
While Nick was on the bus reading his newspaper, the man sitting next to him suddenly pushed a large envelope(信封)into his hands. "Here, take this!" the man said, stood up and got off the bus before Nick could say a word.
Nick sat there, holding the envelope. It felt heavy.  There was paper inside, or money perhaps. "I'd better hand it over to the police," he thought. There was a police station close to his office. But, as he got off the bus, a man came to him. He seemed to be waiting for something.   "He wants the envelope," Nick thought. Nick began to walk quickly, and the man hurried after him. Nick managed to lose the man in the crowd(人群).When he entered the police station, the man was no longer in sight.
Inside the police station, Nick handed over the envelope to the policeman who was on duty.  The man opened it. The envelope was full of money, false(假的)money.“Clearly the man made a mistake," the policeman said. "He thought you were one of the gang(团伙)!”
“However," the policeman went on. "I'm afraid I must ask you to keep quiet about all this.  We are trying to catch some very clever thieves, and we don't want them to know that we have some of the money. So you mustn't say a word to anyone-not even to your boss!"
小题1: The man who suddenly gave Nick an envelope was most probably_______.
A.Nick's friendB.the bus driverC.a thiefD.a postman
小题2: As Nick got off the bus, a man came to him because_______.
A.he wanted to catch Nick
B.he thought Nick was a policeman
C.he wanted to give Nick some money
D.he thought Nick was one of their gang
小题3: By the last few sentences of the passage, we can infer that_______.
A.Nick let everyone know his wonderful story
B.Nick's boss was the last to know Nick's story
C.Nick would keep silent about what happened for some time
D.the gang already knew the police got some of the false money


小题1:细节理解题。根据最后一段中I'm afraid I must ask you to keep quiet about all this.  We are trying to catch some very clever thieves, and we don't want them to know that we have some of the money. 可推断出给尼克信的人是最有可能诗小偷,所以选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句the policeman said. "He thought you were one of the gang!”可知那个男人认为尼克是他们一伙的,所以选D。
Michael Jackson’s full name is Michael Joseph Jackson. He is one of pop music’s biggest stars. He was born          August 29th, 1958 in Indiana, the USA. He is famous          the King of Pop.
Michael Jackson is about 50 years old. And he has been a singer for more than 40 years. He started to perform on the stage          he was very young. Michael Jackson _       his brother’s pop group in 1964. He quickly became famous. Jackson made his first national TV appearance at the age of 11. Later on, his classical disco Off The Wall          10 million copies. He gave some concerts         the tickets always sold out.
But there’s          happening to him. He once said, “There is a lot of         in my past life.” Despite his private life, people all over the world still enjoy his music.          his songs are played, people will think of his dynamic(有力量的) performances. Though Jackson died in June, 2009, his fans said that he would be a great          forever.
A.because B.whenC.ifD.since
A.attendedB.took part inC.joinedD.joined in
A.because B.soC.butD.and
A.something unhappyB.unhappy somethingC.something happyD.happy something
A.singer B.songC.musicD.dance
One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were enjoying______ games when suddenly a hungry cat came up to them! She hid________ a big tree and then crawled(爬) torward through the tall grass until she could almost hear them talk. After the mother rat and her babies knew________ , the cat jumped from her hiding-place and started to run after them.
The mother rat and her babies began to run away, they hurried towards their_______ , which was under a pole of large stones. But the baby rats were so_______ that they could not run very_______ . The cat came_____ . In no time the cat would be upon them. What was to be done?
The mother rat stopped running, turned round and faced the cat, shouting "Bow! Wow! Bowwow!" just like an angry dog. The cat was______ surprised and scared that she ran away. The mother rat turned to her babies, "Now you see how important it is to learn ______ a second language!"
Just then she heard a shout "Miao! Miao!" just like the cat ran away just now.
"Oh, the cat's come back. We must escape(逃脱) right now." The mother rat called out to her children. "Haha! It's only a ______ "said one of her children. "I have learned a second language."
A.to playB.playingC.playedD.to playing
A.onB.in front ofC.behindD.under
A.what happenedB.what did happenC.that happened whatD.that what had happened
A.close and closeB.closer and closeC.closer and closerD.close and closer
Linda Evans was my best friend—like the sister I never had. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding.
When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time—like my wedding (婚礼) and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address (地址) Unknown. ” I had no idea how to find Linda.
Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share (分享) happiness of my children and then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.
One day I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like Linda and whose last name was Wagman — Linda’s married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but J still wrote to her.
She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother. ”
Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled. And there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure: We won’t lose each other again!
小题1:The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans _______.
A.at the age of 13
B.before she got married
C.after they moved to new homes
D.before the writer’s family moved away
小题2:They didn’t often write to each other because they _______.
A.got married
B.had little time to do so
C.didn’t like writing letters
D.could see each other on special time
小题3:The writer was happy when she _______.
A.read the newspaper
B.heard Linda’s voice on the phone
C.met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda
D.wrote to the woman whose last name was Wagman
小题4:They haven’t kept in touch _______.
A.for about 40 years
B.for about 27 years
C.since they got married
D.since the writer’s family moved away

