
John was waiting for a girl at the station. She was his pen pal. She had helped him a lot both in school and life. They planned their first meeting for 7:00 pm at the train station.

"You'll find me easily, "she wrote, "by the red rose on my coat." So at 7:00 pm, he was in the station looking for a girl wearing red rose.

A young woman was walking toward him. She was wearing a green coat and was everything that he hoped the girl would be. But there was no red rose. Then a plain-looking(相貌平平的)woman walked past him. .She was well past 40. On her coat there was a red rose.

He didn't hesitate(犹豫). "I'm John Blanchard and you must be Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?" he asked.

The woman had a kind smile on her face. "I don't know, what this is about, dear," she answered, "But the young lady in the green coat just asked me to wear this rose on my coat. She said if you asked me out to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street. She said it was a kind of test! "

1.How could John find the girl according to their plan?

A.She would wear a green coat. B.She would be young and good-looking.

C.She would wear a red rose on her coat. D.one would wear plain clothes.

2.The girl did the test to see if John ___________________.

A.came to the meeting on time B.was young and handsome

C.could find her easily D.judged people on their looks

3.Which of the following words can best describe the girl?

A.Plain-looking. B.Clever. C.Outgoing. D.Selfish.


Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)


Two high school students from California could go to prison for crimes that some people might think are small and of little importance.

Prosecutors(检察官)said that Gary and Mike,both 18, had broken into their school and changed their own and others’ grades on the school computer network.

While Mike tried doing it once. Gary did it several times. Gary could get more than 38 years in prison. Mike could get three years. “These are very serious crimes,” said Prosecutor Li.


An Australian teenager could be fined(罚款) 20,000 AUS $ for having a party while his family was on holiday. “It was just a get - together with a couple of mates at first and then we thought, why not have a bit of a party,” 16- year-old Corey told reporters. “But it got a bit out of control.”

More than 500 people came to Corey’s house and police were called when neighbors complained about the noise. No one was arrested but 30 police officers, a helicopter and a dog were needed to break up the party. Police chief Christine Nixon said that Corey would have to pay for damage to neighbors’ cars and gardens. “He needs to be taught a lesson.” she said.

Corey’s mother, Jo Delaney, said: “We’re a good family. I’m just horrified that this has actually happened.”


A teenage student was bitten by her dog as she celebrated a $7m lottery win. 18-year-old Amy was shocked when she heard the news. “I was screaming so loudly with excitement that my dog, Brock, didn’t know what was happening. So he bit me!”

Amy is now on a gap year between school and university, and has been working as a part - time waitress at a hotel near her home. She said she was planning to organize a holiday in Egypt for herself, her family and friends, and to buy her first car. After that, she said she was still planning to go to university to study law. “I just plan to live like a normal student and not like a millionaire,” she told reporters.

1.Read the first line of each article and match the headlines to the articles (1-2-3)

a. Dog bites student $7m lottery winner.

b.Police fine teenager after a large party.

c. California teenagers face prison for hacking into school computers.

A.acb B.bca C.cab D.cba

2.Prosecutor Li in California thinks .

A.these crimes are small and little important B.Gary and Mike only changed their own grades

C.these crimes are very serious D.it’s a bad situation for them to be in prison

3.Corey could be fined 20,000 AUS$ because .

A.he had a party with a couple of mates

B.his party was out of control and does much damage

C.he damaged his neighbors’ cars and gardens

D.his mother felt terrible about what happened

4.Amy’s dog .

A.was shocked to hear the good news B.used to bite people and be noisy

C.was probably frightened by her behavior D.felt as excited as her owner that day

5.The three short articles all mentioned “ ”.

A.teenager B.dog C.mother D.police

6.You can probably find the material from the section of the newspaper.

A.Fun Memories B.True Life Stories

C.Amazing Detective Stories D.Frightening Accidents

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