ticket to enjoy a traditional Chinese opera, so she should call ______.   
A. 8315-8116                    
B. 6506-8116        
C. 6500-1188                    
D. 8315-6300
4. The wonderful concert is held in Poly Theater at _________   
A. 30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District
B. 36 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District
C. 14 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Dongcheng District
D. 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District
5. You can enjoy all the entertainment in the city of ______.   
A. Shanghai      
B. Tianjin      
C. Beijing        
D. Nanjing
     If music makes you smarter and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into
an intelligent person.
     A team of scientists from Ohio State University did experiments (试验) on 33 volunteers who were getting
better from heart disease following operation. They found that people who exercised while listening to Italian
musician Antonio Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" did much better on language ability tests than without music.
     "Facts suggest that exercise improves the learning ability of people with heart disease," said the psychologist
Charles Emery, who led the study." And listening to music is thought to enhance understanding. We just wanted
to put the two results together." he added.
     The volunteers said they felt better emotionally and physically after working out with or without the music.
But their improvement on the test doubled after listening to music during exercise. Scientists have proved that
mu- sic can be good for health, education and well-being. It helps reduce stress, sadness and nervousness;
encourages relaxation or sleep; wakes up the body and improves memory and thoughts.
     In medical fields, music is used widely for patients who have had head hurts before and after operation.
"The Four Seasons" was used because of its moderate tempo (舒缓的节拍) and positive results in earlier
research. "Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nervous system (神经系统) and these changes may
have a direct result on learning ability," Emery said.
     Scientists have been studying the results of music on understanding since the early 1950s. By 1990,
psychologists were using Mozart's music, especially his violin pieces, to help children with speech disorders.
Mozart was chosen because his music is not over-exciting and has clear structures. A study showed students
who listened to Mozart went on to score higher marks in an intelligence test. With important exams drawing
near, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music. But perhaps now you have good reasons to
argue with them.
1. The underlined word enhance can be replaced by _____.
A. impress
B. improve
C. provide
D. produce
2. The text mainly tells us that _____.
A. music and exercise lead to relaxation or sleep
B. 33 volunteers work on music in medical fields
C. exercise to music makes people healthy and bright
D. scientists give suggestions on choosing music to exercise
3. It can be learned from the last paragraph(段落) that _____.
A. you are supposed to follow your parents' words
B. students should not listen to music before exams
C. you have no good reasons to exercise to music
D. music might help you to get higher grades in tests
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Exercise seems to cause negative changes without music.
B. Exercise reminds people with head huts of what they've learned.
C. Scientists often use Mozart's music, for it is not too exciting.
D. "The Four Seasons" is used to help children with speech disorders.

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