
So many mistakes in your homework! You ________ more careful.

  1. A.
    may be
  2. B.
    had to
  3. C.
    would be
  4. D.
    should have been
“You should have been more careful.”意为:你本来应该更细心的。

There are lots of popular writers in China, for example Han Han, FengJical, Tie Ning, Guo Jingming and so on. In my mind, Mo Yan is one of the most famous writers in China, because he is not only from Weifang but also good at writing.

Mo Yan was born in Gao Mi, Wei Fang. Now he is a 57-year-old writer. His real name is Guan Moye. Mo Yan is his pen name. It means “no speaking”. He began writing at the age of 26 and in 2011 his novel The Frog won the Mao Dun Prize in Literature. Since then, he has won lots of prizes.

In 2012, Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. I’m proud of him, because I like writing. So I joined a writing workshop to improve my level of writing and I made lots of friends there.

Who is your favourite writer? Can you tell me?

1.How many writers are mentioned in this passage?

A.5                B.6                C.4                D.7

2.Where was Mo Yan born?

A.In Jiangsu.                             B.In Zhejiang.

C.In Gao Mi.                             D.In Nobel.

3.What does “Mo Yan” mean?

A.Frog                                 B.Guan Moye

C.Mao Dun                              D.No Speaking

4.Why did the writer join a writing workshop?

A.Because he likes Mo Yan.

B.Because he likes writing.

C.Because he likes some writers.

D.Because he wants to make some friends.

5.Which one is not TRUE?

A.Gao Mi is Mo Yan’s hometown.

B.Mo Yan began writing in 1981.

C.Mo Yan won Nobel Prize in Literature in 2011.

D.Mo Yan is the writer’s favourite writer.


     Do you have problem in your life and not know how to be happy? If     1     , you will find Being
Happy Teenager written by the Australian writer Andrew Matthews     2     .
     In his book, Matthews    3     us how to live a happy life and answer the questions from   teenagers.
     There are     4      subjects such as parents and friends,and the book says we should stop    5    and
forgi e宽恕). The     6     tells as useful skills such as how to put what you have learned into
pictures of your mi do   7       your memory better.
     Many teenagers think    8      happi ess comes from a good exam result    9     praise (赞扬) from
other people. But you can     10     be happy when there are no such good things.
     Success comes from a good att~tude~f you    11    problems,you will achieve success in
the future.
     Some school students have    12     such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that
happiness comes from tH k~g about things    13     a positive way.lf you are    14    , people notice you
and you can get a better view at the movie;if you are short,your clothesand shoes take less    15     in
your bedroom! This is Matthews' most important lesson:youchoose to be happy!
(     )1. A. so        
(     )2. A. careful    
(     )3. A. asks      
(     )4. A. few        
(     )5. A. to be angry
(     )6. A. book      
(     )7. A. forget    
(     )8. A. that      
(     )9. A. yet        
(     )10. A. either    
(     )11. A. hear from  
(     )12. A. questions  
(     )13. A. at        
(     )14. A. short      
(     )15. A. money     
B. not        
B. useful    
B. says      
B. alittle    
B. being angry
B. movie      
B. change    
B. what      
B. so        
B. already    
B. learn from
B. chances    
B. on        
B. tall      
B. time  
C. do            
C. easily        
C. tells        
C. much          
C. becoming happy
C. story        
C. make          
C. which        
C. but          
C. almost        
C. come from    
C. problems      
C. by            
C. strong        
C. place 
D. such      
D. excited  
D. talks    
D. many      
D. be sad    
D. song      
D. have      
D. if        
D. or        
D. also      
D. get from  
D. challenges
D. in        
D. weak      
D. room      

     Mi Lan loves to buy clothes from Taobao. It saves time and sometimes you can find really cheap goods.

After a recent online shopping, Mi took photos of some of her most satisfying goods and put them to a lifestyle forum(论坛) on Tianya.cn. The 25-year-old hadn’t expected it would be the beginning of a nightmare.

The returning message Mi received were unacceptable. “You call this fashion? How old are you? 50?” read one message. Another accused(谴责) Mi of advertising for these clothes: “Get out of here with your ugly goods! Don’t waste people’s time!” Yet another message questioned Mi’s money situation, saying the clothes looked cheap but that even poor people should have a better fashion sense.
     “I just wanted to share my online shopping experience,” said a deeply red-faced Mi, who deleted her photos from the website the next day. “But now I’ve lost confidence in my image. None of my friends told me before that I dressed in bad taste. Why are people so unkind online?”
     Why? We used to think that people are rude online because of hiding behind anonymous(匿名) situation, we feel like we can get away with anything. But since the rise of social networking sites, we are not as anonymous as we used to be.
     Still, rudeness goes everywhere. Sina’s Weibo, for example, requires users to register(注册) with their real name, yet people do not shy away from using dirty words whenever they disagree with each other. It is worse with some famous people and so-called “public stars”, some of who might even use personal attacks(攻击). Politeness and good manners do not get you noticed on weibos, but strangest and most impolite words will.
     Scientists and researchers have tried to find out why we do wrong things when using social websites. According to a Wall Street Journal article, recent research suggests that visiting social networking sites brings down our self-control.

This is because most of us present a beautified image of ourselves on Facebook or Weibo. This good image and the encouragement we get from good words uplift our self-respect.
     But when we are too proud of ourselves, we might show poor self-control. It’s a bit like drinking: wine might make us feel good, but too much wine harms our minds and makes us lose our self-control. Many people forget that they’re speaking out loud when they communicate online, especially when posting from a smart phone.

 56. What happened to Mi Lan?

A. She got attacked on the Internet.

B. Her photos were well-received on the Internet.

C. She got her first experience in shopping on line.

D. Her advertisement on the Internet was not successful.

57. What does the word "nightmare" in paragraph 2 mean?

A. An exciting experience.

B. An unforgettable experience.

C. A bad dream or something bad.

D. A beautiful dream people have at night.

58. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Shopping on line has many benefits.

B. Mi Lan is a girl fond of sharing with others.

C. Many people often forget they’re speaking out aloud online.

D. Some people are trying to get noticed by using rudeness.

59. The writer wants to tell us that____.

A. shopping online is getting more and more popular

B. visiting social networking sites may lower our self-control

C. people are rude online because of hiding behind anonymous

D. people always use dirty words whenever they disagree with each other


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