

In Latin countries ,there is a special(特殊的) birthday called“Los Quinceanos". It means the fifteenth birthday. The birthday is for girls.

There are special clothes for Los Quinceanos. The girl wears a big long pink dress. She wears a beautiful crown(花冠). Her shoes are the same color as her dress.

The family has to get everything ready(准备好的). They have to buy the cake, food and drink ,find a place for the party ,make invitations(邀请函),buy a birthday ring. The place must be good and big. Before they go to the party, they have to go to the church(教堂) to bless(保佑) the birthday girl.

One of the most interesting parts is getting 14 girls and 14 boys for the dancing part at the party. They have to practice(练习) for some weeks so they can be ready for the big show. The 14 pairs with the birthday girl that means there are 15 pairs. The girl can ask her father to dance with her. When the party begins, the 14 pairs come out one by one. Then they wait for the girl to get in to start the dance. In the end, everybody can dance and have a good time at the party.

After the guests go away, the girl can open her gifts and begin living with the beautiful memory of her birthday.

A special birthday— Los Quinceanos

The meaning

A birthday for a fifteen-year- old girl.

The clothes to wear

A crown,a big long pink dress and1..

2.to do before the party ·

· Buy the cake, food, drink.

· Find3.for the party.

· Make invitations.

· Buy a birthday ring.

The dancing people

at the party

·The4.of dancing girls and boys is twenty-eight.

·The birthday girl can choose her father to dance with her.

·Everybody can dance and have fun at the party.

5. to open the gifts

After the guests go away.


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