

【1】What he said on QQ made me_________(feel) really happy.

【2】________you ________(receive) any letters from him recently?

【3】No one knows what ___________(happen) in 100 years?

【4】Would you please_______________(not make) so much noise?

【5】The children managed ____________(stop) people from polluting the environment.

【6】---Where is my daughter?

---Don’ t worry. She __________(chat) with my little son happily.

【7】---Who ______(throw)the rubbish here? ---The workers of the factories did.

【8】---Where were you when I called you last night?

---I was in the library. I ________(search) for some information on the Internet.

【9】We couldn't stop _________(laugh) when he told us the funny joke.

【10】Doing water sports_________(help) us keep healthy.



【2】Have received

【3】will happen

【4】not make

【5】to stop

【6】is chatting


【8】was searching





【1】句意:他在QQ上所说的让我真的感到开心。Make sb. do sth.使某人做某事,动词原形做宾补,故填feel.

【2】句意:你最近有收到他的来信吗?句中用现在完成时have received,且是疑问句,将have放到句首。

【3】句意:没有人会知道100年后会发生什么。In+时间段,表示将来,用一般将来时,故填will happen。

【4】句意:你可以不制造那么大的噪音吗?句型would you please do sth?你能做某事吗?其否定形式在动词前面加not,故填not make。

【5】句意:这些小孩试图阻止人们污染环境。Manage to so sth试图做某事,不定式做宾语,故填to stop.

【6】句意我的女儿在哪?不要担心,她正在和我的小儿子开心地聊天。根据语境,句子用现在进行时,故填is chatting。


【8】句意:我昨晚给你打电话的时候你在哪里?我在图书馆,我正在寻找关于网络的信息。根据语境用过去进行时,表示过去的某个时候正在做某事,故填was searching。

【9】句意:当他给我们讲有趣的笑话时,我情不自禁地笑了。短语can’t help doing sth.情不自禁做某事,故填laughing。



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