
My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a teenager. Of course it was black and white. She said she only watch it at night. She doesn’t remember over watching it in the morning or afternoon. When I was young we had only about 3 or 4 different channels(频道). My bothers, my sisters and I would sometimes fight(打架) about which channel to watch. But we usually enjoyed the same shows. Now we can get hundreds of channels on TV. I can’t believe it! There are channels with old films, cooking, fishing and so on. It’s surprising! There is a channel for everything. I wonder how much my bothers, my sisters and I would fight if we had hundreds of channels when I was a child. Of course we had only one television set. These days I find families with 2 or 3 or more television sets in their homes. I guess it stops people from arguing(吵架) about which channel to choose from . 

(     ) 56. In those days, how many television sets did people have?

A. more than one      B. one    C. 3 or 4       D. more than 4

(     ) 57. What kind of TV channels do we have now?

A. Channels with cooking          B. Channels with old films

C. Channels with fish              D. A, B&C

(     ) 58. Now how many channels can we get on TV?

A. 3 or 4 different channels.            B. Only one channel. 

C. Hundreds of channels.              D. Less than 10 channels.

(     ) 59. When my mum was a teenager, her brothers, sisters and she usually enjoyed______.

A. different channels     B. the same shows     C. different shows   D. all the shows

(     ) 60. Which of the following in NOT true?  

A. My mum’s brothers and sisters would fight about which channel to watch when she was a child. 

B. These days, there is only one channel with old movies, cooking and fishing.

C. People have many channels to choose from now.

D. Family members will not fight for the television set.


We arrived       Mount Tai in the morning with my parents. That      a beautiful day. We      our trip at 9:00.         in my family took a bag     some food and water.      three hours, we got to the top. I was so tired that I wanted to have a rest.      the city looked wonderful from the top of the hill! Then we had our lunch at 1:00 p.m. .After a while, it      hardly, so everyone put a raincoat on. You       think we would feel sad. No. We       were excited, because we saw       wonderful waterfall in the mountain. It was so beautiful       we forgot about the last 3 hours. At 4 p.m., we came back to the foot of mountain. My father bought         tea for my grandparents. My mother bought a beautiful necklace for          . I didn’t buy anything, because       there was too expensive, and I didn’t have much money.    

1.A. in          B. at          C. on             D. to

2.A. is           B. where       C. are            D. was

3.A. went        B. bought      C. started         D. stopped

4.A. Someone     B. Anyone      C. No one        D. Everyone

5.A. in                B. on          C. with          D. carried

6.A. After         B. On          C. For          D. With

7.A. And         B. So           C. But          D. Then

8.A. rain          B. rains         C. rained        D. raining

9.A. can          B. need          C. must        D. will

10.A. both              B. each          C. too          D. all

11.A. very               B. very much     C. quite a       D. a quite

12.A. that          B. because       C. so           D. then

13.A. many             B. a few         C. some         D. few

14.A. himself          B. herself        C. she          D. her

15.A. everything       B. something     C. nothing       D. anything


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