
12.亲爱的同学,初中三年的英语学习中,《牛津初中英语》教材给我们提供了大量寓教于乐、生动活泼的阅读素材,伴随我们成长.请以"English Textbooks are Good Friends"为题写一篇短文参加学校的英语作文竞赛.
reasons for reading English textbooksto learn English
to open our minds
to make our life more colourful
things you've learned in English textbooksWonderful things in the world
Cultures around the world
your favourite famous person or place in English textbooks,and the reasons
English Textbooks are Good Friends
English textbooks play an important part in our study of English.They can not only open our minds but also make our school life colourful.We've learned many wonderful things in the world in our textbooks,which help us get a better understanding of different cultures around the world and grow into an excellent person.Some famous people we've learned affect us a lot.My favorite one is Audrey Hepburn,a great American successful actress,who devoted much of her time and money to charity.I've learned a lot from her..

分析 首先明白题目意思:英语教材是好朋友,然后根据图表信息确定内容要点:一 读英语教科书的原因,1.学习英语,2.开阔思路,3.让我们的生活更多彩.二 你从英语教材中所学的内容,世界上精彩的事情,世界各地的文化.三 在英语教材中你最喜欢的人物,地点及原因.最后确定以一般现在时和现在完成时开始写作.

解答 English textbooks play an important part in our study of English.They are good materials for us to learn English well.They can not only open our minds but also make our school life colourful.
We've learned many wonderful things in the world in our textbooks,which help us get a better understanding of different cultures around the world and grow into an excellent person.Some famous people we've learned affect us a lot.My favorite one is Audrey Hepburn,a great American successful actress,who devoted much of her time and money to charity.I've learned a lot from her.

点评 写作之前,认真审题,围绕中心,拟定提纲,语言通顺,表达准确.

10."Homestay is a form of study-abroad program.It allows the visitor to stay with a local family to better understand the local lifestyle.It also helps to improve the visitor's language ability.If you wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience,you should join this kind of holiday.(56)B".Said a teacher during a school meeting last term.
  After this meeting,(57)C.At last,I had such a chance to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates last month.We went to London,a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.
  After we got to London,we went to stay with different families.I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭)was a white couple who had a daughter about my age.(58)E.They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from then on.
  (59)F.After breakfast,a local teacher would come to take us in his car.Then we would have classes or go on a sight-seeing trip to different places of interest like Big Ben.London Bridge,and Bockingham Palace.We would go back to our own homes after the activities.
  The holiday was a valuable experience for me.I enjoyed every minute of it.(60)A.Three weeks later,we had to leave"home"for Hong Kong.
A.Yes,time really flew fast
B.I am sure you won't be disappointed
C.I always thought about this kind of holiday
D.It took me 8 hours to fly to London
E.They treated me as a daughter of their family
F.The holiday was filled with activities every day
Garden Tour & Cooking Class             909North Cumbre Road.Santa Barara,CA
Saturday,October 24,2015.9:30am-1:00pm
Cook with Suzzane  Traditionally,American Indians'dishes were made with corn,beans,potatoes and pumpkin.Takea tour around TrinityGarden,pick some of these foods and returns in the kitchen.There you  can watch Suzzane prepare delicious dishes with them.It is surely a new experience!Suzzane will make an introduction of three traditional foods and tell you what they meant to the American Indians hundreds of years ago.At the same time,you can learn how to cook with these autumn harvest(收获) vegetables.
The means includes the following:
Hot Potato Pie with Cornbread Topping
Thanksgiving Soup
Fresh Vegetable Salad
Trinity Fruit Ice-cream

★$35 per person,including printed recipes (菜谱),the four dishes above and a book by Suzzane,Children under 8 can come for free.
★Booking by email by Oct 15; Suzzane landry@alt.Net  
About Suzzane Landry:S he is the writer of Healthy Eating and Fresh Food Matters.To look for new ideas to add to her cooking,she traveled a lot,working in kitchen all over the world.This brought her the idea of"fresh food cooking".Then she set up the website below to get people's attention to healthy eating.She is excited to share her knowledge through cooking chooses,cookbooks and DVDs.Her teaching is popular with people from different countries.Learn More:Visit WWW.freshfoodcooking.com  Follow Suzz ane on FACEBOOK and TWTTER.

56.The cooking class in advertisement will be givenC.
A.In spring      
B.in summer      
C.in autumn      
D.in winter
57.In this class,you can watch Suzzane cook dishes with the foodsB.
A.brought from home    
B.picked in Trinity Garden  
C.bought from the market  
D.onbooked  from the Internet 
58.The menu offered by the cooking class including the following EXCEPTA.
A.cake      B.soup      C.Salad      D.ice-cream
59.If Mr.Green goes to the class with his parents and his 6-year-old son,be should  payC.
A.35      B.70      C.105      D.140
60.According to the advertisement,we know thatD.
A.we can book the cooking class on the phone   
B.only American Indians enjoy Suzzane's teaching   
C.Suzzane got her cooking ideas from different DVDs   
D.Suzza ne Landry wrote two books about eating and food.

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