
Our English teacher was like a friend to us, and we all liked her. One day she came into the classroom and shouted,“Who did this?”She held up a piece of broken glass and asked,“Who ____16____ the window?”She seldom became angry.__17__ this time she was.
I broke the window. I had done __18__ by throwing a baseball. I didn’t want to admit (承认) it __19__ I didn’t have enough money to pay for a big window like that.“My father will be __20__,”I thought. At first I didn’t __21__ my hand, but later something strong in my heart suddenly made me stand up.“I did it,”I said __22__ .How difficult it was for me to say that!
My teacher __23__ a book from one of our book shelves and then began walking __24__ my desk. I was afraid that she was going to punish(惩罚) me.
“I know you like collecting __25__ very much,”she said, looking down at my __26__ face.“Here is the book about collecting stamps that you are looking for. Now, the book is __27__ and I shall not punish you. Remember, it’s because you __28__ the truth.”
I couldn’t believe it! My teacher wasn’t punishing me. I didn’t __29__ to pay for the broken window. And I got my favourite book!
As time goes, the book is __30__,so is my wonderful teacher. But I will never forget the lesson the teacher gave me that day.
A.put onB.put upC.put outD.put away
小题9:A. towards            B. opposite                C, against            D. behind

小题1: 根据上文提到了“他举起一个打破的玻璃”,所以,肯定是问“谁打破的玻璃”。故选C。
小题1:考查短语辨析。put on意为“穿上”;put up意为“举起”;put out意为“熄灭”;put away意为“收拾”。根据句意:刚开始,我没有举起手,可是,后来我心里强烈的东西使我站了起来。故选B。
小题1:本句句意为:我的老师从我的书橱上取下一本书。take …from意为“从……取得”,故选C。
小题1:walk towards意为“走向……”。句意为:开始走向我的桌子。故选A。
小题1:由后句“Here is the book about collecting stamps that you are looking for.”可推出:我知道你非常喜欢收集邮票。故选C。
小题1:yours="your" book.句意为:现在这书是你的了。故选C。
小题1:tell the truth意为“讲实话”。故选D。
小题1:该句句意为:随着时间的推移。这本书不见了,我美好的老师也消失了。”be gone意为“消失”。故选A。
She is a beautiful red-haired girl. she has been shopping with her mom in Wal-Mart. It was raining hard outside. We all stood there under the awning (雨篷). Her voice was so sweet. “Mom, let’s run through the rain,” she said.
“What?” Mom asked.
“Let’s run through the rain!”
“No, honey. We’ll wait until it slows down a bit,” Mom replied.
The child waited about another minute and repeated, “Mom, let’s run through the rain.”
“We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said.
“No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she pulled her mom’s arm.
“This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”
“Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer(癌症), you said, we can get through anything!”
The crowd(人群) became silent. Nothing could be heard but the rain. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom thought for a moment about what she would say.
“Honey, you are right. Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we’ll just need to get a wash,” Mom said.
Then off they ran. People all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they rushed past the cars and through the puddles(水坑).
They held their shopping bags over their heads. They got wet through. But they were followed by a few who laughed like children all the way to their cars.
People can take away your money and health. But no one can ever take away your memories….So don’t forget to make time to make memories every day.
小题1:Mom told the girl’s father “we can get through anything” in order to _________.
A.show she is strongB.encourage him
C.prove her abilityD.make memories
小题2:The best title of the passage is “________________”.
A.A Mom and Her GirlB.Shopping in Wal-Mart
C.Health Is Most ImportantD.Let’s Run through the Rain
Several years ago, a television reporter was talking to three of the most important people in America.One was a very rich banker, another owned one of the largest companies in the world, and the third owned many buildings in the center of New York.
The reporter was talking to them about being important.
“How do we know if someone is really important?”the reporter asked the banker.
The banker thought for a few moments and then said,“I think anybody who is invited to the White House to meet the President of the United States is really important.”
The reporter then turned to the owner of the very large company.“Do you agree with that?”she asked.
The man shook his head,“No.I think the President invites a lot of people to the White House.You’d only be important if while you were visiting the President, there was a telephone call from the president of another country, and the President of the US said he was too busy to answer it.”
