
How does Lucy spend a week?

Monday: Practice playing volleyball   3:00-5:00p.m.

Tuesday: Go to see Tim  Children’s Hospital   8:30—10:30p.m.

Wednesday: Part-time job(兼职工作)    1:00-5:00p.m.

Thursday: Go to the station to meet her uncle Ricky   9:00a.m.

Friday: See Mr Green     10:30—11:30 a.m.

Part-time job      2:00—6:00 p.m.

Saturday: A birthday party for Lily   7:00—10:00 p.m.

Sunday: Help Frank with his Maths

61. Where does Lucy meet Tim?

    A. At Frank’s house.   B. At Lucy’s house.   C. At the station.   D. In the hospital.

62. How many hours a week does Lucy do her part-time job?

    A. Five hours.     B. Eight hours.      C. Ten hours.      D. Eleven hours.

63. Who may be ill in hospital?

    A. Lucy.          B. Lily.          C. Tim.       D. Ricky.

64. Lucy’s uncle is coming on       .

    A. Saturday.       B. Friday.        C. Thursday.     D. Wednesday.

65. What does Lucy do on Saturday evening? 

 A. Have a birthday party.            B. Study with Frank.

    C. Play volleyball.                 D. Do a part-time job.


Everyone is talking about how much money they got in their red envelopes(红包).But an even more important question than "How much did you get?" is "What are you going to do with it?" Well, one thing you could do is to put it in the bank--it's easier than you think.

In fact, some students in Hubei Province began using the Xiaogui Dangjia bank card this year.It's a bank card for kids, and it's given out by Minsheng Bank's Wuhan branch(支行).

"Now all my pocket money has a place to go," said Song Wei, who is a Junior l at the  Wuluolu Middle School in Wuhan."1 can't wait to use the card to pay my own school fees(费用)."

Wang Hong, a manager at Minsheng Bank, said, "We have talked to lots of students and have found they don't think much about what money is, where it comes from or how to use it carefully.They just spend all their money on whatever they want and then ask their parents for more," Wang Said.

 School kids today are getting more money.At one school in Shanghai.205 students got about 500,000 yuan in their red envelopes in total this year.But parents worry that the kids don't know how to take care of the money by themselves.

 Zhang Shan's mother likes the card.Zhang, a Junior 2 in Wuhan, bas been asking for a computer for a long time, but his mother hasn't bought him one."We want him to use this card to save money for the computer step by step," she said. "If we buy everything be asks for, he would think that money comes too easily, and he won't work hard for it."

Experts say that understanding personal finances(经济状况) is important and should be taught early."Those who start saving early will continue the habit when they grow up," said Wang Min, a financial expert in Wuhan, "It's better to teach kids how to fish rather than just feeding them fish."

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

2.How does Song Wei want to use the money from his red envelope?

3.Why do Zhang Shan's parents want him to save money for the computer step by step?'

4.What is the average(平均)amount of money the 205 students at the Shanghai school       received in their red envelopes this year?

5.According to the passage, what do parents think of the students' putting money in the      bank?

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a worldwide network, linking computers to computers. Each computer runs software to provide or ‘serve’ information, or to access and view information. The Internet transports the information — like a giant plumbing system.

Computers on the Internet can use:

l         electronic mail (email). This allows you to send and receive mail with other computer users.

l         the World Wide Web (WWW). Through the WWW you can view images, look at film clips, hear sound recordings and find information on many interests.

This information is stored on websites.

On the Internet, you can access information stored on other computers, or jump from one page of information to another. Each page has its own address showing its location, just like your home address.

What do you need to use the Internet?

l         A connection to an Internet Service Provider (or ISP). The most commonly used method is across a telephone line with a modem (preferably a fast one).

l         Internet software, e.g. Internet Explorer, provided by your ISP — usually called a ‘browser’.

How does email work?

First, you need an email address. It could look something like this:


     If someone sends Daniel an email, the message is received by Daniel’s ISP and waits there till the next time he connects to the Internet. When he connects (that is called logging on) his message is sent down the telephone line to his modem and onto his email program.

     How do you send email?

     It’s a bit like sending a letter. You need to know the email address of the person who’s receiving your letter.

     Type in that person’s email address in the ‘To’ box and type your message. When you’ve finished, click on ‘Send’.

     If someone has already sent you a message, you can just click on ‘Reply’ and type your message. It’s as easy as that.

     Some Internet Codes

     .com  commercial institutions

     .edu  educational institutions

.gov  government institutions

.net  networks

Country Codes

.au  Australia

.jp  Japan

.nz  New Zealand

Email addresses in the USA have no country code, because the Internet originated(起源于) there. For example, the Internet address for Expert Software (made in the USA) is www.expertsoftware.com.

93.   What does ISP stand for(代表)?

94.   WWW can help us look at film clips and find information as well, can’t it?

95.   Where is the information stored?

96.  If your friend sent you an email, what would be the quickest way to send one back?

97.  Why do email addresses in the USA have no country code?

98.  What’s your favourite website? Why?

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