If you go to Hong Kong by air, you will arrive at Hong Kong International Airport. Because there was not enough land, it was built out into the sea. It is in the part of Hong Kong called Kowloon. Kowloon is one of the two big cities in Hong Kong.

The other city is Hong Kong itself. It is on an island. You can get there by ship or through a tunel (隧道) under the sea. Much of Hong Kong is farmland and mountains.

The population of Hong Kong is over six million. Chinese and English are spoken by many people. Clothes, computers, radios and TVs are made in Hong Kong. You can buy all kinds of things, such as watches and computers there.

People from all over the world travel to Hong Kong every year. You can watch dog-racing or motor-racing. Some places are quiet and beautiful. When you are hot and tired, there are small cool gardens to rest in. There are also a lot of hotels to live in. Hong Kong is also a good place for wonderful Chinese food. You can enjoy many kinds of food, for example, fish, vegetables and the famous Beijing duck. There is certainly a lot to see and to do in Hong Kong.

1.The airport was built out into the sea because _______.

A.It’s near the sea B.there was not enough land

C.planes arrive safely D.it’s good

2.Kowloon is _______.

A.the name of a farm B.the name of mountain

C.a big city in Hong Kong D.a big city under the sea speak

3.Most people in Hong Kong speak _______.

A.Chinese and Japanese B.Chinese only

C.English only D.Chinese and English

4.There are _______ travelers in Hong Kong every year.

A.many B.few C.several D.some

5.The main idea of the fourth paragraph is _______.

A.Dog-racing is interesting B.Beijing Duck Is famous

C.Chinese food is famous D.Hong Kong is a good place for travelling

I love Charles Barkley like a brother but we disagree from time to time. Here’s an example of what I mean: I disagree with what Charles says in his Nike commercial, the one in which he insist, “I am not a role model.” Charles, you can deny being a role model all you want, but we don’t choose to be role models, we are chosen. Our only choice is whether to be a good role model or a bad one.

I don’t think we can accept all the glory and the money that comes with being a famous athlete and not accept the responsibility of being a role model, of knowing that kids and even some adults are watching us and looking for us to set an example.

I love being a role model, and I try to be a positive one. That doesn’t mean I always succeed. I’m not saint (圣贤的). I make mistakes, and sometimes I do childish things.

But you don’t have to be perfect to be a good role model, and people shouldn’t expect perfection. If I were deciding whether a basketball player was a positive role model , I would want to know : Does he influence people’s lives in a positive way away from the court(球场)? How much has he given of himself, in time or in money, to help people who look up to him? Does he display the values ——like honesty and determination ——that are part of being a good person?

Kids have lots of other role models——teachers, movies stars, athletes, even other kids. As athletes , we can’t take the place of parents , but we can help reinforce(巩固)what they try to teach their kids .

Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to stand at times. I don’t think most people can imagine what it’s like to be watched that closely every minute of every day.

But the good things about being a role model outweigh the bad , It’s a great feeling to think you’re a small part of the reason that a kid decided to give school another try instead of dropping out or that a kid had the strength to walk away when someone offered him drugs . But one thing I would encourage parents to do is to remind their kids that no matter which athletes they look up to, there are no perfect human beings. That way, if the kid’s heroes should make mistakes, it won’t seem like the end of the world to them.

1.The author of this article holds the opinion that           

A.a famous athlete ought to set a good example to the public

B.a famous athlete needn’t be a role model if he doesn’t want to

C.a famous athlete can’t deny being a role model

D.it’s hard to be a role model

2.According to the author, a positive role model           

A.can win more money and fame

B.are not allowed to make mistakes

C.are the most important examples a child can follow

D.can have some positive influence on people’s follow

3.The underlined word “outweigh” in the last paragraph probable means           

A.be greater than B.be worse than

C.be less than D.be lighter than

4.Which of the following is best supported by the last paragraph ?

A.A good role model can stop children taking drugs .

B.Kids usually expect too much of their role models

C.Dropping out of schools and taking drugs are the two most serious problems American kids face .

D.Kids drop out of school or take drugs if seeing their heroes make mistakes .

5.The author of this article is probably           

A.an admirer of Charles Barkley B.a famous athlete himself

C.a sports reporter D.a famous writer

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