The reporter turned to the third man.“Do you think so?”
“No, I don’t,”he said.“I don’t think that makes the visitor important.That makes thePresident important.”
“Then what would make the visitor important?”the reporter and the other two men asked.
“Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House was talking to the President and the phone rang, and the President picked up the receiver, listened and then said,‘It’s for you.’”
小题1:This story happened in_________.
小题2:There are_________ in this passage.
A.two men and two womenB.three men and one woman
C.three women and one manD.four women
小题3:The banker thought________.
A.he was really important because he was a rich banker
B.the visitor to the White House to meet the President of the U.S was really important
C.the visitor who met the President of the US
D.the reporter was really important
小题4:The owner of the very large company thought_________.
A.she was really important because she owned one of the largest companies
B.the banker was really important
C.the owner of many buildings in the center of New York was really important
D.the visitor would be really important if while he was visiting the President.the President would not answer any telephone call
小题5:The owner of many buildings thought__________.
A.he was really important because he owned many buildings in the center of New York
B.the owner of the very large company was really important
C.the visitor was really important if he was talking to the President and the President received a telephone call for the visitor
D.the person who worked in the White House was really important
When he was 16, his father seriously said to him, “I’ll give you whatever you want before you are 18. But after that, I won’t care much about you, and you should give me whatever I want.” When his 18th birthday was coming, the young man began thinking about looking for a job. So he sent resumes(简历) to many companies he liked on the Internet. But, most got no reply, he said, “Maybe they were surprised about my primary school education.”
By chance, one of his friends was looking for someone, who could work as an egg porter(搬运工) in the supermarket, for 0.5 Yuan a box. Facing lots of difficulties in getting a job, he said, “I’ll take this job. At least I can make some money for my petrol(汽油).” Then every day, he drove his car, his 18th birthday gift, to work in the supermarket. He did that for three months.
Later, he heard that a newspaper was looking for a network technician(网络技术员), so he asked for it. But they were also worried about his school education. He practiced his skill right in front of the computer, and showed the managers web pages he had designed. He started to work the next day, and became the director of network department in less than a year.
And now, the 23-year-old man is a boss. In January 2005, he started a magazine for children, with himself as the editor in chief(主编). And the only writer was his father.
小题1:It was difficult for the young man to get a job because _______.
A.he was only 18 years old
B.his father cared too much about him.
C.he had an expensive car
D.he didn’t have enough school education
小题2:What did the 18th birthday mean to the young man?
A.He could get a car as a gift.
B.He had to make a living all by himself.
C.He had to leave his parents.
D.He had to work in a supermarket.
小题3:The young man’s father might be_______.
A.a well-know and rich writerB.a computer programmer
C.a very old and kind manD.a manager of a big company
小题4:The magazine the young man started was perhaps______.
A.about network techniciansB.about working for newspapers
C.made of many funny storiesD.sold only in supermarkets
Which part is the most important?

My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is. When I was 31  .1 thought music and talking were the most important things, so I said: “My 32 Mommy.”
She said; "No. many people are deaf and can’t hear anything but they live normal lives. But you 33  thinking about my questions and I will ask you again soon. "
Several years passed before she asked me again. This time I told her:“Mommy.  34 is very important to   35  , so it must be our eyes. "
She looked at me and told me: "You are learning fast, but your  36  is not right because there are many people who are blind and who arc happy and healthy all the same.”
Then, last year, my grandpa   37 .
Everybody was crying. My mom asked me: “Do you know the most important body
pan now, my dear? The most important body part is your  38 .”
“Is it because it holds up (支撑)my head?”I asked.
"No, it is because it can hold a head of a friend or a loved one when they 3."
she answered. “ Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life. I only hope that you have enough love and friends in your life. So, you will  40 have a shoulder to cry on when you need it."
