Joe was a 75-year-old man. He lived very happily with his happy family. His children grew up and moved to different cities. He lived in a small village. Joe had 4 grandchildren and they used to visit him during their holidays.

It was the vacation time and Joe was waiting for his grandchildren to arrive. He was buying the favorite foods and cleaning the home for the kids. However, he lost his favorite watch when he was busy. His dead wife gave it to him when their first child was born.

The next day, he was very sad and said, “Dear children, I lost the most important watch I have ever had. Your grandma gave it to me. I feel like I'm missing my heart.”

The children looked for the watch everywhere in the home for more than 2 hours, but could not find it. Joe asked the children to stop looking for it as they could not find anything.

One grandson sat there quietly. The other children reached him and asked him what he was doing. He asked them not to make noise. He sat there for about 15 minutes and then ran to his grandfather. He got the watch and happily gave it to Joe.

Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied, “I sat there without making a noise. After a few minutes, I heard the sound of the watch.”

1.When did Joe's grandchildren come to see him?

A.On vacations. B.During Christmas.

C.After long work. D.Before New Year.

2.How long did the children look for the watch?

A.For less than two hours.

B.For at most two hours.

C.For not more than two hours.

D.For over two hours.

3.How did one of the children find the watch?

A.By smelling the watch.

B.By pouring water.

C.By seeing the light of the watch.

D.By listening to the sound of the watch.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.The Great Family

B.The Friendly Children

C.The Use of Being Quiet

D.The Quiet Child

McDull is a talking piglet(小猪). He isn’t smart or good-looking. But he has a heart of gold(金子). McDull lives with his mother Mrs Mak in Hong Kong. Before his birth, his father left them. Mrs Mak had to raise McDull by herself.

They are not rich, but Mrs Mak tries her best to make a good life for McDull. However, when McDull grows up, he becomes a detective(侦探) and leaves home. The mother and the son are not as close as before. Can they go back together and be close mother and son again?

You may find the answer by watching the movie McDull · Me & My Mum. The movie is the fifth in the McDull series. As the first appearance(出现) of McDull film, McDull became a popular cartoon character(角色) because of his spirit(精神) of never giving up. The funny piglet has many dreams but fails every time he tries. He is down, but he keeps trying and works hard for other dreams.

Mrs Mak doesn’t appear very often in the first four McDull movies. But in McDull · Me & My Mum, she is a main character. The film is about mother’s love.

1.McDull must be a ________ piglet.

A.wild C.good-looking D.brave

2.McDull grew up ________.

A.with his father B.with his parents C.with his mother D.alone

3.Why does McDull leave his mother?

A.Because he becomes a detective. B.Because he finds his mother a detective.

C.Because he finds his mother not kind to him. D.Because his mother doesn’t like his dreams.

4.The underlined “ giving up” means ________.

A.having dreams B.stopping trying C.feeling sad D.making wishes

5.Which is TRUE about the latest McDull film?

A.It is the fourth in the McDull series. B.McDull’s mother seldom appears in the film.

C.It is a film about a son’s love for mother. D.It tells us a story between a mother and her son.

Flying is a fast way to travel. But it is a big headache for some people. They can’t help worrying about things like “Is it dangerous if we don’t change our mobile phones to airplane mode(飞行模式)? ”Here are some interesting facts about flying.

Why are plane windows round?

It’s for safety. As the airplane flies higher and higher, the atmospheric pressure(气压)outside gets lower and lower. During the flight, the pressure inside the plane becomes greater than the pressure outside.

When this happens, square windows can break. That’s because having different pressures inside and outside puts stress on the corners of square windows. But rounded corners can spread the pressure more evenly(均匀地)across the window’s surface(表面),making it less likely to break.

What happens when a phone isn’t in airplane mode?

Some passengers believe mobile phones and tablets need to be turned off because they can bring the plane down. However, this is not true.

If you don’t change your phone to airplane mode, plots and air traffic controllers may hear unpleasant sounds in their headphones. This makes it harder for them to communicate. So it’s still best to put your devices(设备) in airplane mode.

Facts about flying

Round windows

It’s for 1. .

As the airplane flies higher ,the pressure2.the plane is greater than the pressure3. When this happens, square windows can 4.while round windows spread the pressure more evenly5.the window’s surface.

Phones in airplane mode

Some people believe that their plane will crash if they don’t 6.their devices off. It’s not7..

Keep your phone on while flying will make unpleasant 8. in pilots’ and air traffic controllers’ 9..This makes it harder for them to10. .

In 2019, China has passed lots of policies in many fields, bringing great changes to people’s lives. Here are some of them.

①Rubbish sorting rules

How to correctly sort and throw rubbish into dustbins has become a hot topic of discussion. Thanks to the rubbish sorting rules that went into effect, we can recycle some of the rubbish and protect the environment in a way.

In 2019, 237 cities have started rubbish classification according to a national policy. Shanghai became the first city to start its strict rubbish classification rules on July 1st.

②Nighttim e economy (夜间经济)

The nighttime economy was mentioned in August.It refers to business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service industry.They include opening 24-hour convenience stores, extending (延长) the service hours of buses,encouraging cinemas and theaters to offer tickets at lower prices and supporting bookstores, cultural centers and museums in opening to the public at night.

Many Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai,have made plans, set up special zones and extended the operation of public transport to support nighttime markets.

③Throwing things from high buildings becomes illegal (非法的)

It’s no longer only immoral when people throw things out of windows from high buildings. In 2019, it has become an illegal behavior that could face punishment. Those who throw objects on purpose from a high place shall be punished for endangering public safety.

1.What can we know from the first policy mentioned above?

A.Now all the cities have started their rubbish sorting rules.

B.It’s not good for the environment to sort the rubbish.

C.Shanghai didn’t start rubbish sorting rules until July 1st.

D.Few people talk about rubbish sorting at the moment.

2.What have many cities done to support nighttime economy?

a. made plans to support it.

b. set up special places for it.

c. extended the operation of public transport.

d. made special laws (法律) for it.

A.abd C.bcd D.acd

3.The underlined word “immoral”means “________”in Chinese.

A.不粗鲁的 B.不道德的 C.传统的 D.鼓舞人心的

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Rubbish sorting in China.

B.Some policies that change people’s lives.

C.Throwing objects from high places will be punished.

D.Efforts have been made to support nighttime economy.

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