

Meeting the English Family

  Rosa and her classmates were in a street in West London. The sky was dark. This was Rosa's big day, her first day in England.

  Rosa got out of a taxi. The driver carried a very heavy bag for her. They walked through the rain to the front door of a big Victorian house.

  A small girl opened the door. She was four years old. Her brother stood behind her. He was only two years old. One minute later, a young woman came to the door.

  “Welcome to Wembley!” she said and she offered Rosa her hand.  “These are my two children, Elisabeth and Isaac” “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Frost! said Rosa with a strong Spanish accent.

  The two children ran back into the living room.

  “Don't worry about them! They're a little shy. And please call me Diana! Now let me show you your room and then we can have a nice cup of tea. Or would you like some coffee?”

  “I'd like to try a cup of English tea, made in England.”

  “This is your bedroom. There's a nice view (视野) of the football stadium (露天体育场) and here's a little desk where you can study. The bathroom and toilet are just opposite your door. Now I'll go and put the kettle on.”

  “Excuse me. What's a kettle?”

  “In England, we use a kettle to make hot water, we can then put the hot water in a teapot or use it to make coffee.”

  Rosa was happy with her new home, but she was a little puzzled (困惑的). Perhaps her mother Maruja was right. The British were not normal people. They did not kiss when they met and they lived in large Victorian palaces. Their favourite drink was tea and they used strange metal kettles to make the water hot. What was she going to say to Elisabeth and Isaac? How could she make friends with two shy English children? Perhaps the answer was in the big, black psychology (心理学) book.

(1) It was Rosa' s big day. She and her classmates were in

[  ]

A. the west part of London
B. the middle of Spain
C. a big Victorian house
D. the living-room

(2) Rosa's hostess (女主人) was called

[  ]

A. Elisabeth Frost
B. Isaac Frost
C. Diana Frost
D. Maruja Frost

(3) What could Rosa see through the window when she was in her bedroom?

[  ]

A. A garden.
B. A football stadium.
C. A desk.
D. A bathroom.

(4) In this passage the underlined (下划线的) word “it” means

[  ]

A. a cup
B. hot water
C. a teapot
D. milk

(5) After reading the passage, we know that

[  ]

A. Rosa had some trouble in getting on well with the hostess

B. the two children didn't like Rosa

C. Mr. Frost offered Rosa much help

D. Rosa was happy with the new family, but she couldn't understand some of their customs(习俗)



Meeting the English Family

  Rosa and her classmates were in a street in West London. The sky was dark. This was Rosa's big day, her first day in England.

  Rosa got out of a taxi. The driver carried a very heavy bag for her. They walked through the rain to the front door of a big Victorian house.

  A small girl opened the door. She was four years old. Her brother stood behind her. He was only two years old. One minute later, a young woman came to the door.

  “Welcome to Wembley!” she said and she offered Rosa her hand.  “These are my two children, Elisabeth and Isaac” “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Frost! said Rosa with a strong Spanish accent.

  The two children ran back into the living room.

  “Don't worry about them! They're a little shy. And please call me Diana! Now let me show you your room and then we can have a nice cup of tea. Or would you like some coffee?”

  “I'd like to try a cup of English tea, made in England.”

  “This is your bedroom. There's a nice view (视野) of the football stadium (露天体育场) and here's a little desk where you can study. The bathroom and toilet are just opposite your door. Now I'll go and put the kettle on.”

  “Excuse me. What's a kettle?”

  “In England, we use a kettle to make hot water, we can then put the hot water in a teapot or use it to make coffee.”

  Rosa was happy with her new home, but she was a little puzzled (困惑的). Perhaps her mother Maruja was right. The British were not normal people. They did not kiss when they met and they lived in large Victorian palaces. Their favourite drink was tea and they used strange metal kettles to make the water hot. What was she going to say to Elisabeth and Isaac? How could she make friends with two shy English children? Perhaps the answer was in the big, black psychology (心理学) book.

(1) It was Rosa' s big day. She and her classmates were in

[  ]

A. the west part of London
B. the middle of Spain
C. a big Victorian house
D. the living-room

(2) Rosa's hostess (女主人) was called

[  ]

A. Elisabeth Frost
B. Isaac Frost
C. Diana Frost
D. Maruja Frost

(3) What could Rosa see through the window when she was in her bedroom?

[  ]

A. A garden.
B. A football stadium.
C. A desk.
D. A bathroom.

(4) In this passage the underlined (下划线的) word “it” means

[  ]

A. a cup
B. hot water
C. a teapot
D. milk

(5) After reading the passage, we know that

[  ]

A. Rosa had some trouble in getting on well with the hostess

B. the two children didn't like Rosa

C. Mr. Frost offered Rosa much help

D. Rosa was happy with the new family, but she couldn't understand some of their customs(习俗)

阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Daily Horoscope(占星)on May 5th

Aries:Everything is getting ready. You are in the right place at the right time. Cheer up and catch good chances.

