
One morning, as Mary was skipping(蹦跳)slowly along the long path, she heard the sound of music. She was very curious and went to find out.

A boy was sitting under a tree. He was playing music. He had blue eyes and red cheeks(脸颊). A squirrel and two rabbits were watching him and listening to the music. When he saw Mary, he said, “I’m Dickon. I know who you are. You are Miss Mary.”

He took out a package.

“Here are the garden tools. I bought some packets of seeds, too.”

“If you like,” Dickon said, “I can plant them for you. Where’s your garden?”

“Can you keep a secret?” she said.

“I keep secrets all the time,” Dickon laughed.

“I stole a garden,” Mary said quickly. “Nobody wants it. Perhaps everything is dead in it already. I don’t know.”

She began to cry.

“Where is it?” asked Dickon.

“Come with me.” she said.

She took him along the path to the wall with the ivy (常春藤)on it. Then she unlocked the door and they went in together.

“Here it is,” she said. “It’s a secret garden.”

Dickon’s blue eyes opened wide in surprise as he looked at the garden.

“It's very pretty,” he whispered. “It’s like being in a dream. In the spring there are going to be lots of birds’ nests(鸟巢)here.”

“Are the roses alive or dead? " Mary asked him.

He went up to an old tree and pointed at the branch(树枝). It was dry and grey but there was a small green bit growing on it.

“This bit’s alive,” he explained. “But there’s a lot of old wood that is dead. We must cut it off. There are going to be lots of roses here this summer.”

They went from bush to bush and from tree to tree. He was very strong and clever with his knife. He knew how to cut off the dry and dead wood.

“There's a lot of work to do here,” he said.

“Can you come again and help me?” Mary asked him. “Please, Dickon!”

“Yes, every day if you like,” he answered.

“Please, please don’t tell anyone about the secret garden, Dickon,” she said.

“Of course not,” answered Dickon. “It's our secret.”

(Adapted from The Secret Garden)

1.What did Mary mean by saying “I stole a garden”?

A.She did something against the law.

B.She believed nobody else had known her finding.

C.She was too careless to share the secret with Dickon.

D.She thought that Dickon was the owner of the garden.

2.Why did Mary begin to cry when she told Dickon the secret about the garden?

A.Because she thought of her parents.

B.Because she forgot where the garden was.

C.Because she felt worried that everything in it might be dead.

D.Because she was afraid Dickon would tell others the secret.

3.On that day, Mary and Dickon _______________.

A.cut off dry and dead wood B.planted many roses in the garden

C.built lots of birds’ nests in the trees D.sat under a tree to enjoy the music

4.What can be inferred(推断) from the story?

A.Mary would go to the garden again with Dickon.

B.Dickon would tell others the secret about the garden.

C.It was the second time for Dickon to enter the garden.

D.Mary planned to invite more friends to visit the garden


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