Franz Schubert was a famous musician in the world.But he lived a very hard life and often suffered(遭受)from being hungry.One day he was very hungry and went to a small restaurant,hoping he might meet some friends there.He looked around but found nobody he could borrow any money from.Then his eyes fell on a paper on one of the tables.In it was a little poem(诗歌).He read the poem.Then he wrote a piece of music for the poem and took his work to the owner of the restaurant.He only received a piece of beef and potato for it.Thirty years after his death,this manuscript(手稿)by Schubert was worth 40,000 francs.It was his famous Berceuse(《摇篮曲》).
小题1:Schubert went to the restaurant to______.
A.write a poem for his Berceuse
B.have his dinner together with his friend
C.see if he could find some friends who could lend him some money for a meal
D.write a piece of music for the owner of the restaurant
小题2:We know the owner of the restaurant______from this passage.
A.was also a musician
B.was very kind
C.hated Schubert very much
D.didn’t understand music very much
小题3:The passage didn’t tell us______.
A.how much his manuscript was worth.
B.how poor Schubert was
C.why Schubert wrote a piece of music for the little poem
D.whether Franz Schubert mastered the poem
小题4:What’s the Chinese meaning of“famous musician”?______.
小题5:The best title for this passage is______.
A.Musician and HungerB.Franz Schubert and His Berceuse
C.Franz Schubert DiedD.A Great Musician
Do you often communicate with your parents? Some parents are always comparing their   with themselves when they were young or with other people when they were children.
"When I was your age," a father said to his sixteen-year-old son one day, "I was at the top of my class every year. And I    what I wanted to do when I left school. I had goals (目标). You are always at the bottom (最后) of your class     you have no goals."
The man's son said nothing. He had already heard this from his father many times. "And when your mother was your age, " the young man's father     , " she had a good job and she     lots of money. You don't even have a part-time job .You earn nothing. " The man's son still said nothing. He had heard this before, too. "
And when your     brother was your age, "the young man's father said, "he studied hard. But you just waste your time."
And the man's son still said nothing.
Finally, the young man's father said, "And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he worked all day and studied at night."
This time the son     stay silent. "
And when Abraham Lincoln was your age, father," he said, "He was the President of     United States.     are you?"
His father had no answer     this.
Are your parents always comparing you with others? And what's your reply? Do you have a better way to communicate with each other?
A.know B.knew C.will know D.have known
A.although B.or C.and D.but
A.went away B.went over C.went up D.went on
A.won B.made C.received D.gave
A.old B.young C.older D.elder
A.can B.can't C.could D.couldn't
A.a B.an C.the D./
A.What B.How C.Where D.Who
A.to B.with C.of D.on

“My dear lady,” says Holmes. “You’re shivering. Are you cold? Do you want a cup of hot tea?”
“I’m not cold,” the woman replies, “I fear for my life!”
“We are here to help you. Don’t worry about anything. I don’t know you. But I know many things about you. For example, I know how you travel. You came to London by train. You also ride to the train station on a horse-drawn wagon(马车).”
“Why, yes. You’re right. But how do you know these things?”
“ I see a return ticket in your glove. I see fresh mud on the left arm of your dress. Now tell us your problem.”
“My name is Helen Stoner,” she states, “My mother and father are dead. I am living with my stepfather, Dr Grimesby Roylott. He comes from a rich family. But they are no longer rich. They have nothing except a small piece of land and a huge old house. We are living in the house. Dr Roylott is using my mother’s money for expenses(开支). Part of it was for my sister and me. It was for our marriages.”
Holmes is sitting in his chair. His eyes are closed. He is listening carefully to Helen’s story. He hears every detail.
Helen continues. “My stepfather has no friends. He fights with everyone. He is strong and gets angry quickly. Everyone is afraid of him.”
“He has no friends at all?” asks Holmes.
“No. He talks to no one except the gypsies. They are poor people who travel from place to place. A band of gypsies is staying on our land right now.”
“Are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”
“My dear Mr Holmes. You are making me so sad. My sister is dead. That is why I am standing here in this room.”
小题1:Paragraph 6 beginning with “My name is …” is mostly about_______________.
A.Helen’s dead sisterB.Helen’s trip to London
C.the house Helen lives inD.Helen’s stepfather and the family
小题2:What is Holmes doing while Helen is telling her story?
A.Walking slowlyB.Listening carefully
C.standing sadlyD.Writing quickly
小题3:Which of the following can best describe the gypsies according to the passage?
A.They are very richB.They are afraid of other people
C.They live on a horse-drawn wagonD.They move from one place to another
小题4:The passage is probably from __________.
A.a poemB.a guideC.a novelD.an advertisement

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