Last holiday my family decided to go back to the countryside in New Hampshire again, but I found it boring.

It was bad that I had to sleep in the same small bed with my brother.

However, this trip ended up being fun for me because I met a very special friend. While I was walking in the countryside, I saw a man carrying a small brown bag. The man looked like a ghost(鬼) in his white clothes. When he looked at me, I felt scared(害怕的). I wanted to run away when the man spoke to me. “Hello, beautiful day, isn't it?” he said.

The man talked a lot. I wasn't listening very carefully because I was looking at his little bag. I wanted to know what was in it!

He saw me looking at the bag and he asked me if I would like to see what was inside of it. Out came a beautiful puppy (小狗). The brown puppy was small and only about two months old.

The man then asked me, “ Would you like to keep this puppy?”

I had always wanted a puppy and now I had the chance. I thanked him, took the puppy and ran home. For the rest of that summer, I played with him all the time. And after the trip, I took him home. He is a friend to both my brother and me, a warm little ball of happiness in our lives.

I've always wanted to thank the man because he changed my life. The gift has given me years of pleasure(快乐). And I never have boring family holidays anymore.

1.The “special friend”in the third paragraph refers to (指的是)________.

A.a man B.a ghost C.a puppy D.a bag

2.Why did the writer keep looking at the man’s little bag?

A.Because the man looked nervous while carrying it. B.Because he wanted to know what was inside.

C.Because he thought there was something dangerous in it. D.Because the bag was so small.

3.What did the writer do with (处理)the puppy ?

A.He left in the countryside. B.He gave it to his brother.

C.He took it home after the holiday. D.He gave it back to the man.

通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Peter kept his eyes on the ground. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders(肩膀) on his way home. How could he __________scoring that goal(进球) ? He let all his teammates_________. His team had lost the game because of him.

As soon as he walked through the door, his father asked, "What's wrong, son?" Peter’s __________were written all over his face. “I lost the game,” Peter replied. Then he went into his room without another word. Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking(敲) on his bedroom door. He opened the door to let him in. “Look, Peter. I don’t know what happened. But whatever it was, don’t be too______on yourself.” Peter said, “I lost the game, dad. They’ll probably _______let me play again.”“Soccer is about team ________. You’re not the only reason your team lost. If you have a good team, you should____each other.

Besides, winning or losing is only half the game. The other half is learning how to communicate(交流) with your teammates and learning from your __________.” said his father. What his father said made Peter think carefully.

The next day Peter went to soccer practice with courage( 勇 气 ). “Hey, guys,” he said to his teammates. “I’m really sorry about yesterday. I think if we keep on working together as a team, we’re going to __________the next one.” To his surprise, his teammates all nodded(点头) in agreement. “Yeah,” they said, “don’t worry about it. It’s never just one person’s problem. We should think about how we can do it better next time. Peter smiled. It made him feel __________to know that he was on a winning team.

1.A.practice B.miss C.finish

2.A.down C.up

3.A.changes B.feelings C.thanks

4.A.hard B.easy

5.A.always B.never C.often

6.A.problem B.spirit with B.argue with C.disagree with

8.A.parents B.dreams C.mistakes B.lose C.fix

10.A.sad B.lucky C.crazy

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