Everyone loves going on holiday to foreign countries. Here is something you can do to make sure you enjoy your holiday.

Get ready for it

Did you take your passport (护照)? Every year, thousands of people can’t take their planes because they leave their passports at home, they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport.

Search for some information

How much do you know about the place you are going to visit? Learning some traditions of a country will help you know the people well. Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends.

Help the local (当地的) people

You can help local people a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means your money will go to local people, but not a large foreign company.

Always remember your holiday

You always want to remember your holiday. Write down something about your holiday to remember all the good time you had and also the new friends you made on holiday. Do you want to send them pictures or presents? Remember to do it!

1.Many people can’t take their planes because they have their _______ at home.

A.passports B.pictures C.wallets D.presents

2.You need to write down something about your holiday because it can help you to _______.

A.get ready for your holiday B.send your friends some presents

C.know the local people well D.remember the good time and friends

3.Where can you read a passage like this? ________

A.In a story book. B.In a guidebook.

C.In a sports newspaper. D.In a clothes magazine.

There was once a wise old lady who lived on a hill. All the children used to go and ask her questions. She always gave them _____ answers.

There was a little boy among the children. One day he caught a little bird and held it in his hands without anybody seeing it. Suddenly he had an idea and asked his friends to ______.

“Let’s play a trick on the old lady,” he said, “I’ll ask her what I’m holding in my hands. ______, she’ll answer that I have a bird. Then I’ll ask her if the bird is alive or dead. If she says the bird is dead, then I’ll ______ my hands and let the bird fly away. If she says the bird is alive, I’ll quickly ______ it and show her the dead bird. ______ way, she’ll be wrong.”

The children agreed this was a clever plan. So ______ the hill they all went to the lady’s house.

“Granny, we have a ______ for you,” they all shouted.

“What’s in my hands?” the little boy asked.

“Why, of course it must be a bird.” the old lady replied.

“But is it alive or dead?” the boy asked ______.

All the boys ______ her answer and got ready to laugh at her.

The old lady thought for a moment and then replied, “It’s up to you, my child. If you’re kind enough, it’ll be alive.”

1.A.right B.funny C.possible

2.A.play with it B.go with him C.go back home

3.A.Probably B.Of course C.Successfully

4.A.close B.raise C.open

5.A.kill B.save C.fly

6.A.Each B.Both C.All

7.A.across B.down C.up

8.A.present B.bird C.question

9.A.quietly B.excitedly C.worriedly

10.A.waited for B.listened to C.thought of

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