


A white cat, Sam, with two big blue eyes. If you find it, please call Mary at 6913-1661. Many thanks.????????????? Titanic 3D

Weekdays evening

Xingguang Cinema

$50 (half for children under 12)

Call David at 6132-5862


A Christmas Carol

??????????????? —by Charles Dickens

A story of Christmas

The true meaning of Christmas

was $38.8?????? now $28.8????????????? HOUSE FOR SALE

2 sunny bedrooms with a kitchen and a small garden.

Call Mandy at 6591-2127 for more information.

1.Who lost a white cat with two big blue eyes?

A. Sam.?????????? B. David.????????? C. Mary.???????????? D. Charles.

2.You can pay ??? less than before if you buy the book A Christmas Carol now.

A. $38.8????????? B. $28.8?????????? C. $10.8???????????? D. $10

3. On what day can we see Titanic 3D in the Xingguang Cinema?

A. Thursday?????? B. Saturday??????? C. Sunday??????????? D. Every day

4.This information may be from a ??? .

A. report???????? B. dictionary????? C. newspaper???????? D. guidebook









1.细节理解题。根据短文寻物启示please call Mary描述,可知玛丽是猫的主人,故选C

2.理解计算题。根据售书的广告可知was $38.8 now $28.8,故现在买比以前少付10美元。故选D






Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!

????????????? Guitar lessons

Experienced musician from Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years!

For more information, please visit Larry’s website: www. music. com. au

????????????? Lost dog

Medium size, with brown spots and white short hair. Answer you whenyou call it David. Many thanks for sending it back.

Call Susan at 7328059.

????????????? Taxi driver wanted

Full time or part time. Experience and a good knowledge of the city are necessary. English is also a must.

Under 45 years old.

Call Mr. White at 5132683.

????????????? Apartment for sale

Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Hot water 8:00-18:00.

Beautiful sights out of the windows.

E-mail: sdgt@yahoo. cn.

1.If you want to have a guitar lesson, you may ________.

A. call Susan at 7328059

B. surf the website: www. music. com. au

C. telephone Mr. White at 5132683

D. e-mail sdgt@yahoo.cn

2. Who is the owner of the lost dog?

A. Mr. White.??? ????????????? B. Larry.???? ????????????? C. Susan.???? ????????????? D. David.

3. If you want the job as a taxi driver, you should ________.

A. master at least three languages??? ?????????????

B. know the city very well

C. be an experienced driver???????? ?????????????

D. both B and C

4.Which information about the apartment is NOT mentioned in the table?

A. It has a beautiful view.???????? ?????????????

B. It has hot water in the daytime.

C. It has three floors.????????????? ?????????????

D. It has a kitchen.

5. How can you contact(联系) the owner of the apartment for more information?

A. By sending an e-mail.?????????? ?????????????

B. By going to visit it.

C. By making a phone call.???????? ?????????????

D. By sending a fax (传真).


Something was crying outside. So I went out to see what was happening. A big cat sat by the door. It must run for a long time as it looked tired and dirty. I let it in my house and took out some food; this poor cat ate all, but still looked starving…, so I got my own cats’ fish, and the cat ate that too!

My five-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter were interested in the cat. They bathed (……洗澡) it and fed it more food. They wanted to keep it. But I didn’t agree. It was not because I didn’t love it. We already had 2 cats and 2 dogs and our house was not big enough to keep more. Another reason was that I thought maybe it got lost. And its owner (主人) must be worried about it. Then I posted notices all over the town in the hope of finding its home. I also bought an ad (广告)time on a radio station. Three weeks passed, but there was no response (答复).

Finally, I decided to keep the cat. Our house was small, but I would take good care of it as possible as I could.??

1.What did the cat look like when it came to the writer’s home?

A. Tired but beautiful.??????????????? B. Cute and clean.

C. Dirty but lovely.?????????????????? D. Tired and dirty.

2.Why didn’t the writer agree to keep the cat?

A.? The children liked to hit the cat.????????? B. The cat was too small.

C. He wanted to help the cat find its owner.? D. He didn’t like it.

3.What does the underlined word“starving”mean in Chinese

A.? 饥饿的????????? B. 忧郁的???????? C. 恐惧的???????? D.沮丧的

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. At last, the writer had three cats and two dogs.

B. The writer’s house was too small to keep the cat.

C. The writer’s daughter is three years younger than his son.

D. The writer tried hard to find the cat’s home.

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Why the writer didn’t want to keep cats any more.

B. How the writer found a cat and raised 饲养 it.

C. How the writer’s family looked after a cat.

D. What the writer did to find the cat’s owner.


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