小题1:A. older           B. younger              C. cleverer
小题2:A. ears                B. eyes                 C. mouth
小题3:A. stop                B. begin                    C. keep
小题4:A. mind                B. heart                    C. sight
小题5:A. everybody           B. somebody         C. nobody
小题6:A. question            B. problem              C. answer
小题7:A. came                B. died                 C. arrived
小题8:A. shoulder            B. foot                 C. hand
小题9:A. laugh               B. dance                    C. cry
小题10:A. never               B. always               C. seldom
Nick Petrella is a doctor in Montreal. He works 60 hours a week. He takes care of more than100 patients a week in the hospital and at his office. He’s been a doctor for ten years.
Dr. Petrella offers lots of help to his patients. But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do.
He also sings to them on television! Dr. Petrella has his own TV show. The show is in Italian, English and French. The doctor starts the show with a song and then he explains a medical problem or disease in simple language. After that, he sings another song.
Dr. Petrella makes and performs in his own show every week. The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing. His dream is to perform in Las Vegas.
His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a CD of love songs that he wrote. Dr. Petrella says, “I always love to sing. All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr. Petrella was young,
his father didn’t want him to be a singer. So he went to a medical school.
Some people tell Dr. Petrella he can help people more as a doctor. But Dr. Petrella says he helps people when he sings, too. “1 like to make people smile. Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile. Medicine and entertainment both try to do the same thing. They try to make people feel good .
Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage.
小题1: In his TV show, Dr. Petrella _________ .
A. sings love songs he wrote         
B. sings about different diseases
C. sings and explains a medical problem
小题2:           isn’t used in his TV show.
A. Russian  B. English  C. Italian
小题3:Dr. Petrella performs in his show 10_________.
A. become famous    B. make people feel good    C- achieve his dream
小题4:   From the article, we can know Dr. Petrella is _____________.
A. talented and proud   B, creative but lazy    C. kind and helpful
小题5:   What’s the best title (标题)of the article?
A. Medicine and Entertainment  B. His Dream Came True   C. A Singing Doctor
A man got a new car and he was very proud  26  it. One day, when he  27  back home, he saw his three-year-old son  28  hitting the new car with a toy hammer. The man was  29  angry that he ran to his son, grabbed the hammer from  30 , and used the hammer to hit the little boy’s hands too hard. The  31  boy cried out but his father didn’t care.
  When the father  32 , he took his son to the  33  as fast as he could. Although the doctor tried his best to save the  34  bones(骨头), he had to cut the fingers from both of the boy’s hands in the end.
  When the boy  35  in the hospital and saw his hands, he innocently(天真) said, “Dady, I’m sorry about your car.” Then he asked, “but  36  are my fingers going to grow back?” The father  37  very sad.
  Think about the story when  38  steps on your feet or when you wish to take revenge(报复). Think first before you lose your patience with someone. Cars can  39 , but broken bones and hurt feelings often can’t.
  People often make mistakes. But we should remember that forgiveness is greater than revenge.  40  before act!
A.to    B.ofC.inD.from
A.comes B.came   C.has come D.is
A.happy  B.unhappy  C.happily   D.luckily
A.too   B.veryC.so    D.such
A.it    B.her    C.heD.him
A.poor   B.lucky   C.bad    D.small
A.came out B.came down C.calmed downD.calmed out
A.school  B.hospital   C.shopD.home
A.stood up B.got upC.woke up  D.put up
A.how   B.whereC.why   D.when
A.felt    B.fell     C.sounded  D.looks
A.anyone  B.everyoneC.no oneD.someone
A.repair   B.repaired   C.be repaired D.be repairing
A.To think B.ThinkingC.Think   D.Be thought
Three small "fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to   61   each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and   62   to swim deeper and further.
One morning, the three fish were  63   to a shallow (浅) water by a big wave (浪). A small boat was taken there, too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was fight in front of them. The largest fish realised that they were   64   , and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish   65   with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much   66   for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around   67
At last, the largest fish returned to the   68   by jumping over the lowestpart of t-he boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in   69   his eider brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didn’t follow them and still swam joyfully.
Two hours later, when the   70   rose up, the water in the small shallow corner dried up. The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺乏)of water.
A.listen toB.look afterC.talk withD.worry about
A.in safetyB.in doubt C.in dangerD.in peace

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