Taurus:If something isn’t what you think, don’t worry. Wait patiently and you will have a better chance. But a mistake now will bring you trouble.

Gemini:Your experience and ability will attract others’ attention today. You’ll be asked for your opinions, and you will be able to get everything you want.

Cancer:Put on a big push and you will make some extra money. This is a great day to go for interviews or talk to someone about your ideas.

Leo : You’ll have success at work but don’t spend too much money. A short trip will bring good results.

Virgo:If you don’t know enough about something, keep away from it. Think before you take actions. Be honest, or you’ll be in trouble.

Libra : Joining a good group will make you catch a chance. Then you can get what you want.

Capricorn :Don’t believe anyone who pretends(假装) to know everything. Do everything on your own.

Aquarius:Try your best to help others and you’ll attract everyone’s attention. Friendship is the most important thing to you.

Pisces:You may meet someone who will invite you to a talk or a meeting. Be careful enough or you’ll make enemies.

1.Who has the best luck on May 5th?

A.A Gemini.

B.A Virgo.

C.A Leo.

D.A Pisces.

2.The underlined part “put on a big push” means "______ " in Chinese.





3.Who needn’t pay attention to others but depend on(取决于)himself ?

A.A Libra.

B.A Cancer.

C.An Aquarius.

D.A Capricorn.



Bill Clinton took office (就职) on January 20, 1993 and became the 42nd U.S.president(总统).He is the first U.S.president who was born after World War Ⅱ(二次世界大战).He is also one of the youngest of all U. S. presidents.

Clinton was born in a poor family in 1946.Three months before he was born, his father, William Blats, died.When he was small, his mother remarried(再婚) Norger Clinton, so the boy’s family name was changed.

In the summer of 1963, Clinton was asked to visit the city of Washington.During his visit, he met President Kennedy in the White House.At that time, he wanted to become a president, and then, he was!

1. When Clinton became the 42nd U.S.president, he was ________.


B.about forty


D.37 years old

2. Clinton’s father died ________.

A.after 1946

B.before Clinton was born

C.before World War

D.when Clinton was young

3.Why was the boy’s name changed?

A.Because he became a president.

B.Because his family was very poor.

C.Because his father was dead.

D.Because his mother remarried Norger Clinton.

4. In 1963 Clinton came to the city of Washington ________.

A.to take part in an exam

B.for his holidays

C.for a visit

D.to have a meeting with Kennedy

5. Which one of the following in NOT right?

A.Everybody can visit the president in the White House.

B.All the U.S.presidents work in the White House.

C.Clinton wanted to become a president after he saw President Kennedy.

D.The White House is in the city of Washington.




Lily: Hello! This is Lily speaking. Is that Kate?

Kate: Yes, it is. Hi! Lily!

Lily: Hi! There’s a meeting this afternoon in our classroom. Can you come, Kate?

Kate: I’m afraid I can’t. My mother isn’t feeling well today. I must help her with the housework and look after my little brother.

Lily: I’m sorry to hear that. But it doesn’t matter. I think you’d better stay at home.

Kate: Thank you. By the way, what’s the meeting about?

Lily: it’s about the basketball game. We’re going to play against(对抗)Class Three.

Kate: That’s great!

Lily: I got a letter from Uncle Wu yesterday. And a color photo, too.

Kate: Er… but who’s Uncle Wu?

Lily: A farmer on the Jinxing Farm. Don’t you remember?

Kate: Oh, yes. He was very friendly to us when we worked there last September.

Lily: it’s a very nice photo. We’re carrying rice in the photo.

Kate: Please bring it to school tomorrow morning.

Lily: OK! Bye!

Kate: Bye!

1.Kate can’t go to the meeting because ____.

A. she isn’t feeling well  B. she has a lot of homework to do 

C. her mother isn’t at home  D. her mother is ill

2.The meeting is about ____.

 A. a color photo  B. the football game  C. Uncle Wu  D. the basketball game

3.Uncle Wu is a ____.

 A. worker  B. doctor  C. farmer  D. teacher

4.Kate and Lily went to the Jinxing Farm to help with ____.

 A. picking apples  B. summer harvest  C. growing vegetables  D. autumn harvest

4.Kate and Lily went to the Jinxing Farm to help with ____.

 A. picking apples  B. summer harvest  C. growing vegetables  D. autumn harvest

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

 A. The photo is black and white.  B. Kate and Lily aren’t in Class Three. 

C. Kate’s little brother is ill     D. Uncle Wu is a bad man.


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