Colors are very important in our life.We can see different colors in different places.Sometimes colors are called warm,cold or neutral(中性的)colors.Red and yellow are warm colors because they make us feel warmer.They also make the walls seem nearer to us than they really are.Blue and black are cold colors.They can give us different feelings.We feel cooler and the walls seem to be farther away.Neutral colors don't affect our feelings.Brown and gray are both neutral,but they may also affect our feelings when we put them into warm or cold colors.

It's important to choose the colors we want.Red may be very good for a restaurant,but it could be wrong for an art gallery,because people want to see the pictures,not the walls behind.White can make a small room look bigger.If your room is very small,you can paint the walls white.

Sometimes the same color expresses different feelings.For example,people wear white clothes when their relatives die in the countryside in China.But in many places the couple wear white clothes on the wedding days.

1.What color is a kind of cold color?

A.Gray. B.Yellow.

C.Black. D.Brown.

2.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Yellow can make the walls seem to be farther away.

B.Red can make you feel warm.

C.Brown doesn't affect our feelings even when we put it into warm color.

D.Black can make the walls seem nearer.

3.Mr Zhang has a big room and he lives alone.He always feels lonely.He'd better ________.

A.paint his room white B.paint his room blue

C.paint his room black D.paint his room yellow

4.The people in the countryside of China may wear ________ when their relatives die. clothes clothes

C.white clothes clothes

5.What's the best title of this passage?

A.Colors and Feelings

B.The Same Color,Different Feelings

C.Warm and Cold Colors

D.Different Colors

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