

One morning the students of Class Three, Grade One are having an English lesson. Mr. Zhang finds Li Lei doesn’t listen to him. He goes to Li Lei and has a look. Oh, Li Lei is drawing a boy.

The teacher asks Li Lei to stand up.“Do you like drawing?”

“Yes, Mr. Zhang,”answers Li Lei,“And I draw very well.”

“You can draw after class. I think,”says the teacher,“You can’t draw anything in class.”

“You are wrong, Mr. Zhang. I can draw when I have an art class. And I like it very much.”says Li Lei with a smile.

“You are right,”says the teacher.

“And you must draw one hundred boys before the class is over,”says the teacher angrily.

After five minutes, Li Lei finishes drawing and puts up his hand. The teacher looks at the picture and asks.“I ask you to draw one hundred boys. But you draw only two boys. One is standing at the door and the other one is standing in front of the window. Where are the others?”


Mr. Zhang is ____ teacher and Li Lei does well in  _______ .

A.a Chinese,lessons

B.a math, drawing

C.an art, football

D.an English, drawing

[  ]


The sentence“You can’t draw anything in class.”in paragraph 4 means _____ .

A. the boy can draw nothing

B.the boy can’t draw in art class

C.the boy can’t draw in an English class

D.the boy likes drawing after class

[  ]


Li Lei draws two boys  _______ .

A.on the paper

B.on his desk

C.on the blackboard

D.on the wall

[  ]


What do you think the teacher will do after class?

A. He will let the boy go home.

B. He will ask the boy to go to his office.

C. He will praise(表扬) Li Lei.

D. He will ask Li Lei to dinner.

[  ]


From this story we know that Li Lei is a ________ boy.

A.good B.clever C.bad D.short

[  ]
答案:1.D ;2.C ;3.A ;4.B ;5.B ;


 One cold winter morning, an old woman had to go to see her doctor. When she walked into the doctor’s office, she told him that her right leg hurt and sometimes she could not walk. She asked him what was wrong. She told him that she had never had such a feeling(感觉)before.

The doctor checked(检查)the old woman carefully, then he said, “You’re in good health for a woman of your age. I think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age catching up with you. We get all kinds of illness(疾病)as we get older. The trouble will almost certainly end in spring.”

“I don’t think so, doctor!” she said. “My left leg is well, and it’s the same age as my right one.”

1.When did this story happen(发生)?

 A. One cool autumn morning.  B. One cold spring morning. 

C. One cold winter morning.  D. One hot summer afternoon.

2.What was wrong with the old woman?

 A. She ate little food every day.  B. One of her legs hurt. 

C. Her hands were both hurt.  D. Her head hurt badly.

3.The doctor said when next spring comes, the old woman ____.

 A. will die  B. will feel better  C. should come back   D. will hurt her left leg

4.What did the doctor think of the woman?

 A. She was young enough  B. She was not ill 

C. She got all kinds of illnesses  D. She must do a lot of exercise in spring 

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

 A. The doctor and the woman were the same age.  

B. The woman’s right leg was longer than her left one.  

C. The woman’s trouble didn’t come in spring.  

D. The woman caught a train to see the doctor.


     One of the strangest jobs at the Oscars is that of a seat-filler. When one of the stars needs to go to the
bathroom, a seat-filler sits in the star's seat. That way, the TV cameras won't show any empty seats. Kathy
Muller talks about her night as a seat-filler.
     (A) I was told to reach the theater in the middle of the day, wearing my dress for the evening. There were
about 200 of us seat-fillers, all very excited. We were told what we should and shouldn't do (for example,
"Don't talk to the stars"), and then (B) 我们一直等到五点钟. That's when the stars started coming.
     The show started at six o'clock. We had to stand outside the doors. Then, when someone came put to go
to the bathroom or have a cigarette (香烟), we were told to go and sit in their seat. (C) The show was three
hours long
, and I only sat down five times. By the end, I was really tired, but I was happy because, during
the evening, I sat behind Jim Carrey (he's very tall!) and close to Denzel Washington, Nicole Kidman and
Julia Roberts. It was an exciting night, but I think (D)_______ year I'll watch the Oscars on TV at home like
everyone else!
   I was told to ________ at the theater at ________.
2. 将画线部分(B)译成英语。
3. 将画线部分(C)译成汉语。
4. 在(D)的空白处填入一个适当的词语。
5. 从短文中找出两个描写心情的形容词。

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