
A Solar-powered Plane---Lowcarbon
Earlier this month, a solar-powered (太阳能动力的)plane called Lowcarbon took off to the sky for the first time. It has passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.
Lowcarbon took off from an airport in Switzerland(瑞士)at 45 km an hour. It slowly rose into the sky.
“There has never been an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy,” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.
During the 90-minute flight, Lowcarbon did several turns. It climbs nearly 1.6 km above the countryside.
Engineers plan to test a night flight in July. Then they will use the results of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012. “We want to fly it day and night with no fuel,” Piccard said.
Piccard and pilot Andre Borschberg will take Lowcarbon around the world .They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air----and to show off their aircraft.
Lowcarbon flies at 70 kph on average(平均). That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep it in the air for up to five days at a time.
We Are One---“Expo Through My Eyes”
Sharing offers you more happiness. To celebrate the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, China Daily invites you to share what you’ve seen, heard and experienced at the 6-month international event or Expo-related stories in English. Whether you are an Expo volunteer, a reporter, or a tourist , we’d like you to share with us your Expo experience, as seen through your eyes. So if you would liketo contribute(投稿),please join us today in sharing the joy!
Topic: 2010 Shanghai World Expo
Language: English only
Length: No more than 1,000 words-
Content: Stories with photos are necessary.
Duration: May 1,2010---October 31,2010
Email-box: expo@chinadaily.com.cn
Reward: In addition to the satisfaction of supporting our work,
---your stories will be published on China Daily’s website;
---you will go in a lucky draw for a prize.
小题1:Which of the following information about the plane Lowcarbon is NOT true?
A.It can fly at 70 km an hour.B.It is solar –powered.
C.It has passed a night-flight test.D.It is slower than a car.
小题2:Lowcarbon is a special plane because________________.
A.it’s made in SwitzerllandB.it has travelled around the world
C.it can do turns in the skyD.it’s big and light, but uses little enegy
小题3:The purpose of the second article is to________________.
A.encourage us to visit Shanghai ExpoB.ask us to be volunteers for Shanghai Expo
C.invite us to write stories about Shanghai ExpoD.tell us to get the lucky prize of Shanghai Expo
小题4:Your stories about the 2010 Shanghai Expo for China Daily___________.
A.can be in ChineseB.don’t need to have photos
C.must be given by postD.should be handed in by e-mail


小题1:从第一部分的句子:Engineers plan to test a night flight in July.可知夜间测试只是在夜间。答案是:C
小题1:从第一部分的句子:There has never been an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy,可知答案是:D
小题1:从第二部分的句子:China Daily invites you to share what you’ve seen, heard and experienced at the 6-month international event or Expo-related stories in English.可知是邀请我们写关于上海世博会的故事。答案是:C
小题1:从第二部分的句子:Email-box: expo@chinadaily.com.cn可知通过电子邮件投稿,答案是:D
There are differences between western culture and Chinese culture. We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. Let’s look at the words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese is about the dog, for example, “a homeless dog”, “a mad dog”, “a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”, have negative(消极) meanings. But in western countries, dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans. In English, people use the dog to describe positive(积极的) actions. For example, “you are a lucky dog” means you are a lucky person. And “every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a person’s serious illness, they say “sick as a dog”. The word “dog—tired” means very tired. However, Chinese love cats very much. But in western culture, “cat” is often used to describe a woman who is cruel(冷酷的). There are many other examples of how “cat” is used differently as well.
The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries.
The words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.
小题1:The word “dog” in Chinese usually ______.
A. stands for friendship    B. has a negative meaning   C. has a positive meaning
小题2:“Every dog has its day.” means “______”
A. Everybody in the world is lucky. B. Each person lives his own way of life.
C. Everybody has a time in life to be lucky.
小题3: Western people usually use “cat” to refer to “______”.
A. a tired person   B. a brave man  C. an unkind woman
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Words show differences in cultures. 
B. Western people think cats to be good friends.
C. Rose is the national flower of all western countries.
小题5: This passage mainly tells us ______.
A. negative or positive things  B. different countries have different cultures
C. what dog and cat mean in English and Chinese
Mr. Strong is a London taxi driver. The following talk is given by him.
“I have been a taxi driver     36    nearly ten years. It’s a nice job most of the time. You meet a lot of people. I always work at night,     37    there is too much traffic during the day. I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon, and I usually     38   between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning.”
“Some     39    things happened late at night.     40    day I was taking a woman home from a party. She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her     41     . So I waited in the car    42     she climbed in through the windows.”
“I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out    43     was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to     44    in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief.”
“Luckily the woman came downstairs. She     45    have gone to sleep and forgotten me and the dog!” 
A.go homeB.go shoppingC.do sportsD.do housework
A.sad B.goodC.strangeD.disappointing
A.The otherB.AnotherC.The othersD.Other
A.moneyB.bag C.boxD.key
A.untilB.whileC.sinceD.as soon as
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Have you ever heard of Agatha Christie, an excellent writer? Agatha Christie is, without a doubt,   16  mystery writer in the world. Her books have been translated into more than 100 languages. All 77 novels and story collections she wrote are still on the market 25 years after her   17 .
Agatha Christie was born in 1890 in a southwest England seaside town. She enjoyed a very comfortable childhood in a big house with   18  servants(仆人). Agatha was known   19  an imaginative child. With her sister and brother away at school, she often played alone. She passed the time by making up stories which she told to   20 .
Agatha Christie’s first novel was published in 1920. In it, she   21  one of her most popular characters, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. He went on to appear in 33 of her novels, and in several movies   22 . Although Poirot appears again and again in her novels, Christie certainly could not be considered as repeating her ideas. Her powers of invention and her ability to surprise continue to attract   23 readers around the world.
Christie also wrote several   24 . One of these, “The Mousetrap”, became the longest-running play in the history of theater. It is about a murder mystery that   25  in a country house. All these mysterious stories earned her the title “Queen of Crime”.
A.more practicalB.more famous
C.the most famousD.the most practical
A.muchB.plenty ofC.lotsD.a lot
A.her brotherB.herC.herselfD.her sister
A.alsoB.besidesC.as wellD.either
A.millionB.millionsC.millions ofD.million of
A.takes placeB.takes inC.takes offD.takes down

Welcome to this short tour of London. In this square we are standing in the middle of London. Opposite 对面) is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings. Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace. The queen (后) lives here.
Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Opposite you can see the London Eye. It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames. You can see most of London on a clear day.
When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat. You can get the boat near Big Ben. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right, near the Railway Bridge.
Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Then you can see the Tower of London next to the bridge. The Tower of London is the city’s oldest palace. It is nine hundred years old.
Take the boat back along the river. Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street. Opposite is the old fruit and vegetable market. They don’t sell fruit and vegetables now. There are stores and restaurants, and lots of street musicians. Turn left into King’s Street, and go past the church. You’re now back where you started, at the square. Now you finish your tour.
小题1:If you go to visit the National Gallery, what will you find?
A.lots of lovely animalsB.lots of valuable plants
C.lots of famous paintings D.lots of interesting books
小题2: Where can you get the boat?
A.Near Buckingham Palace.B.Near Big Ben.
C.Near Tower Bridge. D.Near King’s Street.
小题3: ______ is London’s oldest palace.
A.The Tower of LondonB.The National Gallery
C.Buckingham PalaceD.The Houses of Parliament
小题4:You will not go past ______ on your way back.
A.the stationB.the squareC.the parkD.the church

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